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  • Ketotifen Fumarate Pharmaceutical Anabolic Steroids For Antiasthmatic

    Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)
    Номер модели : 34580-14-8
    Сертификация : ISO 9001, USP,GMP
    Место происхождения : Китай
    MOQ : 10г
    Цена : Переговоры
    Условия оплаты : Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram, Т / Т, Биткойн
    Возможность поставки : Масса на складе
    Срок поставки : 3~ 5 рабочих дней
    Детали упаковки : Хорошо замаскированный пакет ; Plastic drum with safe shipping
    Наименование товара : Ketotifen Fumarate
    Другое имя : zaditen
    Температура плавления : 192 ° C
    Тестостерона деканоат 200 мг/мл Болденон ундециленат 150 мг/мл Нандролон деканоат 150 мг/мл Тестостерона деканоат. : Магазин в РТ
    использование : Vasodilator
    Химические свойства : Кремовый однотонный
    • Характеристики

    Ketotifen Fumarate Pharmaceutical Anabolic Steroids For Antiasthmatic

    Базовая информация.

    наименование товара: Ketotifen fumarate

    КЕЙС: 34580-14-8

    MF: C23H23NO5S

    МВт: 425.5

    Чистота: 98%

    EINECS: 252-100-0

    Характеристики: white or pale yellow crystalline powder

    использование: Antiasthmatic; antiallergic.

    Catalogue: Pharmaceutical materials drug


    Ketotifen fumarate is a kind of strong anti-allergic drugs containing simultaneously of both tricyclic structure as well as piperidine structure. It is characterized by both a strong antagonism effect on histamine H1 receptor and inhibitory effect of the release of the mediator of allergic reaction. It can inhibit the release various kinds of mediators of mast cells, basophils and macrophages, including the release of slow reacting substances and other active substances. It also has antagonism effect on the calcium ion; can inhibit the activity of phosphodiesterase; increase the intracellular cAMP level inside mast cells. Кроме того, it can also inhibiting the chemotaxis and inflammation of neutrophil with an effect 10 times as strong as that of chlorpheniramine, and it also has a long duration time which is better compared with sodium cromolyn. Ketotifen fumarate has therapeutic effect on both Ⅰ and Ⅲ type of allergic reaction. Its peak blood concentrations can sustain for 2 к 3 hours with a half-life of 22 hours during which 60% goes through urinary excretion, 40% goes through the fecal excretion. Children usually have a faster excretion rate of it than adults. Long-term treatment will not cause resistance. No rebound phenomenon will occur with interruption of treatment.


    It has been more than 20 years since ketotifen fumarate have been applied to the prevention and treatment of asthma and childhood asthma. It is a kind of drug with dual effect of both prevention and treatment in the prevention and treatment of asthma and childhood asthma. It should be particularly noted that ketotifen had ever taken as the long-term controlling drug of asthma and childhood long-term asthma and was subject to wide application in many countries. Since the early 1980s, ketotifen fumarate had already been applied in Western Europe, Asia, and China for the prevention and treatment of asthma and asthma in children. But since entering into 21st century, the annual applied amount has decreased year by year. Because of its side effect of inhibition of the central nervous system, its oral tablet currently has still not approved by the FDA and thus failing to enter the US market with only ketotifen fumarate eye drops had been approved by the FDA in 1999. Recent studies have also shown the effectiveness of ketotifen asthma still demands further studies. Кроме того, ketotifen fumarate has several additional advantages. Провирон — пероральный анаболический стероид., it can cause sleepiness of the schoolchildren and thus being able to affect their academic performance; второй, it can also do harm to the mental development of infants and young children. Thirdly, it is also be able to affect the metabolism of sustained-release tea and thus negatively affecting its anti-inflammatory effects of theophylline. For all the above points, it is not recommended by the GINA (affiliated organization of WHO) to apply ketotifen fumarate for the treatment and prevention of asthma and childhood asthma. But from the perspective of clinical economics, ketotifen fumarate is a suitable anti-allergic drug for being applied in developing countries and rural areas for treating asthma and childhood asthma with certain efficacy due to its relative low price.

    Химические свойства

    This product is white (or light-yellow) кристаллический порошок, and is odorless with bitter taste. It is slightly soluble in water and ethanol, and easily soluble in methanol but very slightly soluble in chloroform and acetone.


