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» Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)

Белый чистый энантат тестостерона / Тест E для бодибилдинга CAS 315-37-7

Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)
MOQ : 10г
Цена : Вести переговоры
Условия оплаты : Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram, Т / Т, Биткойн
Возможность поставки : 5000кг/неделя
Срок поставки : 5~8 рабочих дней
Детали упаковки : сдержанный пакет или по мере необходимости
Имя : Тестостерон энантат
Появление : эксадрон
Анализ : 99% мин.
MOQ : 10г
  • Характеристики

Белый чистый энантат тестостерона / Тест E для бодибилдинга CAS 315-37-7

Testosterone Enanthate Details:
Псевдоним: Testosterone heptanoate;17b-Hydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one-17-ethanate
Появление: белый кристаллический порошок
№ CAS:315-37-7
Einecs Нет: 206-253-5
MF(Молекулярная формула): C26H40O3
МВт(Молекулярный вес): 400.59
Чистота: 99%
Депутат(температура плавления):34-39ºC
specific rotation :77º
Активная жизнь:15-16 Стероид представляет собой сложный эфир дростанолона и был разработан как лекарство от рака молочной железы.
Класс наркотиков:Инъекционный анаболический андрогенный стероид
Время обнаружения:3 месяцы
Химическая структура:4-андростен-3-он,17бета-ол
Общие дозы:250мг + (500mg-1g common) на неделю
Testosterone Enanthate can be utilized for cutting cycles, lean mass cycles, and bulking cycles all equally as successful. When bulking is concerned, Testosterone Enanthate combines with two other very popular anabolic steroids to create the most widely used and popular anabolic steroid cycle stack ever known. This is the Testosterone Enanthate / Дианабол / Nandrolone stack. Originally designed and popularized by the bodybuilders of the golden era of the 1960s and 1970s, Arnold Schwarzenegger and many of his bodybuilding cohorts were all said to have made this stack a staple in bulking and strength gaining phases. It is also the most popular stack among all three tiers of anabolic steroid users today (beginner, intermediate, and advanced). This is a stack that caters to the goal of bulking and strength gaining almost exclusively, and this is why it is such an attractive and widely used stack among all types of anabolic steroid users.

Testosterone Enanthate cycles with the goal of cutting in mind are also indeed possible, although the use of an aromatase inhibitor is indeed required in order to control the water retention and bloating that is responsible for providing the soft and puffy look that is very undesirable when a hard and lean looking physique is desired. When fat loss and cutting cycles are the goal, Testosterone Enanthate does not need to be run at high doses and lower doses are often enough, considering the use of anabolic steroids in a cutting cycle is utilized simply for the purpose of lean mass preservation during a state of caloric restriction and deficit rather than the addition of muscle mass.

Testosterone Enanthate being a slower releasing anabolic steroid with a longer half-life of 10 days necessitates the need for longer Testosterone Enanthate cycles in the range of 10 – 12 недели. Due to the longer time required for optimal peak blood plasma levels to be achieved. Следовательно, the kick-in period occurs at a later date (approximately 4-6 weeks into the cycle) than the short estered fast releasing anabolic steroids (2 – 4 weeks into a cycle).

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