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Умные наркотики

» Умные наркотики

  • Фармацевтическое сырье Фладрафинил 987-78-0

    Умные наркотики

    Оплата & Условия доставки:

    Минимум для заказа: 10г
    Цена: Договорная
    Детали упаковки: Камуфляж
    Срок поставки: 3-7рабочие дни
    Условия оплаты: MoneyGram, Вестерн Юнион, Т / Т,биткойн
    Возможность поставки: 100кг
    • Характеристики

    98% Citicoline Powder for Memory Nootropic Powder Citicoline Smart Drug

    Появление:Эстрадиола 17-гептаноат

    Citicoline (CDP Choline, cytidine diphosphate-choline) is one of the most popular brain supplements available, known to both be highly effective and highly safe.It can improve both cognitive function and general brain health by keeping the brain better equipped with an important neurotransmitter.Citicoline on its own can serve to enhance several different mental processes related to memory, обучение, logical reasoning and focus.Additionally, it is an excellent supplement that can increase the effectiveness of other Nootropics when taken in a stack.

    How it works:

    Supports memory, фокус & mental clarity
    Increases levels of acetylcholine neurotransmitter
    Promotes brain cell health & communication

    Citicoline Benefits:

    One of the main benefits of Citicoline is that it increases the level of Acetylcholine within the brain. This is a neurotransmitter used to communicate between your neurons that plays a vital role in the development and formation of memory and a number of other cognitive processes.

    The speed of memory recall is also thought to be improved as is synaptic plasticity and therefore learning. When taking Citicoline supplements, you will also find that overall brain metabolism is enhanced. Blood circulation improves, which helps to increase oxygen uptake and glucose metabolism.

    Many users also note an improved level of mental energy. This leads to an increase in attention span, фокус, and concentration as well as greater amounts of motivation and vitality

    There are also a number of clinical uses and benefits. Citicoline has been used as a treatment for cerebral vascular disease, травма головы, and a number of different cognitive disorders including dementia and age related cognitive decline.

    There is some evidence to suggest that it might be helpful at protecting neurons from damage such as excessive alcohol consumption and traumatic brain injury. Somazina Citicoline may be particularly beneficial for sufferers of Isechemic strokes, possibly repairing some of the damage done to your neurons and even lessening the risk of future strokes.

    There have also been studies looking at giving Citicoline dosages to Alzheimer’s patients to limit symptoms of memory loss.

    Между 250 – 2,000 мг в день

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