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» Пептиды

Peptide Powder Melanotan-2 Melanotan II

Производственная мощность: 3000кг/месяц
Условия оплаты: Т / Т, Вестерн Юнион, Денежный грамм, биткойны
Тип: Фармацевтические промежуточные продукты
Появление: эксадрон
Большинство людей считают полезным прием гормона Т-3, так как его уровень, как правило, падает при наличии трена.: USP
Colour: Белый
Имя: Меланотан-II (Mt-II)
КЕЙС: 121062-08-6
  • Характеристики

Peptide Powder Melanotan-2 Melanotan II


Базовая информация

Модель №.: Human Growth Peptide
Химическое название: Меланотан-2
Появление: Белый лиофилизированный порошок
Анализ: 99%
Abbreviation: Mt-2
Функции: Muscle Growth.Wheat Color Skin
Перевозки: Мы компания веб-дизайна в Шэньчжэне, DHL, EMS, TNT, HK EMS, Eub, Etk
Оплата: Вестерн Юнион, Денежный грамм, Банковский перевод, Биткойн
Политика повторной отправки: Reship for Fee
Срок поставки: 4-7 Рабочие дни от двери до двери
Экспортные рынки: Глобальный. Especially Brazil, Австралия, Canada.UK
Торговая марка: послать
Транспортный пакет: Sterile Bottle
Технические характеристики: 10мг
Источник: Guangdong. Китай
Код ТН ВЭД: 3822009000
When to use Melanotan II
Melanotan II requires cumulative dosing to be effective. Depending on the individual, needed cumulative dose will typically be from 10 к 40 мг, with fairer individuals usually requiring amounts at the higher end of the range. Depending on the total amount needed and the daily dosing suitable for the individual, MT-II injections will need to begin at least a week prior to a need for improved tanning. Более типично, MT-II use should begin at least a month prior to such need.Melanotan II can also be used on a cycled basis to maintain improved ability to tan.Further, Melanotan II can be used on occasion for prosexual effect.
Treatment for Male and Female Sexual Dysfunction:
Меланотан-1, the precusor to Melanotan II, would eventually be licensed for commercialization as a tanning agent and has been in development for use as a potentialtherapeutic tan,” with minimal need for prolonged sun exposure. In the initial clinical testing of Melanotan II, an immediate and unexpected response was noted. The main subject experienced an erection shortly after administration. It was suggested that Melanotan IImay prove equally effective in womenas atreatment of female sexual dysfunction. At least one study has observed that administration of Melanotan II may increase sexual desire, which should warrant furtherinvestigation of centrally acting agents on disorders of sexual desire.
Theoretically, Melanotan II may enhance sexual function in males (erectile activity) and females (increased levels of sexual desire and genital arousal). Unlike other sexual-enhancement drugs, it is hypothesizedd that Melanotan II works at a neurological level, eliciting a morenaturalsexual response with minimal side effects. It was suggested that Melanotan IImay prove equally effective in womenas atreatment of female sexual dysfunction.[5] At least one study has observed that administration of Melanotan II may increase sexual desire, which should warrant furtherinvestigation of centrally acting agents on disorders of sexual desire.

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