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» Сырой порошок стероидов

Raw Material Anabolic Steroids Series Fluoxymesterone / Галотестин 76-43-7

Сырой порошок стероидов

Сертификация: ISO9001, GMP
Номер модели: Флюоксиместерон
Минимум для заказа: 10г
Срок поставки: 4-7 Рабочие дни
Условия оплаты: MoneyGram, Вестерн Юнион, Т / Т, Биткойн
  • Характеристики

Raw Material Anabolic Steroids Series Fluoxymesterone / Галотестин 76-43-7


Температура плавления:240 ° C
альфа 104 º (c=1,EtOH)
температура хранения. ?20° C
растворимость H2O: ≤0,5 мг/мл
Форместан (photosensitive)
color white
Water Solubility NEGLIGIBLE
Merck 13,4212


Fluoxymesterone also exerts its effects on strength and fat loss by both regulation of fatty acid oxidation in the liver and fast-twitch muscle mitochondria . Oddly, for a drug which exerts such a nice anabolic effect, and promotes such good strength gains, Halotestin has a pretty low Androgen Receptor Binding affinity .. I suppose, in this respect it can be compared to Winstrol (» Оральные стероиды).
As far as strength and agression goes, Halo is a great drug. Halotestin is especially useful on a cutting or strength cycle. Its use for mass and weight gains have been pretty disappointing for most users, тем не мение.


1. Androgenic activity

Fluoxymesterone has a relatively high ratio of androgenic to anabolic activity similarly to testosterone.[нужна цитата] Like many 17α-alkylated AAS, it has relatively low affinity for the androgen receptor (С УЧАСТИЕМ). тем не мение, its actions are mediated by the AR, most likely due to its relatively long elimination half-life of approximately 9.2 часы. It is approximately five times as potent as an AAS as testosterone. В отличие от тестостерона, fluoxymesterone has a 100% oral bioavailability, as the methylation of the C17α position of fluoxymesterone inhibits hepatic metabolism by enzymatic oxidation of 17β-hydroxyl, allowing its absorption into the bloodstream for transport around the body.
2. 11β-HSD inhibitor
Fluoxymesterone has been found to act as a potent inhibitor of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11β-HSD2) (IC50 = 60–630 nM), with a potency comparable to that of the 11β-HSD2 inhibitor glycyrrhetinic acid. This unique action of fluoxymesterone is likely related to its 11β-hydroxyl group. 1β-HSD2 is responsible for the inactivation of the glucocorticoids cortisol and corticosterone (into cortisone and 11-dehydrocorticosterone, соответственно). Inhibition of 11β-HSD2 by fluoxymesterone may result in mineralocorticoid receptor overactivation and associated side effects such as hypertension and fluid retention, and has been hypothesized to be involved in the cardiovascular and other adverse effects of fluoxymesterone.
3. Glucocorticoid activity
Unlike other AAS, fluoxymesterone has structural features in common with corticosteroids, including its 9α-fluoro and 11β-hydroxy groups. In accordance, it has weak (micromolar) but potentially clinically significant affinity for the glucocorticoid receptor.

What is Halotestin?

Fluoxymester one (Галотестин) works by attaching itself to androgen receptors; this causes it to interact with the parts of the cell involved in the making of proteins. It may cause an increase in the synthesis of some proteins or a decrease in the synthesis of others. These proteins have a variety of effects, including blocking the growth of some types of breast cancer cells, stimulating cells that cause male sexual characteristics, and stimulating the production of red blood cells.

Since the effects of castration in premenopausal women are far superior to those of androgenic therapy, the male hormones have been employed primarily for women of postmenopausal age.

Halotestin is used only occasionally because other hormonal therapy medicines such as and the aromatase inhibitors are generally more effective. Male breast cancer accounts for about 1% of all breast cancers.

Сертификат подлинности:

Описание Белый или почти белый кристаллический порошок Белый порошок
Идентификация Эстрадиола 17-гептаноат. Положительный
Анализ 97.0Эстрадиола 17-гептаноат 99%
Удельное вращение +104°~+112° +107.8°
Убыток от высыхания 1.0%Максимум 0.36%
Хроматографическая чистота Одиночная примесь:1.0%Максимум <1.0%
Всего примесей:2.0%Максимум <2.0%
Органические летучие примеси Соответствует требованию. Соответствует
Остаточные растворители Соответствует требованию. Соответствует
Заключение Технические характеристики соответствуют стандарту USP30.

Горячая распродажа

что объясняет способность этих методов контроля над рождаемостью предотвращать овуляцию и, таким образом, предотвращать беременность. 58-22-0
Тестостерона ацетат 1045-69-8
Тестостерон ципионат 58-20-8
Деканоат тестостерона 5721-91-5
Тестостерон энантат 315-37-7
Тестостерон изокапроат 15262-86-9
Тестостерон фенилпропионат 1255-49-8
Тестостерон пропионат 57-85-2
Тестостерон ундеканоат 5949-44-0
Тестостерон Сустанон 250
Флюоксиместерон (Галотестин) 76-43-7
» Оральные стероиды (Провирон) 1424-00-6
Оральный туринабол 2446-23-3
Метилтестостерон 65-04-3
17-Метилтестостерон 58-18-4
4-chlorotestosterone Acetate 855-19-6

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