    Dermatology applies it to the treatment of allergic diseases such as urticaria, pruritus, экзема, atopic dermatitis, and neurodermatitis; it is recently reported that it is also effective in the treatment of scleroderma. For medicine, it has a good efficacy in treating asthma, especially with a significant effect on treating allergic asthma, followed by mixed asthma, and being effective in half of cases for infecting type. It can also be used for the prevention of asthma.

    Фармакологическое действие

    The pharmacological effect of ketotifen fumarate is very complicated. It has achieved a certain efficacy in the prevention and treatment of asthma and childhood asthma. But the detailed mechanism of its pharmacology remains to be unclear. From the current research information, the pharmacological mechanisms of ketotifen fumarate in treating asthma and childhood asthma include the following several aspects:

    1. Antagonizing effect on inflammatory mediators: Clinical studies have already demonstrated that ketotifen fumarate can effectively inhibit the histamine-induced bronchospasm with its intensity being comparable to Azelastine, suggesting that ketotifen fumarate has strong histamine antagonistic effect. Modern studies have shown that ketotifen fumarate may also other inflammatory mediators such as antagonize leukotrienes and platelet activating factor. From this perspective, it is considered that ketotifen is a drug which can antagonize a variety of inflammatory mediators. This may be the primary mechanism for its prevention and treatment of asthma as well as childhood asthma.

    2. The membrane protective effect of mast cells/basophils: the related pharmacological studies of ketotifen fumarate have confirmed that it can inhibit mast cell /basophil cells to release inflammatory mediators such as histamine, leukotrienes and platelet activating factor, suggesting that it has a strong membrane protective effects on mast cells/basophils membrane. This may be the major mechanism underlying the dual property of ketotifen fumarate for being able to both prevent and treat the asthma and childhood asthma.

    3. The inhibition of airway inflammatory cell infiltration: fumarate ketotifen can inhibit the infiltration of the airways of eosinophil and neutrophil. тем не мение, the mechanism remains to be unclear.

    4. Regulation of T cell activity: ketotifen fumarate can inhibit the biosynthesis of intracellular lgE through regulating the release activity of CD4 + and CD8 + lymphocytes. The mechanisms of inhibition of the biosynthesis of lgE and the above two mechanisms determines the airway anti-inflammatory effects of ketotifen fumarate.

    5. Other effects: Some studies have suggested that ketotifen fumarate can reverse the low-regulation of β2-receptor caused by the long-term administration of β2-receptor agonist and also increase the density of airway β2-receptor as well as enhance the effect of β2-receptor. Some studies have also suggested that ketotifen fumarate also having blocking effect on the calcium channels.

    Побочные эффекты

    The most severe side effect of ketotifen fumarate is its inhibitory effect on central nerve system such as causing sleepiness or fatigue, слабость. This side effect is more significant in adults and is one of the major reasons for limiting its clinical application. The resulted sense of lethargy or fatigue, weakness may reduce the life quality of asthma patients as well as children with asthma. Обычно, after continuous administration of 1-4 недели, the side effect of suppression of the central nerve system can significantly reduce and even gradually disappear. Clinical observation has found that combination with theophylline can reduce the central nerve inhibitory effect of ketotifen fumarate as well as offset the stimulus effect on central nerve system of theophylline. But it still demands further observation to demonstrate whether there exist synergistic anti-inflammatory between them. Clinical observations have already confirmed children who administering ketotifen fumarate usually get no significant inhibition of the central nervous system and at most cause only the lower concentration of children’s mind. This is still true even the children subject to an adult dose. тем не мение, this mechanism is still unclear. In the clinical observation on the asthma adults patients as well as children patients who subject to 2-year continuous oral administration, wood et al have confirmed that long-term administration of ketotifen fumarate caused no other serious side effects without affecting the liver and kidney function as well as peripheral blood cell counts. It is also not easy to produce drug resistance issues. Usually after continuous oral administration of ketotifen fumarate for six weeks, we can begin to gradually withdraw or reduce the amount of bronchial spasm agent or corticosteroids. Discontinuation of treatment after long-term treatment has not resulted in rebound phenomenon. Следовательно, the comprehensive evaluation of the drug is that: ketotifen fumarate is an anti-asthma drug with central nervous inhibition effect (this side effect can gradually adapt), but is relatively safe and effective with certain anti-inflammatory properties and being relatively inexpensive. тем не мение, because it has not approved by the FDA, it should be applied with caution in clinical practice.


