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Примоболан Метенолон Энантат

Анаболические стероиды, Сырой порошок стероидов
Сертификация: SGS,ИСО9001, УКАС
Номер модели: 303-42-4
Минимум для заказа: 10г
Срок поставки: в течение 12 часов после оплаты
Условия оплаты: Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram, Т / Т,Биткойн
  • Характеристики


наименование товара Метенолон энантат
Псевдоним Primobolan-depot
№ КАС 303-42-4
ЭИНЭКС Нет 206-141-6
MF C27H42O3
МВт 414.62
РС 99% Purity Primobolan Steroids 303-42-4 Methenolone Enanthate for Muscle Building
Чистота 99%
Появление Белый кристаллический порошок
Температура плавления 66-70° C
» Жидкие инъекционные стероиды Фармацевтический класс
Хранилище Затенение , ограниченное сохранение
Product categories Muscle Growth Steroids
Производитель NJBN STEROID
использование Can be used as pharmaceutical material, Metenolone enanthate (or methenolone enanthate) based anabolic steroid. It is an ester derivative of Methenolone sold commonly under the brand names Primobolan (tablet form) or Primobolan Depot (injectable).

Primobolan Depot (methonolone enanthate) is often of interest to beginning steroid users and sometimes to experienced users. The first question to consider is really not pharmacological but one of economics. Usually for any given level of effect, Primobolan is an unusually expensive choice. And for most users, there is no unique benefit gained from its use. Accordingly, most experienced steroid users do not include it in their steroid cycle planning.
Methenolone has a reputation as being a very safe steroid and in doses of up to 200 mgs/week very little side effects are reported. К сожалению, many users also report minor gains at best using such a low dose and more pronounced gains seem to occur at 350 мг/неделю (100 mg EOD) and up. While methenolone is mild without much HPTA suppression, higher doses will result in negative feedback in this regard. Гексадрон – мощный анаболик., some users report hair loss while using Primo so a product like finasteride may be necessary while cycling methenolone. On the plus side, because of the few side effects exhibited by primo use, an anti-estrogen is likely not necessary.

Сертификат подлинности:

Тест Стандарт Стандарт анализа
Описание Провирон может помочь повысить эффективность Белый кристаллический порошок
Температура плавления 65~ 71 66~ 70
Убыток от высыхания Стандарт анализа 0.32%
Удельное вращение +38°~ +42° +40.1°
Анализ 97~102% 99.1%
Заключение Спецификация соответствует стандарту предприятия.

Steroids Powder Methenolone Enanthate raw materials CAS: 303-42-4 Бодибилдинг

1.Primobolan Depot (methonolone enanthate) is often of interest to beginning steroid users and sometimes to experienced users. The first question to consider is really not pharmacological but one of economics. Usually for any given level of effect, Primobolan is an unusually expensive choice. And for most users, there is no unique benefit gained from its use. Accordingly, most experienced steroid users do not include it in their steroid cycle planning.

2.Primobolan Depot is the injectable version of the steroid methenolone. It is the same compound as the one in Primobolan Orals (methenolone acetate), both produced by Schering. In this injectable version, an enanthate ester is added to the steroid, which makes for a slow and gradual release from the site of injection.

3.Primobolan is commonly used by those who wish to keep oestrogen and androgenic related side effects to a minimum. Primobolan is also a popular choice for cutting cycles due its mild anabolic properties which may be best suited for sustaining muscle tissue under strict pre-content dieting. Excessive subcutaneous fluids will also not be a concern due to primobolan being a non-aromatising steroid. The compound could also be added to bulking cycles to heighten the anabolic nature of the cycle whilst minimising adding to the overall oestrogen and androgenic side effects

Shipment Method:
Steroids Powder Methenolone Enanthate raw materials CAS: 303-42-4 Бодибилдинг

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Шаг 1 Please let me know the items you are favorable, quantities, and the destination country.
Шаг 2 You confirm all details, and offer us purchasing order.
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Шаг 4 You confirm the order and pay money 100% in advance and send us the detailed contacting information, including contacting person/company, address, mobile number,ZIP code and your special requirements.
Шаг 5 We arrange the shipment according to your requirements, and tracking code will be offered after claiming the payment within 24h, then you can track your parcel at any moment.
Шаг 6 We offer after-sales service after you receive parcel.

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