Наименование товара |
L-карнитин |
Другое имя |
Карнитин |
541-15-1 |
208-768-0 |
MF |
C7H15NO3 |
МВт; |
161.2 |
Молекулярная структура |
Анализ |
99% |
Появление: |
Белый кристаллический порошок |
использование |
Weight loss powders |
L-carnitine has a slight characteristic odor. L-carnitine is extremely hygroscopic and even deliquescent and it can liquefy on exposure to air.L-carnitine is highly soluble in water, in alcohol, in alkaline solutions and in dilute mineral acids. L-carnitine is practically insoluble in acetone or ethyl acetate. L-Carnitine and the related compound Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR) are compounds able to alleviate the effects of aging and disease on mitochondria, while increasing the mitochondria’s potential to burn fat. ALCAR is often used as a brain booster, due to its ability to increase alertness and mitochondrial capacity while providing support for the neurons.ALCAR has been shown to be very effective at alleviating the side effects of aging, like neurological decline and chronic fatigue.
ALCAR supplementation is also a very safe method of improving insulin sensitivity and blood vessel health, particularly for people with delicate or weakened cardiac health. ALCAR can also protect neurons and repair certain damage, such as that caused by diabetes and diabetic neuropathy.Theoretically, ALCAR supplementation for fat burning should work well, but studies on ALCAR in isolation do not show very good results. Fat loss is typically attributed to the increased activity done by people, from the increased energy they have from ALCAR supplementation.
L-Carnitine is an amino acid which has a role to play in the body’s fat metabolism process. L-Carnitine transports fatty acids to the mitochondria, which is where they are essentially burned as fuel. L-карнитин,This amino acid naturally occurs, although it can also be biosynthesized from two other ones. In addition to being found in a wide range of foods, it is also commonly available as a dietary supplement.
L-карнитин, also known as L-carnitine or transliteration Carnitine,L-carnitine is a kind of fat to promote energy into the class of amino acids, red meat is the main source of L-carnitine, non-toxic side effects on the human body. L-Carnitine is a natural, vitamin-like nutrient wich plays an important role inhuman metabolism. It is essential in the utilization of fatty acids and in transporting metabolic energy. Карнитин (carnitine) is an essential, non-toxic, natural nutrient that helps burn fat for fuel. Because deficiencies have been linked to a profound impairment of muscle function, there has been great interest in studying carnitine supplementation. Over the past decade, my research, as well as countless others, has shed light on carnitine’s role in metabolism, performance and overall health.
1) antimethemoglobinemic, cyanide antidote
2) Essential cofactor of fatty acid metabolism; required for the transport of fatty acids through the inner mitochondrial membrane. Synthetized primarily in the liver and kidney; highest concentrations f ound in heart and skeletal muscle. Dietary sources include red meat, dairy products, beans, avocado.
3) Carniking(р) is a product for premix- and feed industry. It is particularly recommended for the enrichment of compound feed.
4) L-Carnitine is a natural, vitamin-like nutrient wich plays an important role inhuman metabolism. It is essential in the utilization of fatty acids and in transporting metabolic energy
5) Natrulon(р) RC-100 is 100% L-карнитин. This white crystalline powder, highly hygroscopic and amino acid like material brings not only the exfoliation but also, an additional benefit of a high level of moisturization capability.
6) Natrulon(р) RC-50DG is a 50% solution of L-Carnitine in decaglycerol/water. Natrulon(р) RC-50DG to provide a truly multi-functional product: an exfoliating product with excellent moisturization capability.
7) L-Carnitine is synthesized primarily in the liver and also in the kidneys, and must be transported to other tissues. It is most concentrated in tissues that use fatty acids as their primary dietary fuel, such as skeletal and cardiac (сердце) мышца. In this regard, L-carnitine plays an important role in energy production by chaperoning activated fatty acids (acyl-CoA) into the mitochondrial matrix for metabolism and chaperoning intermediate compounds out of the mitochondrial matrix to prevent their accumulation.
