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» Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)

  • Сырой анаболический порошок дает наркотики пирувату кальция CAS 52009-14-0

    Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)
    Номер модели : КЕЙС: 52009-14-0
    Сертификация : GMP,SGS,ISO9001:2008,КОШЕРНЫЙ
    Место происхождения : Китай
    MOQ : 10г
    Цена : Договорная
    Условия оплаты : Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram, Банковский перевод, Биткойн
    Возможность поставки : 3000Кг / месяц
    Срок поставки : Обычно в пределах 7 рабочие дни
    Детали упаковки : Скрытность и незаметная упаковка
    наименование товара : Пируват кальция
    КЕЙС : 52009-14-0
    MF : C6H6CaO6
    МВт : 214.19
    EINECS : 257-599-9
    Появление : белый порошок
    • Характеристики

    Сырой анаболический порошок дает наркотики пирувату кальция CAS 52009-14-0

    Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., ООО, комплексное фармацевтическое предприятие, которая специализируется на биофармацевтических технологиях более 7 годы. Компания расположена в городе Чжуншань., Провинция Гуандонг , Китай.
    Наша фабрика занимает площадь 33500 квадратные метры, с чистой окружающей средой и красивой планировкой. Есть несколько крупных или средних мастерских, а также центр обеспечения качества и исследовательский центр с современным оборудованием.. В настоящий момент, наша основная продукция - серия анаболических стероидов, Пептидный ряд, Серия местных анестетиков. Наши продукты соответствуют передовым стандартам внутреннего рынка., многие из которых соответствуют международным стандартам, сертификаты содержат: КОШЕРНЫЙ , ISO 9001:2008 , GMP , SGS.

    информация о продукте:

    наименование товара: Пируват кальция
    Синоним: Pyruvic acid Calcium salt; Pyruvic acid calcium
    КЕЙС: 52009-14-0
    MF: C6H6CaO6
    МВт: 214.19
    EINECS: 257-599-9
    Появление: белый порошок
    Чистота: 99%
    » Жидкие инъекционные стероиды: Фармацевтический класс
    использование : Weight Loss professional leg fat burning
    Storeage: Store in a cool, ventilated and dry place, prevent sun, rain

    Описание :

    Pyruvate is a 3-carbon energy intermediate produced in cells from glucose, en route to creating ATP (the main energy currency of working cells). Pyruvate supplementation has been proposed to enhance work output and weight loss by providing more efficient energy that bypasses the ability of the body to store glucose as body fat.

    Initially in the sport to the fore, followed by a new kind of popular dietary supplements of calcium pyruvate is a compound of the whole society and minerals calcium pyruvate, pyruvate naturally found in vegetables and fruits, but also the most important human metabolism one of the intermediate product, and calcium is an important integral part of the human skeleton, and therefore calcium pyruvate as a dietary supplement is safe.

    The new slimming health new concept of calcium pyruvate, it will be listed in the United States as a dietary supplement A grade, the twenty-first century in the field of exercise science of dietary supplements has breakthroughs.

    Calcium pyruvate is the calcium salt of pyruvate. It is very stable. It appears as white crystalline powder and is odorless and almost neutral. It is slightly soluble in water. Pyruvate, тем не мение, is extremely unstable and is easily to be oxidized with weak oxidant Fe and H2O2 being able to oxidize the pyruvate into acetate and release the carbon dioxide at the same time.

    Pyruvate is the intermediate product during the in vivo carbohydrate metabolism in the body of the organisms as well as the indispensable transit point for both protein and lipid metabolism to go through. In natural environment, it is a colorless liquid with a pungent odor. It has a boiling point of 165 ℃ (decomposition). It is easily soluble in water, in addition to having the typical properties of both hydroxy acids and ketones, it also has the characteristics of a- keto acid. Pyruvate is the simplest a- keto acid (belonging hydroxy acid).

