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» Пептиды

Muscle Building Weight Loss Peptides CJC-1295 With DAC Growth Hormone With Safe Pass

Номер модели: muscle building
Сертификация: ISO 9000, SGS
Место происхождения: HUBEI,КИТАЙ
Минимум для заказа: 10грамм
Цена: оборотный(best offer will be provided)
Условия оплаты: MoneyGram, Вестерн Юнион, Т / Т, Биткойн
Возможность поставки: 1000Kg per Month
Срок поставки: в течение 24 часов после подтверждения оплаты
Детали упаковки: разработаны замаскированные способы упаковки, 100% пройти таможенную гарантию)
Имя: Cjc-1295(Dac)
Другое имя: Cjc-1295(Dac)
Чистота: 99%
» Жидкие инъекционные стероиды: Фармацевтический класс
MOQ: 10флаконы
pKG: Discreet pkg
Оплата: Т / Т ,MG,WU.
  • Характеристики

Muscle Building Weight Loss Peptides CJC-1295 With DAC Growth Hormone With Safe Pass


Технические характеристики


Вещь Технические характеристики Результат
Появление белый порошок Соответствует
Идентификация Положительный Соответствует
Анализ 99.0% мин 99.08%
Убыток от высыхания 6.0%Максимум. 4.80%
Баланс массы 95.0~105,0% Соответствует
Содержание ацетата (HPIC) 12.0%Максимум. 10.80%
Содержание пептидов (Н%) 80.0%мин. 88.00%
Аминокислотный состав ±10% от теоретического Соответствует
Одиночная примесь (ВЭЖХ) 1.0%Максимум. 0.85%

What is CJC-1295?

1. Cjc-1295 is also referred to as Mod GRF 1-29, which in most cases is recommended to exceed CJC-1295. The duration of the effect of the product is different. MOD GRF shortens the desired duration of the drug, and CJC-1295 has the effect of preventing the prolongation of the duration of such effects.

2.CJC-1295, also known as DAC: ГРФ (short for drug affinity complex) is a synthetic analogue of hormone releasing hormone (ГРХ) (also known as growth hormone releasing factor (ГРФ)) and hormone GHS), which was developed by ConjuChem Biotechnologies. It is an improvement with improved pharmacokinetics, particularly with regard to half-life of GHRH (1-29). CJC-1295 has been shown to prolong the half-life and bioavailability of somatotropin-releasing hormone 1-29. It increases the half-life of the agent by bioconjugation.

Dosages and Usage:

The naming might have thrown you for a loop, but don’t let that stop you from understanding the reason why you should utilize one of the best GHRH’s out there. ЗАО 1295 is probably the best and most widely use GHRH along with your chosen GHRP. Like all of the other peptides you are dealing with, it is a delicate lyophilized powder that should be kept out of the light and in a cool dry place. Reconstitution is done with bacteriostatic water or sodium chloride meant for injection. As already stated before, to mimic the natural release of growth hormone through the natural spikes you would achieve through the day MOD GRF 1-29 (ЗАО 1295 без ЦАП) should be injected 1-3 times per day at 100mcg-200mcg doses along with your GHRP of choice. Now, the most cost effective and in my opinion better way to utilize CJC 1295 is to go with the CJC 1295 с ЦАП. This will allow the bodybuilder or athlete to inject 2mg of CJC 1295 with DAC twice weekly along with their daily injection of GHRP. This will offer smaller but more frequent growth hormone pulses that would ideally get a user closer to exogenous HGH doses.

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