Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., ООО.
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    Номер модели : 171599-83-0
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    Место происхождения : Legit Steroids China
    MOQ : 100г ( It can be lowered to 10g for sample order)
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    • Характеристики

    Sildenafil Powder Raw Steroid Powders Generic Viagra Male Enhancement Supplement

    Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., ООО. это крупное высокотехнологичное химическое предприятие, специализирующееся на производстве тонкой химии., фармацевтическое сырье и промежуточные продукты. Завод компании прошел сертификацию системы качества ISO9001 и международную кошерную сертификацию. Как лидер в области производства стероидного порошкового сырья, жидкости для инъекций и перорального применения, готовые продукты и пептиды на долгие годы, HongKong Blue Universal Co., Limited. Is aim to occupy major market share of USA, Канада, Великобритания, Бразилия, Нидерланды, Ирландия, Новая Зеландия, Austria, Австралия, German and worldwide. Качество наша жизнь! Вся продукция производится в асептической лаборатории в соответствии со стандартом GMP.. Approved the ISO 9001: 2008 и ИСО14001: 2004. Кроме, у нас есть полный Q. А. & Вопрос. InChI=1/C25H36O3/c1-3-4-5-6-7-24. Система. У нас есть авторизованные наборы инструментов для анализа, например, ВЭЖХ, ГХ и УФ-спектрофотометр для анализа и контроля продуктов.
    Вершина, стабильное и надежное качество гарантировано! With so many years’customize discreet packing experience, мы четко знаем, как упаковать вашу посылку и какую экспресс-доставку следует рекомендовать в зависимости от того, что вы заказали и где вы находитесь. Different package and different forwarders will be changing requently, No risk is allowed in any step, вам обещают получить все посылки 100%! Кроме того, since we are based in Hongkong, зона свободной торговли, мы получили большое преимущество в короткие сроки доставки и безопасный перевод денег. Warmly welcome all kinds of cooperation all over the world. We are ready to offer the best quality and services to all of you!


    Силденафил, sold as Viagra and other trade names, is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension. Its use for sexual dysfunction in women is not clear.

    Common side effects include headaches and heart burn, as well as flushed skin. Caution is advised in those who have cardiovascular disease. Rare but serious side effects include prolonged erections, which can lead to damage to the penis, and sudden-onset hearing loss. Sildenafil should not be taken by people who take nitrates such as nitroglycerin, as this may result in a severe and potentially fatal drop in blood pressure.

    It acts by inhibiting cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5), an enzyme that promotes degradation of cGMP, which regulates blood flow in the penis.

    It was originally discovered by Pfizer scientists Andrew Bell, David Brown, and Nicholas Terrett.[2][3] Since becoming available in 1998, sildenafil has been a common treatment for erectile dysfunction; its primary competitors are tadalafil (Сиалис) и варденафил (Левитра).

    The primary indication of sildenafil is treatment of erectile dysfunction (inability to sustain a satisfactory erection to complete intercourse). Its use is now standard treatment for erectile dysfunction including for those with diabetes mellitus.

    Pulmonary hypertension

    As well as erectile dysfunction, sildenafil citrate is also effective in the rare disease pulmonary arterial hypertension. It relaxes the arterial wall, leading to decreased pulmonary arterial resistance and pressure. Этот, in turn, reduces the workload of the right ventricle of the heart and improves symptoms of right-sided heart failure. Because PDE5 is primarily distributed within the arterial wall smooth muscle of the lungs and penis, sildenafil acts selectively in both these areas without inducing vasodilation in other areas of the body. Pfizer submitted an additional registration for sildenafil to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and sildenafil was approved for this indication in June 2005. The preparation is named Revatio, to avoid confusion with Viagra, and the 20-mg tablets are white and round. Sildenafil joins bosentan and prostacyclin-based therapies for this condition.


    силденафила цитрат 100 mg starting dose in men with erectile dysfunction in an international, Ожидается, что LGD-4033 обеспечит терапевтические преимущества тестостерона с повышенной безопасностью., placebo-controlled study: effect on the sexual experience and reducing feelings of anxiety about the next intercourse attempt.

    Viagra treats erectile dys function and works by relaxing muscles and increases blood flow to particular areas of the body (in this case, the penis, конкретно). Its effects last up to four hours. The most common side effects of Viagra are headache, facial flushing, and upset stomach. Rarely, blurred vision, or sensitivity to light may briefly occur.

    As well as treating impotence, Sildenafil Citrate can also be effective in treating Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (ПАУ). Similarly to how it acts to relax muscles of the penis, it relaxes arterial walls; поэтому, reducing resistance and pressure in the arteries.

    Силденафил цитрат активен исключительно в расслаблении мышц и увеличении притока крови к сердцу., легкие и половой член из-за ФДЭ-5, однако в других частях тела вазодилатация не увеличивается..

    Technical Data: In studies where Viagra was administered to over 3700 patients, 19-87 years old in world wide clinical trials. More than 550 patients received treatment post 1 год. 2.5% of the Viagra subjects and 2.3% of the placebo subjects reported adverse effects, which were all considered mild. These reported side effects included abnormal or blurred vision and increased sensitivity to light.

    All other negative reactions reported, including URI, flu symptoms, back pain and arthralgia, occurred at a rate of less than 2% and equally common in the placebo and Viagra administered groups. Effects worsened and were reported more frequently as dosages increased.

    Other studies measured duration of sexually stimulated erection using a Rigiscan device. Duration of rigidity was increased by 60% with Viagra use.

    силденафила цитрат 50 мг — рекомендуемая начальная доза для мужчин с эректильной дисфункцией. (ЭД); тем не мение, большинству мужчин позже титруют силденафилом. 100 мг для повышения эффективности.

    How does Sildenafil Citrate work?
    This medication is known as a phosphodiesterase (PDE5) ингибитор. In combination with sexual stimulation, it helps the male organ fill with enough blood to cause an erection. The sexual arousal is absolutely necessary for the medication to show its positive effects. Once sex is over, the erection will go away.

    Sildenafil viagra benefits:

    1). “Виагра” redirects here. For other uses, see Viagra (disambiguation).

    силденафила цитрат——продается как Виагра, Revatio и под другими торговыми названиями., препарат, используемый для лечения эректильной дисфункции и легочной артериальной гипертензии. (ПАУ). It was originally discovered by Pfizer scientists Andrew Bell, David Brown, and Nicholas Terrett.

    2). Sexual dysfunction——The primary indication of sildenafil is treatment of erectile dysfunction (inability to sustain a satisfactory erection to complete intercourse). Its use is now standard treatment for erectile dysfunction in all settings, including diabetes.

    3). Pulmonary hypertension—–As well as erectile dysfunction, sildenafil citrate is also effective in the rare disease pulmonary arterial hypertension (ПАУ). It relaxes the arterial wall, leading to decreased pulmonary arterial resistance and pressure. Этот, in turn, reduces the workload of the right ventricle of the heart and improves symptoms of right-sided heart failure.

    4). Altitude sickness——-Sildenafil has been shown to be useful for the prevention and treatment of high-altitude pulmonary edema associated with altitude sickness such as that suffered by mountain climbers. While this effect has only recently been discovered, sildenafil is already becoming an accepted treatment for this condition, in particular in situations where the standard treatment of rapid descent has been delayed for some reason.

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