    Тестостерона ацетат Тренболона ацетат MGF
    Тестостерон ципионат Тренболон энантат ПЭГ MGF
    Деканоат тестостерона Болденона ацетат CJC-1295
    Тестостерон энантат Болденона ундециленат CJC-1295 ЦАП
    Тестостерон изокапроат Болденон Ципионат ПТ-141
    ТестостеронФенилпропионат Болденон пропионат Меланотан-1
    Тестостерон пропионат Нандролон Деканоат Меланотан-2
    Тестостерон ундеканоат Фенилпропионат нандролона GHRP-2
    Местерон Нандролон ундецилат GHRP-6
    Тестостерон Сустанон 250 Ципионат нандролона Ипаморелин
    Клостебола ацетат Нандролон пропионат Гексарелин
    Метиландростанолон Метилтриенолон Серморелин
    Метенолон энантат Дростанолон пропионат Окситоцин
    Метенолона ацетат Дростанолон энантат TB500
    Анадрол Станолон Фрагмент 176-191
    Анавар Тадалафил Трипторелин
    Винстрол Варденафил Тесаморелин
    Кломифена цитрат Дианабол Гонадорелин
    Цитрат торемифена Тамоксифен цитрат DSIP
    Финастерид Дапоксетина гидрохлорид Селанк
    Peptides Specification:

    Имя Технические характеристики Имя Технические характеристики
    MGF 2мг / флакон Гексарелин 2мг / флакон
    ПЭГ MGF 2мг / флакон Серморелин 2мг / флакон
    CJC-1295 с ЦАП 2мг / флакон Окситоцин 2мг / флакон
    CJC-1295 без ЦАП 2мг / флакон TB500 2мг / флакон
    ПТ-141 10мг / флакон БПЦ 157 2мг / флакон
    МТ-1(Меланотан) 10мг / флакон 176-191 2мг / флакон
    МТ-2 10мг / флакон Трипторелин 2мг / флакон
    GHRP-2 5мг / флакон Тесаморелин 2мг / флакон
    GHRP-2 10мг / флакон Гонадорелин 2мг / флакон
    GHRP-6 5мг / флакон Гонадорелин 10мг / флакон
    GHRP-6 10мг / флакон DSIP 2мг / флакон
    Ипаморелин 2мг / флакон Селанк 5мг / флакон
    Полуфабрикатный раствор стероидов:

    Тестостерон энантат(Примотестон) 250Инъекционные стероиды жидкие серии Ripex / 300Инъекционные стероиды жидкие серии Ripex
    Тестостерон пропионат 100Инъекционные стероиды жидкие серии Ripex
    Тестостерон ципионат 250Инъекционные стероиды жидкие серии Ripex / 300Инъекционные стероиды жидкие серии Ripex
    Тестостерон Сустанон 250 200Инъекционные стероиды жидкие серии Ripex / 250Инъекционные стероиды жидкие серии Ripex
    Тестостерон Супертест 450 450Инъекционные стероиды жидкие серии Ripex
    Нандролон Деканоат (ДЕТИ) 200 / 250 / 300Инъекционные стероиды жидкие серии Ripex
    Тренболона ацетат 100Инъекционные стероиды жидкие серии Ripex
    Тренболон энантат(парабола) 200Инъекционные стероиды жидкие серии Ripex
    Дростанолон пропионат (также уменьшить жировые отложения) 100Инъекционные стероиды жидкие серии Ripex
    Болденон ундесиленат (Equipoise) 200Инъекционные стероиды жидкие серии Ripex / 300Инъекционные стероиды жидкие серии Ripex
    Метенолона ацетат (Большинство людей считают полезным прием гормона Т-3, так как его уровень, как правило, падает при наличии трена.) 100Инъекционные стероиды жидкие серии Ripex
    Аномасса 400Инъекционные стероиды жидкие серии Ripex
    Инъекционные стероиды жидкие серии Ripex 225Инъекционные стероиды жидкие серии Ripex
    Большинство людей считают полезным прием гормона Т-3, так как его уровень, как правило, падает при наличии трена. 180Инъекционные стероиды жидкие серии Ripex
    Более Более
    Related Peptides:

