Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., ООО.
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» Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)

  • Safety Testosterone Phenylpropionate Raw Steroid Powders For Muscle

    Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)
    Сертификация : GMP,EP,BP,JP
    Место происхождения : China Testosterone Powder Source
    MOQ : 100г ( It can be lowered to 10g for sample order)
    Цена : оборотный
    Условия оплаты : Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram, Т / Т
    Возможность поставки : 1000кг/неделя
    Срок поставки : Send out within 48hrs ,5 -8 work days for delivery
    Детали упаковки : Discreet packing as your required
    Наименование товара : Testosterone Phenylpropionate side effects for lean muscle raw steroid powders
    Сопутствующие товары : тестостерон, Инъекционные анаболические стероиды Сустанон, тестостерон ципионат, Смесь тестостерона, Тестостерон изокапроат, Это не повлияет на вашу печень, но после запуска LGD-4033 рекомендуется полная ПКТ., Он регулирует гонадотропную секрецию и дифференцировку вольфова протока.
    Категория : raw steroid powder
    Гексадрон – мощный анаболик. : bodybuilding, потеря веса, muscle building, testosterone replacement therapy, bulking cycle, bodybuilding cycle
    Testosterone Phenylpropionate Dosage : 200 mg EOD
    • Характеристики

    Safety Testosterone Phenylpropionate Raw Steroid Powders For Muscle

    Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., ООО. это крупное высокотехнологичное химическое предприятие, специализирующееся на производстве тонкой химии., фармацевтическое сырье и промежуточные продукты. Завод компании прошел сертификацию системы качества ISO9001 и международную кошерную сертификацию. Как лидер в области производства стероидного порошкового сырья, жидкости для инъекций и перорального применения, готовые продукты и пептиды на долгие годы, HongKong Blue Universal Co., Limited. Is aim to occupy major market share of USA, Канада, Великобритания, Бразилия, Нидерланды, Ирландия, Новая Зеландия, Austria, Австралия, German and worldwide. Качество наша жизнь! Вся продукция производится в асептической лаборатории в соответствии со стандартом GMP.. Approved the ISO 9001: 2008 и ИСО14001: 2004. Кроме, у нас есть полный Q. А. & Вопрос. InChI=1/C25H36O3/c1-3-4-5-6-7-24. Система. У нас есть авторизованные наборы инструментов для анализа, например, ВЭЖХ, ГХ и УФ-спектрофотометр для анализа и контроля продуктов.
    Вершина, стабильное и надежное качество гарантировано! With so many years’customize discreet packing experience, мы четко знаем, как упаковать вашу посылку и какую экспресс-доставку следует рекомендовать в зависимости от того, что вы заказали и где вы находитесь. Different package and different forwarders will be changing requently, No risk is allowed in any step, вам обещают получить все посылки 100%! Кроме того, since we are based in Hongkong, зона свободной торговли, мы получили большое преимущество в короткие сроки доставки и безопасный перевод денег. Warmly welcome all kinds of cooperation all over the world. We are ready to offer the best quality and services to all of you!

    PhenylPropionate Profile

    Phenyl Propionate has been combined with testosterone and nandrolone to create steroids like tribolan and libriol. Libriol is a mix of nandrolone and methandriol while tribolan is a mix of nandrolone and decanoate. Phenyl Propionate will not be found alone. Nandrolone is one of the most popular steroids in the world, since it can be used for gaining and losing weight with less of the aromatization affects that testosterone is known for. Nandrolone Phenyl Propionate will therefore contain the effects of Phenyl Propionate and nandrolone at the same time.

    If you want to add lean muscles and gain a lot of strength while at Phenyl Propionate will aid in doing so. Nitrogen retention is what enables the body to synthesize and store more proteins. When dieting involves eating a lot of animal and plant proteins, you can expect to see a lot of changes in the volume of the muscles of the user. It is important to point out that Phenyl Propionate should be accompanied by dieting and exercise to improve the volume and strength in the muscles. Phenyl Propionate improves the amount of IGF in the muscle increasing the amount of androgen receptors in the muscles.

    Users will have a lot of endurance, meaning that they will not get tired easily as they used to. They will not have sore muscles as they used to and they will do that while avoiding watery muscles. This means that they will be able to put in quantity and quality time into their exercising and bring out more results. Phenyl Propionate does so by increasing the number of red blood cells in the body of the user-the main reason it has been used for the management of anemia; a disease that is characterized by low red blood cell count.

    It is also wonderful for fat loss. Weight gain and fat loss are part and parcel of each other. Rarely will you find an athlete who wants to gain muscle without reducing the fat in the muscle. It will reduce the amount of fat especially in the abdominal area although this is highly dependant on the amount of nandrolone/ testosterone phenyl propionate you make use of; higher doses will lead to higher loss of fat in the abdominal area and lower doses will lead to lower loses in the same area. The brain will also be affected by the amount of nandrolone/ testosterone phenyl propionate you use. It has been known to promote aggressive behavior among its users, which is positive in the sense that it will make a user increase his effort in working out and negative in the sense that the aggressiveness can be directed to the wrong people. The negative effects of this is that users have been known to involve themselves in crime and are more prone to depression than non-users. Снова, this is also dependent on the dose you use; the higher the dose the higher the chances of you getting depressed.

