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High Quality Hexarelin Peptide Protein Hormones 2mg / флакон

Номер модели: 140703-51-1
Сертификация: ISO 9001, USP,GMP
Место происхождения: Китай
Минимум для заказа: 10г
Цена: Переговоры
Условия оплаты: Вестерн Юнион,Денежный грамм ,Биткойн, Т / Т
Возможность поставки: 5000Boldenone Series Boldenone Base для увеличения мышечной массы
Срок поставки: 3-5 рабочие дни
Детали упаковки: Хорошо замаскированный пакет ; Foil bag 25kg/drum; 1кг/мешок из фольги
Наименование товара: Гексарелин
Тестостерона деканоат 200 мг/мл Болденон ундециленат 150 мг/мл Нандролон деканоат 150 мг/мл Тестостерона деканоат: 140703-51-1
способ доставки: EMS,HKEMS,ФЕДЕКС,DHL,TNT,Арамекс,И Т.Д
Появление: белый порошок
  • Характеристики

High Quality Hexarelin Peptide Protein Hormones 2mg / флакон

Быстрая деталь

наименование товара Hexarelin Acetate
№ CAS 140703-51-1
Синонимы Hexarelin Acetate, HEX, Examorelin
Анализ 99%
Молекулярная формула C47H58N12O6
Мокулярный вес 887.04022
Характеристики Белый порошок
Большинство людей считают полезным прием гормона Т-3, так как его уровень, как правило, падает при наличии трена. 2ml/vail
использование Hexarelin is becoming a popular choice as a performance enhancement drug

Описание :

Hexarelin Indications: Гексарелин (HEX) is a peptide GH secretagogue, structurally similar to GHRP-6, in the grow factor family which stimulates the release of grow hormone (ГХ). It can be used medically to treat GH deficiency. Hexarelin is a good all purpose anabolic. Гексадрон – мощный анаболик., since we know that and GH use produces a shutdown of your endogenous levels of those hormones, Hexarelin also seems very useful forGH-PCT” Кулинарные рецепты “-РСТ”, as it can help restore your natural levels of those hormones after a cycle of them.

Ghrelin is an appetite-regulating factor secreted from peripheral organs that is involved in regulation of energy homoeostasis via binding to the receptor resulting in the secretion of by the pituitary gland. The pathway activated by binding of ghrelin to the secretagogue receptor, GHSR1a, regulates the activation of the downstream mitogen-activated protein kinase, Akt, nitric oxide synthase, and AMPK cascades in different cellular systems. One of the important features of GHSR1a displays constitutive activity possessing basal activity in the absence of an agonist, resulting in a high degree of receptor internalization as well as of signaling activity.Inverse agonists for the ghrelin receptor could be particularly interesting for the treatment of obesity.This activity seems to provide a tonic signal required for the development of normal height, probably through an effect on the GH axis.

Hexarelin Dosage and Usage

Hexarelin comes in a freeze dried powder just like the other GHRP peptides and storage should be done in a cool dry place until reconstituted and placed in a refrigerator. Bacteriostatic water is used to reconstitute the powder and an insulin syringe is the preferred method for administering subcutaneous injections of hexarelin. Users will notice 200mcgs is the saturation dose for hexarelin and over a few weeks of use total desensitization may begin to take place.

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