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» Сырой порошок стероидов

Raw Material Testosterone Anabolic Steroid Series Testosterone Enanthate For Bodybuilding 315-37-7

Сырой порошок стероидов
Сертификация: ISO9001
Номер модели: КЕЙС:315-37-7
Минимум для заказа: 100мг
Срок поставки: В пределах 12 часы после оплаты (День недели)
Условия оплаты: Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram,TT,Банк счета компании
  • Характеристики

Raw MaterialTestosterone Enanthate Testosterone Anabolic Steroid Series For Bodybuilding 315-37-7


Температура плавления:34-39° C
альфа 77 º
температура хранения. 2-8° C


Testosterone Enanthate is one of the oldest and perhaps the most commonly used anabolic steroid of all time. Testosterone Enanthate is a slow acting release form of the testosterone hormone and would be the first large/long ester testosterone form used. Synthetic testosterone itself would be developed in the 1930’s. The first batches of testosterone manufactured would have no ester attached (Testosterone Suspension) and needless to say would be fast acting and require very frequent injections. В 1937 the first ester controlled testosterone would hit the market thanks to Schering and their new Testosterone Propionate product. This would allow for more control over the testosterone hormone by regulating its time release. тем не мение, in the early 1950’s a larger ester in Enanthate would be attached to the hormone thereby slowing down the hormone’s activity even more. Testosterone Enanthate would become the dominating testosterone form in the medical field and Testosterone Cypionate would join a few years later. The difference in Testosterone Enanthate and Testosterone Cypionate is largely inconsequential.

Testosterone Enanthate is one of the most commonly used testosterones for the treatment of low testosterone. It is also extremely popular in performance enhancing circles. This is one of the most affordable anabolic steroids on the market, it’s highly versatile, tolerated well by most all adult men and its supply is through the roof.


1) Testosterone Enanthate is one of the most popular form of testosterone prescribed everywhere in the world. Testosterone Enanthate steroids are very concentrated forms of hormonal substance that is why it can boost the levels of testosterone in the body very quickly. Athletes take exogenous testosterone to increase muscle strength and size. Results indicated that weekly injections of the hormone decreased waist size and body weight. Supplement use also improved the men’s sexual performance. The treatment was considered safe, as no malignancies were observed during biopsies.

2) Using Testosterone Enanthate is a very effective way to increase the production of testosterone hormones in the body. Более того, it is also beneficial to athletes and body builders as they can develop muscle mass quickly to be able to carry out maximum performance.

3) Testosterone Enanthate is best suitable for muscle builders and sportsmen looking to gain the advantages of efficiency improving medications without the severe adverse reactions.

Сертификат подлинности

Описание White or white alike crystalline powder Соответствует
Идентификация Положительный Положительный
Удельное вращение +77°~+82° +80.6°
Free Heptanoic acid 0.16% Максимум 0.12%
Воды 0.5% Максимум 0.3%
Ordinary Impurities Одиночная примесь: 1.0% Максимум <1.0%
Всего примесей: 2.0% Максимум <2.0%
Органические летучие примеси Отвечает требованиям Соответствует
Остаточные растворители Отвечает требованиям Соответствует
Эстрадиола 17-гептаноат 80 сетка Соответствует
Температура плавления 34~39°C 34.5~36.2°C
Анализ 97.0Провирон может помочь повысить эффективность 99.3%

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