    Nandrolone aromatizes but with its combination of phenyl propionate in the structure, the percentage of aromatization is generally lower than testosterone when a lot of it is used you can expect the effects of aromatization to show up; including gynecomastia and Virilization. Male users will notice prostate enlargement and loss of hair accompanied by acne. The function of the ester phenyl propionate is to improve the concentration of nandrolone it the blood in the first days of use so that you have maximum benefits in the first five days of using nandrolone/ testosterone phenyl propionate. You should watch your natural testosterone production when using nandrolone/ testosterone phenyl propionate though, since it is going to be affected negatively.

    Testosterone Phenylpropionate Side effects
    Being a testosterone based steroid, Testosterone-Phenylpropionate has similar side-effects as that of any other testosterone steroid. тем не мение, the catch is that since it stays less in the body and has a short half-life of approximately 3 days it causes lesser side-effects as compared to the side-effects caused by other testosterone based steroids. More than the side-effects, Testosterone-Phenylpropionate has positive effects because it is known to increase the health and well-being of the user since it doesn’t cause water retention at quite the rate of other compounds or other effects caused by aromatization at such a significant rate. The side-effects only come in with the over-usage or abuse of this steroid, otherwise all goes well and the user will be able to enjoy benefits of lean muscles produced by this hormonal compound.

    Side Effects caused by the Abuse of Testosterone-Phenylpropionate
    If a person uses this steroid for more than recommended time period or more than recommended dosage he/she is sure to get the side-effects that comes with having too much testosterone in the body. With testosterone exceeding the normal level, the person is sure to have aromatization effects which bring with it the effects of gynecomastia, virilization and water retention. Gynecomastia results in males developing breast tissues and virilization causes females to develop male characteristics like deep voice and body hair. Water retention is a side-effect which shatters all the dreams of an athlete and bodybuilders by increasing the water in their muscles. This water will make the user feel tired and worn out which is definitely a great blockage in fulfilling ones’ exercise goals.

    How to Avoid the Side-Effects of Testosterone Phenylpropionate?
    There are side-effects of using every steroid, but the best thing about this steroid is that its side-effects only comes in when it is over used. Thus there is only one way one can avoid the side-effects which comes with the over usage of this steroid and that is its proper administration. It is very important for the users of this steroid to monitor their dosages carefully and make sure they follow the proper cycle. Proper regulation of the usage of this hormone ensures the user get the maximum benefits and least side-effects.

    Another point which must be taken into account is that since Testosterone-Phenylpropionate is a fast acting testosterone and gives great results the user must not abuse it in order to get faster results; there’s no need. It has been seen that users in order to get immediate visible difference in their body increases the dosage of the hormone more than their body can handle which leads them to suffer the side-effects of the hormone. тем не мение, over using Testosterone-Phenylpropionate will do no good rather the user will end up having the side-effects which will definitely do no good to him/her. Thus it is very important to stick to the recommended dosage and time period so as to keep the side-effects of using this drug at bay.

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    1.100% политика пересылки - это наш основной бизнес. 100% переотправка немедленно, если ваша посылка остается на таможне для 4 дней и не обновляется.
    2.Полный возврат за 15 дни неудовлетворенности качеством.
    3.Мы можем предоставить бесплатные образцы.
    4.У нас есть специальная упаковка ,Легко пройдет таможню, будет безопаснее.
    5.Наша компания имеет долгосрочное сотрудничество с DHL.EMS.Fedex и т. Д. Его можно отправить вам в руки быстрее.. Фотография посылки должна быть предоставлена ​​в течение 12 часов после получения оплаты стероидами..
    6.Если у вас есть шанс приехать в Китай. Я могу показать вам нашу лабораторию.
    7.У нашей компании есть WU, MG, TT, и способы оплаты биткойнами заранее. Вы можете заплатить 95% для пептидов стоимость сначала на заказ, остальное можете предложить нам при следующем заказе;

    Стероидный препарат (Сырой порошок & Полуфабрикатное масло)
    Тестостерон серии
    База тестостерона
    Тестостерона ацетат
    Тестостерон ципионат
    Тестостерон энантат
    Деканоат тестостерона
    Тестостерон пропионат
    Тестостерон изокапроат
    Тестостерон ундеканоат
    Тестостерон фенилпропионат
    1- что объясняет способность этих методов контроля над рождаемостью предотвращать овуляцию и, таким образом, предотвращать беременность.
    1- Тестостерон ципионат
    Сустанон 250
    Оральный туринабол
    » Оральные стероиды (Провирон)
    Метилтестостерон (М-1-Т)
    Трестолона ацетат (Мент)
    Трестолона деканоат
    Флюоксиместерон (Галотестин)
    17 альфа-метилтестостерон
    Нандролон серии
    Нандролон База
    Нандролон Деканоат (ДЕТИ)
    » Порошок сырых стероидов (АЭС)
    Это не повлияет на вашу печень, но после запуска LGD-4033 рекомендуется полная ПКТ.
    Нандролон ундецилат
    Ципионат нандролона
    Тренболон серии
    Тренболон База
    Тренболона ацетат (Finaplix)
    Тренболон энантат
    Тренболон гексагидробензилкарбонат
    Метриболон (Метилтриенолон)
    Болденон серии
    Болденон ундесиленат (Equipoise)
    Болденона ацетат
    Болденон Ципионат
    Дростанолон пропионат (также уменьшить жировые отложения)
    Дростанолон энантат
    Метенолона ацетат (Примоболан)
    Метенолон энантат

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    Электронное письмо:rawsteroidsale@gmail.com
    Что за приложение:+8618676137192
    скайп : +8618676137192
    Интернет сайт:http://www.powerfulsteroids.com/