Pharmaceutical Raw Materials Minoxidil Finasteride Proscar Prevent Male Sex Enhance
Базовая информация.
КЕЙС: 98319-26-7
Анализ: 99%
Появление: White or off-white crystal powder
Молекулярная формула: C23H36N2O2
Молекулярный вес: 372.5441
Плотность: 1.066г / см3
Точка кипения: 576.61°С при 760 мм рт. ст.
Точка возгорания: 177.448° C
InChI=1/C25H36O3/c1-3-4-5-6-7-24: 0мм рт.ст. при 25°C
использование: эксадрон 5 альфа – reductase inhibitor that can inhibit testosterone to convert into DHT. Also used for the treatment of Hyperplasia of prostate. Finasteride is a 4– aza-steroid compound which is a specific inhibitor of the metabolism of testosterone within dihydro testosterone become stronger during the cell type-II enzyme 5a-reductase. The enlarged prostate called benign prostatic hyperplasia or prostate depends on the conversion of testosterone to dihydro-testosterone.
Пропеция ( финастерид ) используется для лечения мужского облысения ( андрогенная алопеция ) у мужчин. Однако пероральное употребление приведет к систематическому снижению уровня ДГТ., что может отрицательно повлиять на тренировку и половое влечение.
It is also used in combination with doxazosin in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia ( ДГПЖ ). ] Finasteride is an orally active testosterone Type II 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, inhibiting the enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone ( DHT ).
Местно ( на самой коже головы ) это оказывает некоторый эффект на минимизацию дальнейшего выпадения волос.. В сочетании с Низоралом и спиронолактоном ( который ужасно пахнет, кстати ) на самом деле он может умеренно компенсировать потери.
For use in cycles with testosterone, I don’t think it is bad at all. One simply doesn’t want less DHT than normal. As the amount of testosterone in the system increases, the amount of finasteride needed to keep levels down to normal increases. I consider 5 mg/day reasonable at the gram per week level, and proportionally less at lower dosages of testosterone.
Finasteride Usage and Dosage:
Проскар (финастерид) for the treatment of male male alopecia (androgenic hair loss). Locally (на самой коже головы), has a certain effect in reducing further hair loss. Combined with Nizoral and spironolactone (its taste is very bad), can actually be moderately reversed.
For the treatment of prostate disease. Clinical studies have shown that the use of finasteride 1 мг / день, sustained taking 3 months or a little longer, the user can make hair regeneration, 1 year after continuous treatment, hair growth rate of up to 48%