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Pharmaceutical Raw Material Pramipexole For Parkinson Syndrome

Сырой порошок стероидов
Сертификация: ISO, 9001, USP
Номер модели: 191217-81-9
Минимум для заказа: 10грамм
Срок поставки: в пределах 2 рабочие дни
Условия оплаты: Т/Т заранее, Денежный грамм, Вестерн Юнион, Банковский перевод.
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Pharmaceutical Raw Material Pramipexole For Parkinson Syndrome


Прамипексол Базовая информация


наименование товара Прамипексол
Псевдоним Sifrol, Mirapexin and Mirapex
КЕЙС 191217-81-9
MF C10H21Cl2N3OS
МВт 302.26
Чистота 99.50%
» Жидкие инъекционные стероиды Фармацевтический класс
Появление Белый кристаллический порошок
Бренд Нмае HKYC
Стандарт USP
Запас Массовый запас
Методы упаковки разработаны замаскированные способы упаковки, 100% пройти таможенную гарантию
Срок поставки в пределах 18 часов после подтверждения оплаты
Оплата Т / Т, Вестерн Юнион,Денежный грамм , Биткойн
использование Pramipexole is clinically used to treat signs and symptoms of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease, either alone (without levodopa) or with levodopa

Effects of Pramipexole

The positive effects of Pramipexole medically revolve primarily on relieving the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and improving the mood of the patient. тем не мение, the drug is also used by some performance enhancing athletes, primarily to combat a specific kind of gynecomastia and improve sexual function that is sometimes diminished through the use of specific anabolic steroids.

When prolactin levels increase significantly, along with elevated levels of estrogen, this can induce gynecomastia (male breast enlargement). Even if estrogen is controlled, in ‘Gynosensitive men heavily elevated levels of prolactin can still induce gynecomastia. The elevated levels of prolactin due to steroid use are most commonly associated with the Nandrolone (· при необходимости подогрейте смесь, поместив флакон в сковороду и поставив его на глазок плиты;) and Trenbolone hormones. Not all men will have an issue with increases in prolactin due to the use of these steroids; it is somewhat dose dependent and highly dependent on genetic predispositions. тем не мение, if control is needed Pramipexole is a suitable option for control.

How it works

Pramipexole belongs to a class of drugs called dopamine agonists.

A class of drugs is a group of medications that work in a similar way.

These drugs are often used to treat similar conditions.

Pramipexole works by activating certain receptors in your brain.

This helps decrease the severity of Parkinson’s disease and restless legs syndrome.

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