Синонимы:(+)-цис-винкамин;(3альфа,14бета,16альфа)-14,15-Метиловый эфир дигидро-14-гидроксиэбурнаменин-14-карбоновой кислоты;(3альфа,14бета,16альфа)-Метиловый эфир дигидро-14-гидроксиэбурнаменин-14-карбоновой кислоты;14,15-Метиловый эфир дигидро-14-гидроксиэбурнаменин-14-карбоновой кислоты;14,15-метиловый эфир дигидро-14-гидроксиэбурнаменин-14-карбоновой кислоты ;1H-индол[3,2,1-из]пиридо[3,2,1-ij][1,5]нафтиридин, производное эбурнаменин-14-карбоновой кислоты.;Алкалоид, полученный из барвинка малого;Анасклерол
Vincamine is a vasodilator and anti-ischemic that increases blood flow to the brain. Vincamine is known primarily as a vasodilator and is in general use as a treatment for dementia.
Vincamine is produced through two chemical reactions beginning with the catalytic reduction of tabersonine, an alkaloid extract of Voacanga seeds. The resulting product, vincadiformine is oxidized forming vincamine.
Vincamine is used for the prevention and treatment of cerebrovascular insufficiencies and disorders. It has been shown to be pharmacologically active in the central nervous system and in the cardiovascular system but its activity is mainly on the vessels of the brain. Other therapeutic applications of vincamine include the treatment of tinnitus and hypertension.
Vincamine dietary supplements are sold in the US as “brain nutrition” to support cerebral metabolism and cognitive function and to enhance memory and concentration.
1. Винкамин можно использовать для лечения психологических и поведенческих расстройств, вызванных старением..
2. Он также может быть использован для лечения острого цереброваскулярного заболевания и синдрома черепно-мозговой травмы..
3. Аспекты офтальмологии: для лечения ишемической болезни сетчатки.
4. Отологические аспекты: для лечения вестибулярных заболеваний улитки.
Vincamine is a strong vasolidator which relaxes and widens the blood vessel, thereby increasing the blood transport to the brain as well as improved supply of nutrients, oxygen and glucose. The net result is improved energy production in the brain as well as increased uptake of important resources for cellular maintenance.
Therefore as a dietary supplement Vincamine has a number of beneficial effects associated with cognitive enhancement and neuroprotection.
Another interesting function of this supplement is that it activates an area of the brain called the locus coeruleus (LC). This is a part of the brain that plays a very important role in regulating a number of physiological functions, such as the control of arousal, stress and attention. The LC is also a wakefulness-promoting center in the brain; therefore its activation leads to a higher alertness.
The LC also contains norepinephrine-synthesizing neurons that send norepinephrine to other parts of the cerebral cortex. As the number of these neurons decreases with age, Vincamine has been demonstrated to keep them active thereby reducing age-related cognitive decline.Vincamine Uses
Vincamine is a potent herbal-based supplement. As with any supplement it is important to follow recommended dosages. Most users take 30 мг два раза в день. If you a beginner in the world of Nootropics, it is strongly advised that you find the lowest effective dose for your individual needs.
Only increase the dosage when you are familiar with the effects. Окончательно, you should discuss the use of Vincamine with a qualified professional before starting to take this supplement on a regular basis.
Побочные эффекты
There are very few side effects associated with this supplement. On rare occasions it may cause some stomach or gastrointestinal issues. Обычно, if this occurs the best option is to discontinue use (that should also take care of the side effect).
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Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок) |
TUDCA (Тауроурсодезоксихолевая кислота) |
ГБЛ (Y-бутиролактон) |
1,4-Бутандиол |
Миноксидил |
мелатонин |
Третиноин |
Сунифирам |
Прегабалин |
Фенацетин |
Парацетамол |
Левамизол HCL |
Пирфенидон |
Адреналин HCL |
Прегненолон |
Моногидрат гидробромида декстрометорфана |
Аргирелин |
SNAP-8 1 мг / флакон |
Теофиллин |
Диклофенак натрия |
Натриевая соль тианептина |
Ноопепт |
Бета-никотинамид мононуклеотид |
Клобетазола пропионат |
полиэтиленгликоль(ПЭГ) |
Кетопрофен |
1,3-Диметилбутиламина гидрохлорид |
Поливинилпирролидон |
Барицитиниб |
Дипрофиллин |
Аминофиллин |
Тианептин |
Сульфат тианептина сульфата |
ПРЛ-8-53 |
НСИ-189 |