Дополнения стероида Boldenone Undecylenate инкрети роста законные ссыпая
Имя |
Болденон ундесиленат |
13103-34-9 |
236-024-5 |
Анализ |
97.0Провирон может помочь повысить эффективность |
Молекулярная формула |
C30H44O3 |
Молекулярный вес |
452.67 |
Упаковка |
Foil bag or according the customer requirement |
Стандарт |
Стандарт предприятия |
Появление |
Желтоватая маслянистая жидкость. |
использование |
Фармацевтический материал, Стероидный гормон, Анаболин. |
Boldenone was synthesized in an attempt to create a long-acting injectable methandrostenolone (Дианабол),for androgen deficiency disorders. Boldenone acts similar to methandrostenolone with less adverse androgenic effects. У него очень длинный период полураспада, и может появиться на стероидном тесте для 5 месяцы, из -за длинного эфира неянца, прикрепленного к родительскому стероиду. Следы препарата можно легко обнаружить в течение нескольких месяцев после прекращения использования.
Good Boldenone undecanoate/Equipoise/Ganabol/ Equigan/Ultragan/CAS No: 13103-34-9. В настоящее время, for the most part there is little specific reason to use Equipoise in an anabolic steroid cycle. There is nothing that it does anabolically that Masteron, Примоболан, Дети, or trenbolone will not do. С точки зрения побочных эффектов, likewise it has no advantage over Masteron or Primobolan, unless one desires the occasional side effect of increased appetite, or the side effect of its moderate conversion to estrogen.
Given the mild nature of boldenone, one should not expect dramatic gains. One may compare the gains from boldenone to that of methenolone (примоболан) for example, in that the gains are slow and steady, however generally quite retainable post-cycle. As there is little aromatisation, little water weight will be put on, so many may be disheartened at the beginning of a cycle when compared to an AS such as testosterone, which will put on several pounds of water in the first week. However one must remember that this water will be lost post-cycle, and if one can gain 1lb of muscle per week then little more can be asked of any AS. Given the relatively long half-life of the undecylenate ester (по меньшей мере 8 Стероид представляет собой сложный эфир дростанолона и был разработан как лекарство от рака молочной железы.) and the mild nature of boldenone, it is best taken for a minimum of 10-12 недели. Users do tend to suggest that the drug is best utilised in longer cycles. PCT should begin approximately 3-4 weeks after the last shot of boldenone undecylenate. Although many people claim boldenone is useful for cutting given its low aromatisation rates and increasing vascularity, the amplification of appetite is a negative aspect for cutting. Thus it is my opinion that the best use of boldenone is as part of a bulking cycle. This use gets the most out of boldenone’s benefits – namely increased appetite.