    Пируват кальция, currently, can only be chemically synthesized in China with the product being all industrial raw materials grade of calcium pyruvate. The resulted calcium pyruvate is a racemate (то есть, the amount of left-handed calcium pyruvate and right handed calcium pyruvate equals to each other) while only the L-pyruvate can be absorbed by the human body.

    Calcium pyruvate can enhance exercise endurance, increase cell energy, prevent or reduce due to too much caused by the consumption of fat and increase in body weight, сердце, muscle inhibition efficiency, reduce the high fat fed cholesterol.


    Calcium pyruvate can enhance exercise endurance, increase cell energy, prevent or reduce due to too much caused by the consumption of fat and increase in body weight, сердце, muscle inhibition efficiency, reduce the high fat fed cholesterol.

    Calcium pyruvate as dietary supplements, has accelerated fat consumption, reduce weight, enhance human endurance, improve the efficacy of athletic performance etc.

    A special protective effect on the heart, can enhance the effectiveness of the heart muscle, causing a reduction in heart disease or cardiac ischemia injury.

    В то же время, calcium pyruvate engulfed in a free radicals and inhibit the formation of free radicals and other significant effects.

    The effect of calcium pyruvate may be dependent on the dose, and if you’re dieting when you take it. в “American Journal of Clinical Nutritionstudy, participants who took 30 grams of pyruvate, 16 grams of which was calcium pyruvate, were on restricted diets.

    Pyruvate accounted for 13 percent of the participantsdiets. In the study published inNutrition,” which did not find significant effects for pyruvate, participants maintained their normal diets and took 5 grams of calcium pyruvate twice a day.

    It can be used as the pharmaceutical raw materials and food additives. Пируват кальция, as a dietary supplement, have various kinds of efficacy including accelerating fat consumption, boosting weight loss, enhancing the human endurance and improve the athletic performance and so on; it also has special protective effect on the heart and can enhance the effectiveness of the heart muscle, reducing the damage caused by heart disease or cardiac ischemia; at the same time, calcium pyruvate also has significant efficacy in engulfing free radicals and inhibiting the formation of free radicals.

    Calcium pyruvate is also calcium nutritional supplements. Although the calcium content is less than 20%, but after entering into the human body, unlike other calcium ion products, it will not increase the burden on the liver and kidney and result in side effects. Pyruvate ions can enter into the cell and participate in the metabolism of organic which can promote weight loss without affecting protein storage.

    Эффективная доза:

    The effect of calcium pyruvate may be dependent on the dose, and if you’re dieting when you take Calcium Pyruvate. в “American Journal of Clinical Nutritionstudy, participants who took 30 grams of pyruvate, 16 grams of which was calcium pyruvate, were on restricted diets. Pyruvate accounted for 13 percent of the participantsdiets. In the study published inNutrition,” which did not find significant effects for pyruvate, participants maintained their normal diets and took 5 grams of calcium pyruvate twice a day.

    Сертификат подлинности:

    Элементы анализа Технические характеристики Стандарт анализа
    Пировиноградная кислота (ВЭЖХ) ≥60.0% 60.1%
    Dry weight loss ≤10% 7.3%
    Тяжелые металлы ≤10 частей на миллион Meet
    Мышьяк ≤1ppm Meet
    Bulk density 0.5-0.9г/мл 0.78г/мл
    Calcium ≥15% 15.5%
    ASSAY >99.0% 99.2%
    Заключение Квалифицированный

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    1.100% политика пересылки - это наш основной бизнес. 100% переотправка немедленно, если ваша посылка остается на таможне для 4 дней и не обновляется.
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    Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)
    TUDCA (Тауроурсодезоксихолевая кислота)
    ГБЛ (Y-бутиролактон)
    Левамизол HCL
    Адреналин HCL
    Моногидрат гидробромида декстрометорфана
    SNAP-8 1 мг / флакон
    Диклофенак натрия
    Натриевая соль тианептина
    Бета-никотинамид мононуклеотид
    Клобетазола пропионат
    1,3-Диметилбутиламина гидрохлорид
    Сульфат тианептина сульфата

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