Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., ООО.
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Strong Effect Analgesic & Antipyretic 4-Acetamidophenol (Парацетамол) эксадрон

Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)
Номер модели : КЕЙС: 103-90-2
Сертификация : GMP, SGS , ISO 9001:2008 , КОШЕРНЫЙ
Место происхождения : Китай
MOQ : 100г
Цена : Договорная ( Скидки на большой заказ )
Условия оплаты : Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram, Банковский перевод, Биткойн
Возможность поставки : 3000 Кг / месяц
Срок поставки : В пределах 7 Рабочие дни
Детали упаковки : Скрытная и незаметная упаковка
наименование товара : 4-Ацетамидофенол
Другое имя : Парацетамол
MF : C8H9NO2
МВт : 151.16
EINECS : 203-157-5
Депутат : 168-172 ° C
ФП : 11 ° C
Плотность : 1.293 г / см3
Растворимость воды : 14 г/л (20° C)
Появление : white crystalline solid
  • Характеристики

Strong Effect Analgesic & Antipyretic 4-Acetamidophenol (Парацетамол) эксадрон


Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., ООО, комплексное фармацевтическое предприятие, которая специализируется на биофармацевтических технологиях более 7 годы. Компания расположена в городе Чжуншань., Провинция Гуандонг , Китай.
Наша фабрика занимает площадь 33500 квадратные метры, с чистой окружающей средой и красивой планировкой. Есть несколько крупных или средних мастерских, а также центр обеспечения качества и исследовательский центр с современным оборудованием.. В настоящий момент, наша основная продукция - серия анаболических стероидов, Пептидный ряд, Серия местных анестетиков. Наши продукты соответствуют передовым стандартам внутреннего рынка., многие из которых соответствуют международным стандартам, сертификаты содержат: КОШЕРНЫЙ , ISO 9001:2008 , GMP , SGS.


This product is acetanilide antipyretic analgesics. By inhibiting ring oxidase and

selectivity in the hypothalamus of the temperature regulating center, the synthesis of prostaglandins in peripheral vascular expansion, sweating and antipyretic effect, strength of its antipyretic effect similar to aspirin. Paracetamol is a widely used over-the-counter analgesic (pain reliever) and antipyretic (fever reducer). Acetaminophen is the name adopted for this pharmacologic agent in the U. S.(Эстрадиола 17-гептаноат) and Japan; Paracetamol is approved in a variety of international venues. Paracetamol is classified as a mild analgesic. It is commonly used for the relief of headaches and other minor aches and pains and is a major ingredient in numerous cold and flu remedies. In combination with opioid analgesics, paracetamol can also be used in the management of more severe pain such as post-surgical pain and providing palliative care in advanced cancer patients. Though paracetamol is used to treat inflammatory pain, it is not generally classified as an NSAID because it exhibits only weak anti-inflammatory activity.


Paracetamol is approved for reducing fever in people of all ages.Paracetamol is used for the relief of pains associated with many parts of the body. It has analgesic properties comparable to those of aspirin, while its antiinflammatory effects are weaker. It is better tolerated than aspirin in patients in whom excessive gastric acid secretion or prolongation of bleeding time may be a concern.Paracetamol powder nutritional supplemen Mainly used for amino acid infusion,due to special wettability, also used in cold cream,osmetics. Serine constitute the human body of several kinds of essential amino acid of protein a, for the construction of protein has a very important role.

Research Result:

Since their synthesis in the late 1800s paracetamol (ацетаминофен) and phenacetin have followed divergent pathways with regard to their popularity as mild analgesic/antipyretic drugs. Initially, paracetamol was discarded in favour of phenacetin because the latter drug was supposedly less toxic. Today the opposite is true, and paracetamol, along with aspirin, has become one of the two most popular ‘over-the-counternon-narcotic analgesic agents. This marked increase in the wide approval attained by paracetamol has been accompanied by the virtual commercial demise of phenacetin because of its role, albeit somewhat circumstantial, in causing analgesic nephropathy. Both paracetamol and phenacetin are effective mild analgesics, suitable for treating mild to moderate pain, and their actions are broadly comparable with those of aspirin and related salicylates, although they do not appear to possess significant anti- inflammatory activity. Since a major portion of a dose of phenacetin is rapidly metabolised to paracetamol, it seems possible that phenacetin owes some of its therapeutic activity to its main metabolite, paracetamol, whereas its most troublesome side effect (methaemoglobinaemia) is due to another metabolite, p-phenetidine. The mechanism of action of paracetamol is poorly defined, although it has been speculated that it may selectively inhibit prostaglandin production in the central nervous system, which would account for its analgesic/antipyretic properties. The lack of any significant influence on peripheral cyclooxygenase would explain the absence of anti- inflammatory activity. At therapeutic doses paracetamol is well tolerated and produces fewer side effects than aspirin. The most frequently reported adverse effect associated with paracetamol is hepatotoxicity, which occurs after acute overdosage (usually doses greater than 10 to 15g are needed) а также, very rarely, during long term treatment with doses at the higher levels of the therapeutic range. Paracetamol damages the liver through the formation of a highly reactive metabolite which is normally inactivated by conjugation with glutathione. Overdoses of paracetamol exhaust glutathione stores, thus allowing the accumulation of this toxic metabolite which covalently binds with vital cell elements and can result in liver necrosis. Glutathione precursors (notably intravenous N-acetylcysteine) have proved remarkably successful in treating paracetamol overdose, as long as treatment is initiated within 10 часы.

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