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Жиросжигающий порошок серии L-карнитин для похудения

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Сертификация: SGS, УКАС, ISO9001
Номер модели: КЕЙС : 541-15-1
Минимум для заказа: 10г
Срок поставки: В пределах 24 hours after receiving your payments
Условия оплаты: Т / Т, Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram, Большинство людей считают полезным прием гормона Т-3, так как его уровень, как правило, падает при наличии трена., Биткойн
  • Характеристики

Жиросжигающий порошок серии L-карнитин для похудения


L-Carnitine and the related compound Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR) are compounds able to alleviate the effects of aging and disease on mitochondria, while increasing the mitochondria’s potential to burn fat.

ALCAR is often used as a brain booster, due to its ability to increase alertness and mitochondrial capacity while providing support for the neurons.ALCAR has been shown to be very effective at alleviating the side effects of aging, like neurological decline and chronic fatigue.

ALCAR supplementation is also a very safe method of improving insulin sensitivity and blood vessel health, particularly for people with delicate or weakened cardiac health. ALCAR can also protect neurons and repair certain damage, such as that caused by diabetes and diabetic neuropathy.Theoretically, ALCAR supplementation for fat burning should work well, but studies on ALCAR in isolation do not show very good results. Потеря жира is typically attributed to the increased activity done by people, from the increased energy they have from ALCAR supplementation.

Сертификат подлинности

Предметы Характеристики Результаты теста
Появление Белый кристаллический порошок Белый кристаллический порошок
Идентификация И & NMR spectrum И & NMR spectrum
Анализ(ВЭЖХ) 98.0% мин 99.20%
L-карнитин ≤68.2 67.90%
L-Tartaric acid ≤31.8 31.30%
Удельное вращение (-)9.5° ~ (-)11.0° (-)10.4°
РН 3.0 ~ 4.5 3.5
Убыток от высыхания 0.5%Максимум 0.10%
Остаток при прокаливании 0.50% Максимум 0.20%
Тяжелые металлы(As Pb) 10ppm макс. Соответствует
Мышьяк 2ppm макс. Соответствует
Общее количество тарелок 1000cfu/gm Соответствует
Yeasts&Molds 100cfu/gm Соответствует
кишечная палочка Отрицательный Отрицательный
сальмонелла Отрицательный Отрицательный


1) antimethemoglobinemic, cyanide antidote

2) Essential cofactor of fatty acid metabolism; required for the transport of fatty acids through the inner mitochondrial membrane. Synthetized primarily in the liver and kidney; highest concentrations f ound in heart and skeletal muscle. Dietary sources include red meat, dairy products, beans, avocado.

3) Carniking(р) is a product for premix- and feed industry. It is particularly recommended for the enrichment of compound feed.

4) L-Carnitine is a natural, vitamin-like nutrient wich plays an important role inhuman metabolism. It is essential in the utilization of fatty acids and in transporting metabolic energy

5) Natrulon(р) RC-100 is 100% L-карнитин. This white crystalline powder, highly hygroscopic and amino acid like material brings not only the exfoliation but also, an additional benefit of a high level of moisturization capability.

6) Natrulon(р) RC-50DG is a 50% solution of L-Carnitine in decaglycerol/water. Natrulon(р) RC-50DG to provide a truly multi-functional product: an exfoliating product with excellent moisturization capability.

7) L-Carnitine is synthesized primarily in the liver and also in the kidneys, and must be transported to other tissues. It is most concentrated in tissues that use fatty acids as their primary dietary fuel, such as skeletal and cardiac (сердце) мышца. In this regard, L-carnitine plays an important role in energy production by chaperoning activated fatty acids (acyl-CoA) into the mitochondrial matrix for metabolism and chaperoning intermediate compounds out of the mitochondrial matrix to prevent their accumulation.


L-Carnitine injection is recommended at 2g every 4 days for best result. тем не мение, you may reduce the dosage with the advice of doctor. The L-carnitine is taken intravenously either by normal injection or using a butterfly needle or subcutaneous injection . After taking this L-carnitine, you can carry out exercise around 15-20 minutes daily.


* Ultilization of energyFatty acids are transported more into the cells for burning. Energy yield and you can lose more weight by exercising.

* Balanced Cholesterol levelBecause the fatty acids are being used up for burning, thus our cholesterol level will be balanced up by increasing the HDL and lowering LDL.

* Healthy HeartBecause the cholesterol level is in controled, so the risk at which arterioscleriosis will be minimised. If a person who has exposed to arterioscleriosis and aged, he will definately facing the risk of heart attack because the heart is using alot of energy to pump blood through narrow vessels.

* Muscle buildingFor people who work out in gym, they will use L-carnitine for toning up the musles. When fatty acids are transported and burned in mitochorndria, those fat tissue will getting lesser and more muscle is built by exercising.

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