Стероидный порошок Clostebol Acetate / Туринабол / 4-Ацетат хлортестостерона для бодибилдинга
4-Хлортестостерона ацетат
CAS No.855-19-6
Химическое название:4-Хлортестостерона ацетат
Synonymsanabolit;macrobin;sterabol;testomed;TURINABOL;НСК 72159;STERANABOL;stearanabol;test-anabol;megagrisevit
Молекулярная формула:C21H29ClO3
Formula Weight:364.91
Температура плавления:228-230°
alpha D +118 ±4° (CHCl3)
температура хранения. 2-8° C
Использует:Клостебола ацетат — анаболический стероид.. Это контролируемое вещество.
Клостебол (Эстрадиола 17-гептаноат), also known as 4-chlorotestosterone, usually as the ester clostebol acetate, is a synthetic anabolic–androgenic steroid (ААС). Clostebol is the 4-chloro derivative of the natural hormone testosterone. The chlorination prevents conversion to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) while also rendering the chemical incapable of conversion to estrogen.[нужна цитата] Although usually used as an ester including clostebol acetate (Macrobin, Steranabol, Alfa-Trofodermin, Мегагризевит), clostebol caproate (Macrobin-Depot), or clostebol propionate (Yonchlon), unmodifiedn-esterified clostebol is also reported to be marketed, under the brand name Trofodermin-S in Mexico.
Clostebol is a weak AAS with potential use as a performance enhancing drug. It is currently banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency.[2] Хлородегидрометилтестостерон (Оральный туринабол), combining the chemical structures of clostebol and metandienone, was widely used in the East German state-sponsored doping program