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Натуральный необработанный стероидный порошок Sarms Stenabolic SR9011 CAS 1379686-29-9

Сертификация: GMP,ISO,УКАС
Номер модели: 1379686-29-9
Минимум для заказа: 10г
Срок поставки: В пределах 24 часов после получения оплаты
Условия оплаты: Т / Т, Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram,Биткойн
  • Характеристики

Натуральный необработанный стероидный порошок Sarms Stenabolic SR9011 CAS 1379686-29-9


SR9011 is a potent and specific synthetic REV-ERB agonist that binds to REV-ERB-α with an EC50 ~790nM and REV-ERB-β with EC50 ~560 nM. It also has good in vivo plasma/brain exposure. The nuclear receptors REV-ERB-α and REV-ERB-β play an integral role in regulating the expression of core clock proteins, driving rhythms in activity and metabolism. Administration of SR9011 alters circadian behavior and the circadian pattern of core clock gene expression in the hypothalami of mice. The circadian expression pattern of an array of metabolic genes in the liver, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue was also altered, resulting in increased energy expenditure.Treatment of diet-induced obese mice with SR9011 decreased obesity by reducing fat mass and markedly improved dyslipidaemia and hyperglycaemia. These results indicate that synthetic REV-ERB ligands that pharmacologically target the circadian rhythm may be beneficial in the treatment of sleep disorders as well as metabolic diseases.

SR9011 Not Just aDietPill

There’s no way to sugarcoat it-though many have tried-maintaining a healthy weight can be difficult. Because it’s hard, many have triedmiracleweight-loss pills and other quick fixes for something that ultimately requires a lifestyle change. Many over-the-counter diet and weigh-loss pills are unregulated and may contain dangerous ingredients. SR9011, тем не мение, isn’t like appetite suppressants, laxatives, Кулинарные рецепты “fat blockers.And you won’t find SR9011 in the ingredient lists of protein powders or exercise supplements.

The difference between SR9009 and other diet pills is in its chemistry. SR9011 is not an appetite suppressant-as many weight-loss drugs are-and directly works by increasing the metabolic rate of muscle. Your metabolism speeds up and slows down naturally during the day, meaning that sometimes food is used for energy and sometimes it’s stored as fat. By re-synching a dysfunctional metabolic clock, SR9011 ensures that food and excess fat are used as energy.

SR9011 is one of a pair of compounds developed at TSRI by Burris and his team. The drug binds to Rev-erbα,a natural protein in the body that influences lipid and glucose metabolism in the liver, inflammatory responses, and fat-storing cells. By binding to Rev-erbα, SR9011 can kickstart metabolism with another pleasant side-effect: increased muscle strength.

SR9009 VS SR9011

The difference between SR9009 and other diet pills is in its chemistry. SR9011 is not an appetite suppressant-as many weight-loss drugs are-and directly works by increasing the metabolic rate of muscle. Your metabolism speeds up and slows down naturally during the day, meaning that sometimes food is used for energy and sometimes it’s stored as fat. By re-synching a dysfunctional metabolic clock, SR9011 ensures that food and excess fat are used as energy.

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