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» Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)

  • Меланотан II 10мг/флакон CAS 121062-08-6 для красоты кожи и набора мышечной массы

    Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)
    Сертификация: ISO 9001, USP,GMP
    Номер модели: 121062-08-6
    Минимум для заказа: 10 Флаконы
    Срок поставки: 3~ 5 рабочих дней
    Условия оплаты: Т / Т, Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram
    • Характеристики

    Melanotan II 10mg/vial CAS 121062-08-6 для красоты кожи и набора мышечной массы

    Условия оплаты: Т / Т, Вестерн Юнион, Денежный грамм, Биткойн
    Модель №.: 75921-69-6
    Индивидуальные: Нестандартный
    Подходит для: Взрослый
    Чистота: >99%
    Псевдоним: Меланотан II
    Появление: Белый порошок
    МВт: 1646.85
    » Жидкие инъекционные стероиды: Фармацевтический класс
    Детали упаковки: Disguised
    Транспортный пакет: Vacuum Pack
    Источник: Китай
    эксадрон: да
    Сертификация: GMP, НИУ ВШЭ, ISO 9001, USP, BP
    Состояние: Твердый
    наименование товара: Mt 2
    КЕЙС: 75921-69-6
    Мф: C78h111n21o19
    Мол файл: 75921-69-6.Mol
    Срок поставки: В пределах 24 Hours After Your Payment
    Торговая марка: HKYC
    Технические характеристики: MT 2
    Код ТН ВЭД: 322511210

    Melanotan II Usage

    Melanotan II is an effective injectable peptide product to enhance ability to tan. Dosing is typically 0.5 к 1.0 мг / день, and the total amount needed for good effect is typically 30-40 мг, though for individuals of medium darkness already, Melanotan II may be as low as 10 mg for significant effect. Melanotan II can also be used to enhance tendency to penile erection, but frequency of such use needs to be limited to avoid excessive total effect on skin pigmentation.

    Effects of Melanotan II

    The effects of Melanotan II two revolve around nothing more than tanning and possible erectile dysfunction relief. A darker and deeper tan may be noticed in a few days (assuming one is also tanning) and should produce notable results in a few weeks. The longer one uses Melanotan II the darker he will get.
    The effects of Melanotan II on erectile dysfunction take approximately 4-6 hours to take effect and should last 6-12 hours depending on individual response. Timing is important if used for this purpose. тем не мение, there are those that run small daily to every other day doses in order to provide a maintenance relief, but this can prove problematic to the skin if not careful.

    Дозировка и использование:

    Injection typically is only once per day, but where a person is first trying the drug and judging tolerance, injection may be divided into two smaller amounts per day.

    Typical dosage range is 0.5 к 2.0 мг / день, with a preferred range of 0.5 к 1.0 мг / день. тем не мение, it’s best to first assess tolerance with lower dosing of 0.25 mg at a time.

    After reconstitution, a Melanotan II vial should preferably be consumed entirely within 30 Стероид представляет собой сложный эфир дростанолона и был разработан как лекарство от рака молочной железы.. Prior to reconstitution, MT-II should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer, but it’s acceptable for it to be shipped without refrigeration.

    Use generally should be discontinued if MT-II, in the individual case, causes problems with increased growth, number, or darkness of moles.

    Melanotan II’s effect is fairly long-lasting. It can even be the case that it takes a year or more for a cycle’s effect to largely disappear. Use of maintenance cycles can maintain effect indefinitely. As a rule of thumb, maintenance typically requires about 2 к 3 times as much MT-II per year as was needed for the first cycle. This can be taken either as a total of 2 к 3 cycles per year done in the same way as the initial cycle, or any more frequent dosing pattern providing this total amount of MT-II per year.

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