Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., Limitado.


Serie PCT, Polvo de esteroides crudos

Trilostane is an inhibitor of isoforms 3β-HSD and 3β-HSD2 of the enzyme 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, which plays a role in adrenal steroid biosynthesis. Investigators believe that Arg195 in 3β-HSD versus Pro195 in 3β-HSD2 attributes to the competitive inhibition of 3β-HSD, but not 3β-HSD2 by Trilostane. Research shows that trilostane is effective in suppressing the intracellular production oin LNCaP-FGC prostate cancer cells and inhibiting cortisol biosynthesis in the human adrenal gland. This product serves as a useful tool in steroid biosynthesis research.

  • Especificaciones

Anti Estrogen Steroids Raw Steroid Powder Trilostane CAS 13647-35-3 For Breast Cancer





Trilostane is an inhibitor of isoforms 3β-HSD and 3β-HSD2 of the enzyme 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, which plays a role in adrenal steroid biosynthesis. Investigators believe that Arg195 in 3β-HSD versus Pro195 in 3β-HSD2 attributes to the competitive inhibition of 3β-HSD, but not 3β-HSD2 by Trilostane. Research shows that trilostane is effective in suppressing the intracellular production oin LNCaP-FGC prostate cancer cells and inhibiting cortisol biosynthesis in the human adrenal gland. This product serves as a useful tool in steroid biosynthesis research.





Elementos de prueba Especificación Resultados de la prueba
Apariencia white oralmost white,crystalline powder Ajustarse
Solubilidad Freely soluble in water,practically insoluble or very slightly soluble in alcohol and
in methylene chloride.
Identificación A The UV absorption spectrum of the sample shows
an absorption maximum at 276nm.The specific
absorbance at the Maximum is55 to 64.
B Infraed absorption spectrophotometry. Ajustarse
C Chromatogram obtained with test solution (b) is
similar in position color & size to the principal spot in the chromatogram obtained
with the reference solution.
D An orange-red color develop in methylene chloride layer. Ajustarse
mi It geves reaction (a) of sulphates. Ajustarse
Appearance of solution Solution S is clear and not more intensely coloured than reference solution in BY6. Ajustarse
Rotación óptica negative 0.10° to +0.10°determined on solution S. +0.01°
Acidity or alkalinity NMT 0.4ml of 0.01M HCL is required to change the color
of the indicator to red.
Related substances Impurity J ≤0.20% Ajustarse
Any other impurity ≤0.30% Ajustarse
Total impurity ≤1.0% Ajustarse
Boron ≤50ppm Ajustarse
Sulphated ash ≤0.10% 0.06%
Pérdida por secado ≤0,5% 0.30%
Ensayo(on dried basis) 98.0~101.0% 99.5%


Trilostane can suppress cortical hormone synthesis process of 3 beta dehydrogenase, make cortisol, aldosterone synthesis reduce, clinical used in the treatment of Cushing syndrome(cortisol increase disease) and primary aldosteronism,the effect is not good than testosterone metyrapone. This product has significantly reduced blood testosterone level role, may relevant to its inhibit synthetic.




trilostano,The anti estrogen steroids drug Trilostane was previously available in the United Kingdom for use in humans under the brand name Modrenal for the treatment of Cushing’s disease and for breast cancer. It was approved in the United States in 2008 for the treatment of Cushing’s disease (hyperadrenocorticism) in dogs under the brand name Vetoryl. It was available by prescription in the UK under the Vetoryl brand name for some time before it was approved in the US. The drug is also used to treat the skin disorder Alopecia X in dogs. It is also the first drug approved to treat both pituitary- and adrenal-dependent Cushing’s in dogs. This prescription drug works by stopping the production of cortisol in the adrenal glands.

trilostano,The anti estrogen steroids drug Vetoryl is used to treat Cushing’s syndrome (also known as Cushings disease or hyperadrenocorticism). This is a hormone problem associated with abnormally high levels of cortisone in the blood stream of affected dogs. The main symptoms caused are excessive thirst and hunger. It also affects the dog’s appearance and reduces its quality of life. Dogs may show hair loss, weight gain, lethargy, loss of bladder control and a bloated stomach.

trilostano,Cushing’s disease is a condition that will be present in the dog’s system for the rest of its life and will need to be treated continually. Vetoryl tackles this problem in the pituitary and adrenal glands. Cortisol levels are reduced which leads to a reduction in symptoms and Vetoryl can make a difference in just three months.

trilostano,The capsules are available in four strengths depending on the size of the dog and should only be prescribed by a vet. There are a number of contra-indications which should be taken into consideration prior to treatment. Dogs that are pregnant or who have problems with the liver or kidneys should not take this medication.

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