Тестостерон пропионат стероидный гормон порошок безопасный пропуск
Тестостерон пропионат
Псевдоним: Тестовирус;стерандрил;Аговирин;Тестостерон
Чистота : 98.25%
КЕЙС : 57-85-2
Einecs Нет: 200-351-1
» Жидкие инъекционные стероиды : Фармацевтический класс
Хранилище: Затенение, ограниченное сохранение
Класс наркотиков: Testosterone Anabolic Steroid
Срок поставки :в пределах 24 часов после поступления оплаты
Мы компания веб-дизайна в Шэньчжэне: EMS, DHL, TNT, Мы компания веб-дизайна в Шэньчжэне, UPS
использование : Testosterone propionate can be used as pharmaceutical material. It acts much faster than other testosterone esters such as cypionate or enanthate, и требует гораздо более частого графика дозирования, для поддержания стабильного уровня в крови. The main function of Testosterone propionate is to promote metabolism. Анаболические эффекты включают рост мышечной массы и силы., enhancement of bone density and strength, и стимуляция линейного роста и созревания костей.
Testosterone Propionate is the shortest available testosterone product. This has some advantages and disadvantages. The main drawback is that the user must inject Test Prop every other day at least throughout the cycle to get the correct results. тем не мение, longer products are less swollen and less water-retaining, and because of the less ester content per vial, the actual testosterone per injection is more, which results in better results.
Testosterone Propionate is a commonly produced oily injection of testosterone compounds. Propionate will reduce the rate of release of steroids at the injection site, but only a few days. Thus testosterone propionate is much faster than other testosterone esters such as propionate or heptanoate, and requires more frequent dosing regimens to maintain stable blood levels. Although propionate and butyrate are injected once a week or every two weeks, пропионат обычно вводят каждую секунду. Propionate can be very stimulating to the injection site. По факту, many sensitive people choose to stay away from this steroid, their body with obvious soreness and low fever reactions may last for several days.
Использование и дозировка
1) Intramuscular injection of each branch of 10mg, 25мг, for male hormone deficiency, 1-3 times per week, each time 5-25mg;
2) The treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding, 25-50mg each time, once every other day injection, total 3-4.
3) The treatment of breast cancer and bone metastases in breast cancer, 50-100mg was injected each time, 1 раз в день, для 2-3 месяцы; treatment of aplastic anemia, daily or tertian injection 1 100мг, use consecutively 6 months above.