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» Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)

  • Йохимбин HCL CAS 65-19-0 Дополнения для улучшения мужских качеств, стероиды для набора массы

    Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)
    Сертификация: GMP , НИУ ВШЭ , ISO 9001 , USP , BP
    Номер модели: Йохимбин HCL
    Минимум для заказа: 10 Граммы
    Срок поставки: 3-5 Рабочие дни
    Условия оплаты: Аккредитив, Д/А, Д/П, Т / Т, Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram , Биткойн
    • Характеристики

    Yohimbine HCL CAS 65-19-0 Дополнения для улучшения мужских качеств, стероиды для набора массы

    В последние годы, Yohimbine has become a hot discussion among fitness lovers and industry stakeholders. Find out all about Yohimbe and what you can do for you!Recently Yohimbe HCL, or more precisely its active ingredient Yohimbin, is a hot discussion among fitness enthusiasts and industry stakeholders. Originally supposed to be a supplement flop, men who are reported about the ability to increase sexually transmitted diseases have fallen a bit since they did not raise testosterone concentrations as suspected at the outset.

    Yohimbe HCL and weight loss

    Using yohimbine for weight loss is not conclusive and in the opinion of this author, which is not recommended due to potential adverse effects, several studies have been undertaken and some of the important studies are discussed below consider. тем не мение, keep in mind that such research should not be used automatically to support this supplemental self-prescribed use as researchers only do research on the use of supplemental yohimbine please.

    The alpha-2 receptor is common at body sites where it tends to preferentially accumulate fat; it includes the abdomen, chest, buttocks and thighs. Upon exposure to circulating catecholamines such as norepinephrine and epinephrine, the alpha-2 receptor site inhibits lipolysis (fatty acid release) and the beta receptor stimulates lipolysis. В общем, адреналин, norepinephrine, glucagon, adrenocorticotropic hormone (АКТГ), and growth hormone stimulate the release of fatty acids from adipose tissue to the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, fatty acids are usually rapidly oxidized unless the blood concentration of fatty acids rises from the fatty acid input as a result of the diet.

    В целом, high blood levels of fatty acids will promote fat accumulation due to over feeding and inactivity. Keeping in mind that fatty acids are always used for energy, the balance between the amount of fatty acid ingested and the amount of energy used determines how much is stored as fat. поскольку тело борется с изменениями с желанием сохранить накопленный жир из-за своей природы выживания, мышечная ткань часто приносится в жертву, чтобы удовлетворить свои потребности в энергии., this is a fairly simple explanation of fatty acid metabolism. If you are much involved in the fat accumulation / utilization dynamics and are seeking deeper insight into these dynamics, please click on the link below for details on the ISSA SPN course book. In that book, I can dig into these dynamics in more detail.

    Сертификат подлинности:

    Появление Белый мелкий порошок Соответствует
    Запах Характеристика Соответствует
    Анализ (ВЭЖХ) На сухой основе Йохимбин HCL≥98,0% 99. 3%
    Ситовой анализ НЛТ 100% проходить 80 сетка Соответствует
    Температура плавления 285-290° C 288.2ºC
    Точка кипения 542.979°С при 760 мм рт. ст. Соответствует
    InChI=1/C25H36O3/c1-3-4-5-6-7-24 282.184° C Соответствует
    Давление пара 0мм рт.ст. при 25°C Соответствует
    Удельное вращение +100от º до +105º +103.80º
    Растворимость Слегка растворим в воде/спирте Соответствует
    Убыток от высыхания ≤1% 0.7%
    Остаток при прокаливании ≤1% 0.87%
    Тяжелый металл <15промилле <10промилле
    Как <2.0промилле <1промилле
    Pb <1.0промилле <0.4промилле
    CD <1.0промилле 0промилле
    ртуть <0.1промилле 0промилле
    Остаточные растворители Eur.Pharm. Соответствует
    Общее количество тарелок <1000КОЕ/г Соответствует
    Дрожжи & Moulds <100КОЕ/г Соответствует
    кишечная палочка Отрицательный Соответствует
    сальмонелла Отрицательный Соответствует
    S.aureus Отрицательный Соответствует


    Derived from wild African plants yohimbine (Corynante Yohimbe) dry bark or west African plant rubiaceae keNan Tree bark extract.Pharmacological efficacy to increase muscular tension, urine suppression effect without injury;Accelerate the body energy metabolism, increase energy supply.Clinical single agent used to treat male impotence and hypogonadism.Mechanism for can selectively block presynaptic alpha 2 receptor, promote the release of norepinephrine, the cavernous nerve endings release more noradrenaline, reduce penile venous reflux, conducive to congestion erection, and can increase fluid secretion.A small amount of applications, can make the perineum swelling, stimulate the spinal cord erection center and make the sexual function hyperfunction.

    Increase muscular tension or urinary function no damage sex; Accelerate human body energy metabolism, увеличить энергоснабжение.
    Yohimbine has been shown in human studies to be effective in the treatment of male impotence. Yohimbine has been shown to be effective in the treatment of orgasmic dysfunction in men. Yohimbine has also been used to treat hypoactive sexual desire disorder (снижение либидо) in women.
    Yohimbine has been used to facilitate recall of traumatic memories in the treatment of post traumatic stress disorder (посттравматическое стрессовое расстройство). Use of yohimbine outside therapeutic settings may not be appropriate for persons suffering from PTSD. In pharmacology, yohimbine is used as a probe for α 2-adrenoceptor. In veterinary medicine, yohimbine is used to reverse anesthesia from the drug xylazine in small and large animals

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