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Умные наркотики

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  • Медицинские активные фармацевтические ингредиенты CAS 157115-85-0 API Ноопепт Порошок

    Умные наркотики

    Оплата & Условия доставки:

    Минимум для заказа: 10г
    Цена: Договорная
    Детали упаковки: Камуфляж
    Срок поставки: 3-7рабочие дни
    Условия оплаты: MoneyGram, Вестерн Юнион, Т / Т,биткойн
    Возможность поставки: 1000кг
    • Характеристики

    NOOPEPT GVS-111 White Powder for Energy and Memory Improve CAS 157115-85-0

    Быстрая деталь:

    наименование товара Ноопепт; N-(1-(Phenylacetyl)-L-prolyl)glycine ethyl ester
    № CAS. 157115-85-0
    Молекулярная формула C17H22N2O4
    Молекулярный вес 318.37
    Анализ 99%
    Появление Белый не совсем белый кристаллический порошок
    Стандарт Food Grade, Медицинский класс
    Появление White crystal or crystalline powder
    Хранилище Store in well-closed container, protec
    использование 1. Enhance memory

    2. Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

    Noopept Description

    Noopept is one of the strongest nootropics available on the market today. It provides a boost to overall cognition and has a slight psychostimulatory effect. Contrary to most nootropics, Noopept’s effects start within mere minutes of ingestion making it an excellent choice right before mentally demanding tasks.

    Noopept is a nootropic supplement that’s been getting a lot of attention lately. It has close ties to the popular racetam family of nootropics that are known for their benefits on cognitive ability as well their neuroprotective properties. What makes Noopept a unique nootropic in your toolbox is that its effects are felt almost immediately after ingestion.

    Many nootropics can take days, недели, or even months, for their full effects to kick in but Noopept is another story. Another nootropic that compares to Noopept’s immediate effects is phenylpiracetam.


    To have a better understanding of what Noopept can do, let’s enumerate its key benefits:

    Память и обучение

    Noopept’s most emphasized benefit is how it can enhance memory and improve the learning process. Ноопепт, like Piracetam, assists with memory formation, but with additional benefits not present in the latter, which are memory consolidation and memory retrieval. Noopept facilitates the proper management of all forms of stimuli as they are processed by the brain, which allows for better memory retrieval. Другими словами, signals being processed by our senses are more streamlined as they are transported into our brains in the form of memory.

    Neuroprotective Properties

    Studies show that Noopept has high neuroprotective properties. The stimulation of the neurons caused by the health supplement prevents oxidative damage and apoptosis in the human brain. Many patients dealing with cognitive impairment regularly can benefit from a regular dosage of Noopept to prevent further dissociative cognitive functions.

    Increased levels of NGF

    By increasing NGF levels in the brain, we support the mechanisms involved in neurogenesis which improves the performance of neural networks within the brain, allowing for new neural connections. The result means potentially improved mental abilities in virtually all areas of cognition.

    Improves Associations between Brain Hemispheres

    Both the right and left hemispheres of the brain have their own localized functions. Through the use of Noopept, each of these functions can be enhanced through the synthesis of various memories, ideas, and stimuli. There are nuances among these functions that enhance the way we think. That is why a lot of people have claimed that their quality of life had a significant improvement when taking Noopept in regular doses.

    Ноопепт, Пирацетам, and Choline Stack

    Because Noopept delivers results similar to piracetam, stacking the two may result in synergistic benefits. The two supplements work on two different neurotransmitters, glutamate and acetylcholine, соответственно. Gaining enhanced functionality of both transmitters could create a tremendous boost to a variety of cognitive processes. Более того, adding a choline supplement to the stack could make the piracetam more effective and help to hold off headaches reported by some initial-stage Noopept users.

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