    Peptides List Технические характеристики
    MGF 2мг
    ПЭГ MGF 2мг
    CJC-1295 с ЦАП 2мг
    CJC-1295 без ЦАП 2мг
    ПТ-141 10мг
    МТ-1(Меланотан-1) 10мг
    МТ-2(Меланотан-2) 10мг
    GHRP-2 5мг
    GHRP-2 10мг
    GHRP-6 5мг
    GHRP-6 10мг
    Ипаморелин 2мг
    Гексарелин 2мг
    Серморелин 2мг
    Окситоцин 1g/2mg
    TB500 2мг
    пентадекапептид BPC 157 2мг
    Трипторелин 2мг
    Тесаморелин 2мг
    Гонадорелин 2мг
    Гонадорелин 10мг
    DSIP 2мг
    Селанк 5мг
    Эпиталон 10мг
    АОД-9604 2мг
    ТУЗ 031 1мг
    ГДФ-8 1мг(-20ºC)
    Thyrotropin TRH
    Фоллистатин 315 1мг(-20ºC)
    Фоллистатин 344 1мг(-20ºC)
    Deslorelin 20мг
    Adipotide 2мг

    Alarelin Acetate 79561-22-1
    Angiotensin Acetate 58-49-1
    Argpressin Acetate 113-79-1
    Aviptadil Acetate 40077-57-4
    Bivalirudin Trifluoroacetate 128270-60-0
    Deslorelin Acetate 57773-65-6
    Desmopressin Acetate 16679-58-6
    Eledoisin Acetate 69-25-0
    Eptifibatide Acetate 148031-34-9
    Felypressin Acetate 56-59-7
    GLP-1 (7-37) Ацетат 106612-94-6
    Taspoglutide 275371-94-3
    Glucagon Hydrochloride 16941-32-5
    Lixisenatide 320367-13-3
    гонадорелина ацетат 34973-08-5
    Leuprorelin Acetate 53714-56-0
    Lysipressin Acetate 50-57-7
    Nafarelin Acetate 76932-56-4
    Octreotide 79517-01-4
    Ornipressin Acetate 3397-23-7
    Secretin Acetate 108135-74-8
    Somatostatin Acetate 38916-34-6
    Splenopentin Acetate 105184-37-0
    Terlipressin Acetate 14636-12-5
    Teriparatide Acetate 52232-67-4
    Трипторелина ацетат 57773-63-4
    Vasopressin Acetate 9034-50-8
    Bate-Amyloid(1-42)human 107761-42-2
    Abarelix Acetate 183552-38-7
    Endothelin-1 Acetate 117399-94-7
    CRF (human, rat) Ацетат 86784-80-7
    CRF (ovine) Trifluoroacetate 79804-71-0
    Dynorphin A (1-13) Ацетат 72957-38-1
    Enfuvirtide Acetate (T-20) 159519-65-0
    Fertirelin Acetate 38234-21-8
    ГРФ (human) Ацетат 83930-13-6
    Liraglutide 204656-20-2
    Dalmarelin Acetate 61012-19-9
    Nesiritide Acetate (BNP-32) 114471-18-0
    Pramlintide Acetate 196078-30-5
    Salmon Calcitonin Acetate 47931-85-1
    tesamorelin 106612-94-6
    Tetracosactide Acetate (АКТГ 1-24) 16960-16-0
    Тимозина α1 ацетат 14636-12-5
    Thymosin β4 Acetate 77591-33-4
    Atosiban Acetate 90779-69-4
    Cetrorelix Acetate 130143-01-0
    Exenatide Acetate 141732-76-5
    Histrelin Acetate 76712-82-8
    Taltirelin Acetate 103300-74-9
    Vapreotide Acetate 116430-60-5
    Gonaderelin 33515-09-2
    Cecropin B 80451-05-4
    окситоцина ацетат 50-56-6
    Sincalide 25126-32-3
    Protirelin 24305-27-9
    Ganirelix acetate 123246-29-7

    Древности (МК-2866) КЕЙС: 841205-47-8
    Кардарин (GW-501516) КЕЙС: 317318-70-0
    Андарин (S4) КЕЙС: 401900-40-1
    Лигандрол (LGD-4033) КЕЙС: 1165910-22-4
    Ибутаморен (МК-677) КЕЙС: 159752-10-0
    RAD140 КЕЙС: 118237-47-0
    SR9009 КЕЙС: 1379686-30-2
    YK11 КЕЙС: 431579-34-9

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