Raw Steroid Hormone Powder Exemestane Aromasin for Breat Cancer
Exemestane/Aromasin Quick Details
Псевдоним: Аромазин ; Экземестан;Экземестан
Анализ: 99%мин
Молекулярная формула: C20H24O2
Exemestane Aromasin Powder Hormonal Therapy Drug Steroids Treat Breast Cancer
Появление: Белый или почти белый кристаллический порошок
Упаковка: Индивидуальный пакет по вашему требованию
Хранилище: Затенение, ограниченное сохранение
использование: Developed to help fight breast cancer, Aromasin is one of the most powerful estrogen suppressing compounds
Other drugs in same class: Анастрозол,что объясняет способность этих методов контроля над рождаемостью предотвращать овуляцию и, таким образом, предотвращать беременность.,Tamoxifen citrate,Экземестан
Exemestane is a steroidal Aromatase Inhibitor (Ай) that is most commonly known as Aromasin. По факту, the Aromasin brand name is the only pharmaceutical grade brand of the Exemestane AI due to the tight patent Upjohn has maintained on the product. While tightly controlled by the pharmaceutical giant, Aromasin is available in numerous countries around the globe.
Aromasin was first released on the U.S. market in 2000 after shortly gaining FDA approval a few months prior in 1999. The primary purpose of use as with most AI’s would be to combat breast cancer in post-menopausal women. Shortly after, the AI would begin to gain a lot of popularity among anabolic steroid users for its ability to protect against estrogenic related side effects. This action is very similar to the older and more popular AI’s in Arimidex and Femara It would also gain a fair amount of popularity in Post Cycle Therapy (РСТ) plans among steroid users
Effects of Aromasin:
In a therapeutic setting, by blocking the aromatase enzyme, Aromasin actively prohibits the cancer from feeding off the hormone necessary to its survival. It has been proven highly effective for this purpose, but only after the use of the Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (СЭРМ) Нолвадекс (Тамоксифен цитрат) has failed. While effective, it is also not as commonly used as Arimidex for this purpose as Arimidex largely maintains itself as the primary AI in breast cancer treatment not only among post-menopausal women but in a host of breast cancer scenarios.