L-carnitine helps the body produce energy. It is important for heart and brain function, muscle movement, and many other body processes. L-Carnitine is an amino acid composite – one of the building blocks of protein. It is known to increase the number of androgen receptors in muscles. These receptors allow muscle to utilize testosterone resulting in an enhanced ability to build muscle. It also enhances the body’s ability to metabolize fat thereby enhancing energy levels. For body builders, this means faster muscle building and for dieters, the combination of L-Carnitine and exercise enhances fat burning. L-Carnitine has become a popular supplement in the fitness industry and is now available in both oral and injectable supplements.L-Carnitine benefits health,along with being used to turn fat into energy.To achieve the purpose of weight loss, Lowering triglycerides, Improving cognitive abilities, memory boost and Natural antioxidant, L-Carnitine is used in drugs, Nutrition and health care products, Energy drinks and feed additives.
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Fat Loss |
T3 /Liothyronine sodium/Cytomel |
КЕЙС 55-06-1 |
T4/L-Thyroxine Sodium salt |
КЕЙС 25416-65-3 |
L-карнитин |
КЕЙС 541-15-1 |
КЕЙС 13803-74-2 |
Теобромин |
КЕЙС 83-67-0 |
Синефрин |
КЕЙС 94-07-5 |
Rimonabant/Acomplia |
КЕЙС 168273-06-1 |
Лорказерин HCl |
КЕЙС 846589-98-8 |
CLA (Конъюгированная линолевая кислота) |
КЕЙС 2420-56-6 |
Орлистат |
КЕЙС 96829-58-2 |
Пируват кальция |
КЕЙС 52009-14-0 |
Болеутоляющее |
Парацетамол |
КЕЙС 103-90-2 |
Фенацетин |
КЕЙС 62-44-2 |
Бензокаин |
КЕЙС 94-09-7 |
Лидокаин |
КЕЙС 137-58-6 |
Прилокаин |
КЕЙС 721-50-6 |
Бензокаин HCL |
КЕЙС 23239-88-5 |
Лидокаин HCL |
КЕЙС 73-78-9 |
Прокаин HCL |
КЕЙС 51-05-8 |
Прилокаин HCL |
КЕЙС 1786-81-8 |
Тетракаин HCL |
КЕЙС 136-47-0 |
Aarticaine HCL |
КЕЙС 23964-57-0 |
Левобупивакаин HCL |
КЕЙС 27262-48-2 |
Ропивакаин HCL |
КЕЙС 132112-35-7 |
Ропивакаина мезилат |
КЕЙС 854056-07-8 |
Диклонин HCL |
КЕЙС 536-43-6 |
Мепивакаин гидрохлорид |
КЕЙС 1722-62-9 |
Хлорпрокаин гидрохлорид |
КЕЙС 3858-89-7 |
Bodybuilding Supplements |
Creatine Monohydrate |
КЕЙС 6020-87-7 |
Beta-Alanine |
КЕЙС 107-95-9 |
BCAA 2:1:1 (Branched-Chain Amino Acid) |
L-Glutamine |
КЕЙС 56-85-9 |
Casein |
КЕЙС 9000-71-9 |
Vitamin B12 |
КЕЙС 68-19-9 |
DHEA Series |
Эпиандростерон |
КЕЙС 481-29-8 |
Дегидроэпиандростерон (DHEA) |
КЕЙС 53-43-0 |
4-DHEA |
КЕЙС 853-23-6 |
7-эти DHEA |
КЕЙС 566-19-8 |
Prohormones |
4-Андростендион |
КЕЙС 1963-5-8 |
1,4-Ундеканоат тестостерона |
КЕЙС 897-06-3 |
Андростендион |
КЕЙС 63-05-8 |
Метоксидиенон |
КЕЙС 2322-77-2 |
Methylstenbolone/Stenbolone |
КЕЙС 5197-58-0 |
Норандростенедион |
КЕЙС 734-32-7 |
Метилдиендион |
КЕЙС 5173-46-6 |