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  • Minoxidil CAS 38304-91-5 Hair Loss Treatment Pure Minoxidil 98% эксадрон

    Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)
    Сертификация: GMP,ISO,УКАС
    Номер модели: 38304-91-5
    Минимум для заказа: 10г
    Срок поставки: В пределах 24 часов после получения оплаты
    Условия оплаты: Вест Юнион,Моэни Грам, Биткойн и банковский перевод
    • Характеристики

    Minoxidil CAS 38304-91-5 Hair Loss Treatment Pure Minoxidil 98% эксадрон

    Базовая информация.

    наименование товара:Миноксидил
    КЕЙС: 38304-91-5
    Молекулярный вес: 209.2483
    Он регулирует гонадотропную секрецию и дифференцировку вольфова протока.: C9H15N5O
    Температура плавления : 258-262
    Content : ≥ 99%
    Характеристики: 25поскольку тело борется с изменениями с желанием сохранить накопленный жир из-за своей природы выживания, мышечная ткань часто приносится в жертву, чтобы удовлетворить свои потребности в энергии. / drum
    Характеристики: The product is white or almost white crystalline powder. Dissolved in glacial acetic acid , слабо растворим в этаноле , slightly soluble in chloroform or water , very slightly soluble in acetone.


    Minoxidil is an antihypertensive vasodilator medication also claiming to slow or stop hair loss and promote hair regrowth. It is available over the counter for treatment of androgenic alopecia, among other baldness treatments, but measurable changes, if experienced, disappear within months after discontinuation of treatment.

    Minoxidil was first sold as a drug for high blood pressure and was noted to have the interesting side-effect of increased body hair-growth, or in some cases, significant hair loss. Treatments for baldness and hair loss usually include a 5% concentration solution that is designed for men, whereas the 2% concentration solutions are designed for women. Миноксидил, applied topically, is widely used for the treatment of hair loss. It is effective in helping promote hair growth in both males and females with androgenic alopecia.About 40% of men experience hair regrowth after 3-6 months.Minoxidil must be used indefinitely for continued support of existing hair follicles and the maintenance of any experienced hair regrowth.It is the only topical product that is FDA-approved for androgenic hair loss.Treatments usually include a 5% concentration solution that is designed for men, and a 2% concentration solution for women.Minoxidil has been approved for female use by the FDA.

    Minoxidil was the first drug approved by the FDA for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia (выпадение волос). Before that, minoxidil had been used as vasodilator drug prescribed as oral tablet to treat high blood pressure, with side effects that included hair growth and reversal of male baldness. In the 1980s, UpJohn Corporation came out with a topical solution of 2% minoxidil, called Rogaine, for the specific treatment of androgenetic alopecia. Since the 1990s, numerous generic forms of minoxidil have become available to treat hair loss while the oral form is still used to treat high blood pressure. Minoxidil is a vasodilator medication known for its ability to slow or stop hair loss and promote hair regrowth. It is available over the counter for treatment of androgenic alopecia, among other baldness treatments, but measurable changes disappear within months after discontinuation of treatment. Its effectiveness has largely been demonstrated in younger men (18 к 41 years of age), the younger the better, and in those with balding in the central (vertex) portion of the scalp. Minoxidil is a potassium channel agonist. It contains the chemical structure of nitric oxide), a blood vessel dilator, and may be a nitric oxide agonist. This appears to explain its vasodilatory effects, but may also be linked to minoxidil’s ability to stimulate hair growth and treat hair loss. Since minoxidil is a nitric oxide-related compound, it was suspected to act via activation of guanylate cyclase, an enzyme involved in vasodilation.

    Certificate of Analysis

    Вещь Технические характеристики Результат
    Анализ 98% 98.20%
    Появление белый порошок conforms
    Запах Характеристика conforms
    Taste Характеристика conforms
    Эстрадиола 17-гептаноат НЛТ 100% Through 80 сетка conforms
    Убыток от высыхания <2.0% 0.46%
    Тяжелые металлы
    Total Heavy Metals ≤10 частей на миллион conforms
    Мышьяк ≤3ppm conforms
    Вести ≤3ppm conforms
    Microbiological Tests
    Общее количество тарелок ≤1000 КОЕ/г conforms
    Total Yeast & Плесень ≤100 КОЕ/г conforms
    кишечная палочка Отрицательный Отрицательный
    сальмонелла Отрицательный Отрицательный

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