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Сырой порошок стероидов

» Сырой порошок стероидов

Primobolan Depot Muscle Gaining Methenolone Enanthate Steroid White Powder Superdrol Safe Pass

Сырой порошок стероидов
Сертификация: GMP, SGS , ISO 9001:2008 , КОШЕРНЫЙ
Номер модели: 303-42-4
Минимум для заказа: Переговоры
Срок поставки: В пределах 7 Рабочие дни
Условия оплаты: Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram, Банковский перевод, Биткойн
  • Характеристики

Primobolan Depot Muscle Gaining Methenolone Enanthate Steroid White Powder Superdrol Safe Pass


Метенолон энантат

Псевдоним: Primobolan-depot,Метенолон энантат

№ CAS: 303-42-4

Einecs Нет: 206-141-6

MF : C27H42O3

МВт: 414.62




Чистота: 99%

Появление:white Crystalline powder.



Methenolone enanthate is a good choice for athletes who do not need huge muscle mass, like in bodybuilding. For athletes, swimmers, fans of martial arts, и т.д. Methenolone enanthate will help these athletes to gain quality muscle mass and boost strength performance, to train more productively and as a result to progress in their favorite kinds of sport, but not stay with the same results year by year.

Females. Methenolone Enanthate and Oxandrolone are best products for female athletes since they perfectly influence them and do not increase the amount of androgens to a critical level.

Preparation for performances in bodybuilding. Methenolone enanthate injections almost does not aromatize, and therefore the usage of this drug in preparing for performances in bodybuilding is quite logical. тем не мение, at this stage Methenolone enanthate solo is not recommended for use. Methenolone enanthate solo is unable to preserve muscle mass along with severe low-calorie diet and drugs for fat loss. Methenolone enanthate may be combined with androgen from the following drugs: Тренболон, также уменьшить жировые отложения, Тестостерон пропионат.




Medical prescription guidelines for Primobolan doses can be broken apart into two categories: (1)Oral Primobolan doses (2) Injectable Primobolan doses


Injectable Primobolan (Метенолон энантат): Medical prescription guidelines for the injectable variant of Primobolan called for an initial dose of 200mg, followed by 100mg weekly for the duration of therapy. Depending on the medical condition being treated, Primobolan doses can land anywhere in the range of 100mg every 1 – 2 weeks or 200mg every 2 – 3 недели. There exist no separate medical dosing guidelines for female patients.

Oral Primobolan (Метенолона ацетат): Medical prescription guidelines for the oral variant of Primobolan were that of 100 – 150mg per day for no longer than a 6 – 8 недельный период. Just as with the injectable Primobolan prescription guidelines, there are no separate instructions for female Primobolan doses.

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