Top Quality White Peptide Powder Follistatin 344 For Muscle Growth
Product Name Follistatin 344
Follistatine 344 Alias Fst 344
Specification 1mg/vial
Apperance white powder
Essai 98%
Grade Pharmaceutical Grade
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La description
Follistatine 344 / FST was initially identified as a follicle-stimulating hormone inhibiting substance found in ovarian follicular fluid. FST is a high-affinity activin binding protein that can act as an activin antagonist. Two alternatively spliced follistatin mRNAs exist, encoding mature FS with 288 résidus d'acides aminés (FS-288) et 315 aa residues (FS-315). Natural FS purified from porcine ovaries is primarily a carboxy-terminal truncated form of FS-315 composed of 300 aa residues.
Follistatine 344 / FST quickly gained popularity in the bodybuilding community as a potential supplement to rapidly increase lean tissue mass. Another protein, follistatin-related gene acts on similar pathways as FST regarding its muscle building properties. Increased lean tissue mass could give a bodybuilder an advantage in a competitive setting.
FST is a single chain gonadal protein that specifically inhibits follicle stimulating hormone release. The single FST gene encodes two isoforms Follistatin 317 and Follistatin 344 contenant 317 et 344 acides aminés respectivement, résultant de l'épissage alternatif de l'ARNm précurseur. There is evidence linking polycystic ovary syndrome and follistatin. Follistatin binds directly to activin and functions as an activin antagonist. It specific inhibitor of the biosynthesis and secretion of pituitary follicle stimulating hormone. Subunit : Monomer Subcellular Location : Secreted. Tissue Specificity : Isoform 1 is the predominant isoform in serum but is undetectable in follicular fluid.
Follistatine (TSF) is a secreted glycoprotein that was first identified as a follicle stimulating hormone inhibiting substance in ovarian follicular fluid (1, 2). L'ADNc de la follistatine humaine code pour un 344 acide aminé (aa) protéine avec une 29 une séquence signal, an Nterminal atypical TGF binding domain, trois domaines Follistatin qui contiennent des motifs EGFlike et kazallike, and a highly acidic Cterminal tail. Follistatin is a secreted protein that binds to ligands of the TGF-Beta family and regulates their activity by inhibiting their access to signaling receptors.
It was originally discovered as activin antagonists whose activity suppresses expression and secretion of the pituitary hormone FSH (hormone de stimulation de follicule). En plus d'être un antagoniste naturel, la follistatine peut inhiber l'activité d'autres ligands du TGF-bêta, y compris la BMP-2, -4, -6, -7, Myostatine, GDF-11, et TGF-Bêta1. La follistatine est exprimée dans l'hypophyse, ovaires, decidual cells of the endometrium, et dans certains autres tissus. La Follistatine humaine recombinante est un 37.8 kDa protein containing 344 acides aminés .