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» Пептиды

Чистота 99% Human Growth Hormone Peptides MGF

Сертификация: ISO 9001
Номер модели: MGF
Минимум для заказа: 10г
Срок поставки: 3-7 рабочие дни
Условия оплаты: Т / Т, Вестерн Юнион, Денежный грамм, Биткойн, банковский перевод
  • Характеристики

Чистота 99% Human Growth Hormone Peptides MGF


Синонимы: Mechano Growth Factor ,IGF-1 Ec
Кас Нет:62031-54-3
Размер блока :2 мг / флакон,5мг / флакон
Молекулярная формула: C121H200N42O39
МВт: 2867.14
Появление :Белый порошок
Личность (ЭСИ-МС) :2948.15±3.0(MGF)




MGF (also known as IGF-1Ec) is a splice variant of the IGF gene which increases stem cell count in the muscle and allows for muscle fibers to fuse and mature. This is a process required for the growth of adult muscle. MGF is produced naturally when muscle fibers are broken down through resistance (weight training). MGF stimulates muscle growth, creates new muscle fibers, promotes muscle recovery, promotes nitrogen retention and increases protein synthesis.


In studies where MGF was administered intramuscularly, there was a 20% increase in the weight of the injected muscle fibers within 2 недели. In further studies, it took 4 months for IGF to cause a 25% increase in muscle mass. MGF was found to be more potent than IGF-1 in rapid muscle growth. Fat loss and strength increases are not typically seen with MGF’s use (as they are with IGF-1 use).


How does MGF work?

If you have been training with weights, then you have already been using your own MGF that your body creates. IGF-1 is spliced due to its response to broken down muscle tissue and one of the splices produced is IGF-1Ec, better known as mechano growth factor. По сути, MGF is a version of IGF, specifically IGF-1Ec. MGF is an amazing variant that directly helps with the up-regulation of protein synthesis and nitrogen retention. This is why I think that PEG MGF is the best variant of the IGF-1 series. After you have broken down muscle tissue (post training), you can use the peptide PEG MGF and reap the benefit of its response to damaged muscle tissue. Он регулирует гонадотропную секрецию и дифференцировку вольфова протока., it will help you signal growth in nearby undamaged muscled cells. This gives it the unique ability to grow lagging body parts in areas where muscle growth is desired.

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