Raw Material Testosterone Series Testosterone Cypionate For Building Muscle 58-20-8
Температура плавления:101-102°
alpha D25 +87° (CHCl3)
температура хранения. 2-8° C
Testosterone Cypionate is the longest-estered testosterone available today. It has a half-life in the body of 15 к 16 days and is found as injectable oil. Because it reacts in the body for so long, it can cause more water retention than other steroids and is best used as bulking compound in a stack.
As with all testosterone injectables, one can expect a considerable gain in muscle mass and strength during a cycle. Since testosterone readliy converts to estrogen, the mass gained from this drug is likely to be accompanied by quite a bit of water retention. The resulting loss of definition of course makes cypionate a very poor choice for dieting or cutting phases. The excess level of estrogen brought about by this drug can also cause one to develop gynecomastia rather quickly. Should one notice an uncomfortable soreness, swelling or lump under the nipple, an ancillary drug like Nolvadex should be added immediately. This will minimize the effect of estrogen greatly, making the steroid much more tolerable to use. The powerful anti-aromatases Arimidex, Фемара, or Aromasin are yet a better choice. Those who have a known sensitivity to estrogen may find it more beneficial to use ancillary drugs like Nolvadex and Proviron from the onset of the cycle, in order to prevent estrogen related side effects before they become apparent.
Testosterone Cypionate is the longest-estered testosterone available today. It has a half-life in the body of 15 к 16 days and is found as injectable oil. Because it reacts in the body for so long, it can cause more water retention than other steroids and is best used as bulking compound in a stack. Endogenous androgens are responsible for normal growth and development of the male sex organs and for maintenance of secondary sex characteristics. These effects include growth and maturation of the prostate, seminal vesicles, penis, and scrotum; development of male hair distribution, such as beard, pubic, chest, and axillary hair; laryngeal enlargement, утолщение голосовых связок, and alterations in body musculature and fat distribution. Drugs in this class also cause retention of nitrogen, натрий, калий, and phosphorous, and decreased urinary excretion of calcium. Androgens have been reported to increase protein anabolism and decrease protein catabolism. Nitrogen balance is improved only when there is sufficient intake of calories and protein.
Сертификат подлинности
Тест |
Стандарт анализа |
Стандарт анализа |
Описание |
White Or White-off Crystalline Powder |
Белый кристаллический порошок |
Температура плавления |
98-104° C |
101-102° C |
Удельное вращение |
+85°~ +92° |
+87.1° |
Убыток от высыхания |
Стандарт анализа |
0.30% |
Остаток при прокаливании |
≤0.20% |
Проходить |
Анализ |
97.0Провирон может помочь повысить эффективность |
99.2% |
Заключение |
Be Conform With USP30 Standard |
Doses of 200-100mg a week are common using testosterone cypionate, with excellent results found midway at about 500 mg or less for the first time user and between 500-1000mg weekly for the more advanced athlete. Testosterone stacks well with anything and is also great when used alone. When stacked with another anabolic-androgenic steroid, distinct androgenic effects may be seen. Using cypionate will improve regenerative capacity as well as training aggressiveness which results in significant increases in overall strength during the course of the cycle.
Hot Sale
наименование товара |
№ CAS. |
Тестостерон серии |
Тестостерон энантат |
КЕЙС 315-37-7 |
База тестостерона |
КЕЙС 58-22-0 |
Тестостерона ацетат |
КЕЙС 1045-69-8 |
Тестостерон пропионат |
КЕЙС 57-85-2 |
Тестостерон ципионат |
КЕЙС 58-20-8 |
Он регулирует гонадотропную секрецию и дифференцировку вольфова протока. |
КЕЙС 1255-49-8 |
Тестостерон изокапроат |
КЕЙС 15262-86-9 |
Деканоат тестостерона |
КЕЙС 5721-91-5 |
Тестостерон Сустанон 250 |
/ |
Тестостерон ундеканоат |
КЕЙС 5949-44-0 |
Флюоксиместерон (Галотестин) |
КЕЙС 76-43-7 |
17-Метилтестостерон |
КЕЙС 58-18-4 |
Местанолон |
КЕЙС 521-11-9 |
» Оральные стероиды (Провирон) |
КЕЙС 1424-00-6 |
Оральный туринабол |
КЕЙС 2446-23-3 |
17а-метил-1-тестостерон |
КЕЙС 65-04-3 |
Клостебол ацетат (Туринабол) |
КЕЙС 855-19-6 |
1-Тестостерон ципионты |
КЕЙС 1965-6-5 |
Нандролон серии |
Нандролон |
КЕЙС 434-22-0 |
Нандролон Деканоат (ДЕТИ) |
КЕЙС 360-70-3 |
Нандролон фенипропионат (Ундеканоат тестостерона) |
КЕЙС 62-90-8 |
Станолон(Андростанолон) |
КЕЙС 521-18-6 |
миболерон |
КЕЙС 3704-09-4 |
Нандролон Пропионбат |
Нандролон ципионат |
КЕЙС 601-63-8 |
Тренболон серии |
Тренболона ацетат (Finaplix H / Revalor-H) |
КЕЙС 10161-34-9 |
Тренболон энантат |
КЕЙС 10161-33-8 |
Метриболон (Метилтриенолон) |
КЕЙС 965-93-5 |
Тренболон гексагидробензилкарбонат (Верхний порошок ацетата тренболона очищенности для здания мышцы) |
КЕЙС 23454-33-3 |
Тренболон База |
КЕЙС 10161-33-8 |
Тиболоне |
КЕЙС 5630-53-5 |