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Nutritional Supplement Calcium Pyruvate CAS 52009-14-0 For Burning Fat With High

Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)
Номер модели : 52009-14-0
Сертификация : GMP, SGS , ISO 9001:2008 , КОШЕРНЫЙ
Место происхождения : Китай
MOQ : Переговоры
Цена : Договорная ( Скидки на большой заказ )
Условия оплаты : Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram, Банковский перевод, Биткойн
Возможность поставки : 100 Кг / месяц
Срок поставки : В пределах 7 Рабочие дни
Детали упаковки : Скрытная и незаметная упаковка
наименование товара : Пируват кальция
Другое имя : Pyruvic acid calcium
КЕЙС : 52009-14-0
Появление : Белый порошок
использование : Потеря веса
способ доставки : EMS, HKEMS, ФЕДЕКС, DHL, UPS, Арамекс, И Т.Д
  • Характеристики

Nutritional Supplement Calcium Pyruvate CAS 52009-14-0 For Burning Fat With High Purity


Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., ООО, комплексное фармацевтическое предприятие, которая специализируется на биофармацевтических технологиях более 7 годы. Компания расположена в городе Чжуншань., Провинция Гуандонг , Китай.
Наша фабрика занимает площадь 33500 квадратные метры, с чистой окружающей средой и красивой планировкой. Есть несколько крупных или средних мастерских, а также центр обеспечения качества и исследовательский центр с современным оборудованием.. В настоящий момент, наша основная продукция - серия анаболических стероидов, Пептидный ряд, Серия местных анестетиков. Наши продукты соответствуют передовым стандартам внутреннего рынка., многие из которых соответствуют международным стандартам, сертификаты содержат: КОШЕРНЫЙ , ISO 9001:2008 , GMP , SGS.


Пируват кальция





Синонимы:PYRUVIC ACID CALCIUM SALT;CALCIUM PYRUVATE;CALCIUM PYRUVIC;2-oxo-propanoic acid calcium salt;Pyruvate (Ca,мг,Уже,Etc);Caclium pyruvate;Calcim pyruvate;Pyruvic acid calcium

Fat Loss

Calcium pyruvate can enhance exercise endurance, increase cell energy, prevent or reduce due to too much caused by the consumption of fat and increase in body weight, сердце, muscle inhibition efficiency, reduce the high fat fed cholesterol.

Pyruvate is a 3-carbon energy intermediate produced in cells from glucose, en route to creating ATP (the main energy currency of working cells). Pyruvate supplementation has been proposed to enhance work output and weight loss by providing more efficient energy that bypasses the ability of the body to store glucose as body fat.

Many claim that calcium pyruvate can help with weight and/or fat loss. In theory, since it is the raw material for cellular respiration, supplementing with calcium pyruvate should increase the amount of energy burned, therefore allowing for more fat burning. The question is whether this is actually the case. A study done by Dr. Ronald Stanko at the University of Pittsburgh concluded that calcium pyruvate does have this fat burning effect. Obese women were put on a 1,000-calorie diet for 21 days during this study. The group receiving calcium pyruvate experienced 48 percent higher fat loss, amounting to 3.2 extra pounds. тем не мение, very large doses of 30 grams per day were used to elicit this result. The common recommendation of 5 grams per day may not be enough to produce similar results. The expense of high dosage supplementation with calcium pyruvate may be too expensive for some. Diet-and-Health.net discounts the research, claiming that there is still no solid evidence for weight loss benefits.


1. Calcium pyruvate as dietary supplements, has accelerated fat consumption, reduce weight, enhance human endurance, improve the efficacy of athletic performance etc.

2. A special protective effect on the heart, can enhance the effectiveness of the heart muscle, causing a reduction in heart disease or cardiac ischemia injury.

3. В то же время, calcium pyruvate engulfed in a free radicals and inhibit the formation of free radicals and other significant effects.

4.Some suggest that other potential benefits of calcium pyruvate supplementation may include antioxidant activity for antiaging, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, increased glyogen storage and utilization

Эффективная доза

The effect of calcium pyruvate may be dependent on the dose, and if you’re dieting when you take it. в “American Journal of Clinical Nutritionstudy, participants who took 30 grams of pyruvate, 16 grams of which was calcium pyruvate, were on restricted diets. Pyruvate accounted for 13 percent of the participantsdiets. In the study published inNutrition,” which did not find significant effects for pyruvate, participants maintained their normal diets and took 5 grams of calcium pyruvate twice a day.

How Does It Work?

The benefits of Calcium Pyruvate are both profound and essential to proper metabolism. Calcium Pyruvate from Genetic Solutions provides a stable salt form of Pyruvic Acid, which is essential for the conversion of energy from carbohydrate and starches. Pyruvate is the fundamental building block of the Kreb’s Cycle, which is how the body creates ATP, the main fuel source of the body. A deficiency of Pyruvate may lead to inadequate sources of energy while restoring Pyruvate levels can lead to increased energy, lean body mass, and will support a healthy weight loss regimen. Calcium Pyruvate also contains Calcium which is not only essential for bone and nerve health, but is also important for regulating energy levels and supporting healthy weight loss.


Enhanced endurance capacity, increase the cell energy, prevent or reduce because excessive caused by the consumption of fat and weight gain, inhibition of heart, muscle efficiency, reduce the high fat diet of cholesterol.

Calcium pyruvate as a dietary supplement, has accelerated fat consumption, reduce weight, enhance human endurance, improve the efficiency of sports performance; a special protective effect on the heart, can enhance the efficiency of the heart muscle, resulted in the decrease of heart disease or cardiac ischemia injury; at the same time, calcium pyruvate engulfed in a free radicals and inhibition of free radicals the generation of significant effect.

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