Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., ООО.
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МВт: 366.4998
Синонимы:НСИ-189;[2-[(3-Methylbutyl)амино-]-3-пиридинил][4-(phenylmethyl)-1-пиперазинил]methanone;[2-[(3-Methylbutyl)амино-]-3-пиридинил][4-(phenylmethyl)-1-пиперазинил]methanone NSI189;НСИ-189 [2-[(3-Methylbutyl)амино-]-3-пиридинил][4-(phenylmethyl)-1-пиперазинил]methanone;НСИ-189, >=98%;(4-benzylpiperazin-1-yl)-[2-(3-methylbutylamino)пиридин-3-ил];(4-benzylpiperazin-1-yl)-[2-(3-methylbutylamino)пиридин-3-ил],НСИ-189

  • Характеристики

Factory Price Pharmaceutical Intermediate Raw Material Powder NSI-189 CAS 1270138-40-3 Для антидепрессанта




МВт: 366.4998


Синонимы:НСИ-189;[2-[(3-Methylbutyl)амино-]-3-пиридинил][4-(phenylmethyl)-1-пиперазинил]methanone;[2-[(3-Methylbutyl)амино-]-3-пиридинил][4-(phenylmethyl)-1-пиперазинил]methanone NSI189;НСИ-189 [2-[(3-Methylbutyl)амино-]-3-пиридинил][4-(phenylmethyl)-1-пиперазинил]methanone;НСИ-189, >=98%;(4-benzylpiperazin-1-yl)-[2-(3-methylbutylamino)пиридин-3-ил];(4-benzylpiperazin-1-yl)-[2-(3-methylbutylamino)пиридин-3-ил],НСИ-189


NSI-189 is a benzylphiperizine-aminiopyridine, nootropic and neurogenic research chemical created by Neuralstem, Inc. that was derived from pyrazine and nicotinamide. Studies have shown that it stimulates neurogenesis of human hippocampus-derived neural stem cells in vivo and vitro .

In healthy adult mice, NSI-189 has been shown to increase the hippocampal volume by 20% and reverse behavioral symptoms in mouse depression models, meaning at the source it could address depression . The hippocampus is responsible for spatial navigation, along with the consolidation of information from short-term memory to long-term memory.

The chemical entity stimulates new neuron growth in the hippocampus, which is an area of the brain that is believed to be contributory in conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (посттравматическое стрессовое расстройство), Alzheimer’s disease, and major depressive disorder (МДД).

Method of Action

Although it has been demonstrated in rats and chimps, the suggestion that having too small of a hippocampus causes depression and other diseases in humans is still technically just a theory. NSI-189 increases hippocampal volume in adult mice by 20%, a region of the brain that is one of the first to suffer damage resulting in memory loss, disorientation, энцефалит, and hypoxia from disease’s such as Alzheimer’s .


Tests have shown that NSI-189 significantly improved behavioral responses that are associated with depression . In humans it may counter hippocampal atrophy which is seen in disorders such as MDD, reversing their symptoms. A phase 1B randomized, Ожидается, что LGD-4033 обеспечит терапевтические преимущества тестостерона с повышенной безопасностью., placebo-controlled, multiple-dose escalation study conducted over a 28 day period showed behavioral efficacy in 24 patients who were orally administered NSI-189 .

The efficacy measurements showed a clinically meaningful reduction in cognitive and depressive symptoms across all measures, and appeared to persist over time during follow up for the efficacy assessments which included the Clinical Global ImpressionImprovement (CGI-I), Montgomery-Aserb Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), Cognitive and Physical Functioning Questionnaire (CPFQ, and the Symptoms of Depression Questionnaire (SDQ) .

How NSI-189 works

This drug was developed to address three important aspects of depression including hippocampal volume, нейрогенез и нейротрансмиссия. NSI-189 увеличивает объем гиппокампа.. При этом, объем гиппокампа и плотность здоровых клеток мозга увеличиваются, тем самым улучшая модификацию и когнитивные функции.. Помимо увеличения объема гиппокампа, препарат также улучшает функциональность нейронных клеток. Он способствует здоровому росту нейрональных клеток и восстанавливает поврежденные участки мозга..

Dosage and Suggestion

Studies conducted to evaluate effects of NSI-189 revealed that 40 к 80 мг в день эффективен при лечении депрессии и когнитивных симптомов у здоровых пациентов.. В этих испытаниях, серьезных нежелательных явлений не зарегистрировано. В целом, NSI-189 is well tolerated and safe for human use.

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1.Гарантия качества
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