Модель №.: КЕЙС 1165910-22-4
Появление: White Crystalline Powder or Oil
использование: Building Muscle, Burning Fat and Gaining Strength
Оплата: Вестерн Юнион, ВЭЖХ и КОА, Т / Т
Мы компания веб-дизайна в Шэньчжэне: 3-5 Days 100%Door to Door
Polciy: Политика повторной доставки
Экспортные рынки: Глобальный
Отгрузка: EMS, Мы компания веб-дизайна в Шэньчжэне, TNT, DHL, UPS
Торговая марка: ЗАО
Транспортный пакет: 1kg/Aluminum Foil Bag
Технические характеристики: USP / BP
Источник: Китай
Код ТН ВЭД: 3913900000
Why do we need to use SARM ?
В общем, SARMs offer three key benefits – увеличение мышечной массы, decreased fat mass, and increased bone mass.
SARM aren’t just designed and meant for athletes; as previously discussed there are a slew of populations that could benefit from SARMs.
Those with one or more of the following conditions could benefit from SARMs: muscle wasting disorders (такой как : саркопения, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and cystic fibrosis), sports injuries, burn injuries, weakness and/or body wasting due to cancer or HIV, and frailty and/or muscle atrophy as a result of the aging process.
Although there are many drugs designed to improve the health of these populations, SARMs also have the unique benefit of being non-methylated and non-aromatized by the body, so they’re not toxic to the liver nor do they convert in to other active androgen or estrogen compounds. Liver toxicity and aromatization is a very serious concern when using pro-hormones and AASs. Как вы видете, SARMs benefit both chronically ill individuals as well healthy individuals looking to maximize quality of life.