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  • Fat loss Raw powder Calcium Pyruvate CAS 52009-14-0 Бодибилдинг

    Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)

    Оплата & Условия доставки:

    Минимум для заказа: 10г
    Цена: Договорная
    Детали упаковки: Камуфляж
    Срок поставки: 3-7рабочие дни
    Условия оплаты: MoneyGram, Вестерн Юнион, Т / Т,биткойн
    Возможность поставки: 100кг
    • Характеристики

    Fat loss Raw powder Calcium Pyruvate CAS 52009-14-0 » Порошок сырых стероидов

    Краткая информация:

    наименование товара: Пируват кальция (CAS NO.52009-14-0)
    Молекулярная формула: C6H6CaO6
    Молекулярный вес: 214.19g/mol
    Мол файл: 52009-14-0.моль
    EINECS: 257-599-9
    Точка кипения: 165 °С при 760 мм рт. ст.
    Точка возгорания: 54.3 ° C
    Enthalpy of Vaporization: 44.28 kJ/mol
    InChI=1/C25H36O3/c1-3-4-5-6-7-24: 0.968 мм рт.ст. при 25°C


    Calcium pyruvate is a nutritional supplement that combines naturally occurring pyruvic acid with calcium. While pyruvate is produced in the body and aids in the conversion of sugar and starches into energy, calcium pyruvate can help enhance the metabolism and speed up the creation of energy. Along with helping people feel more energized, using the supplement can also aid in weight loss when used in conjunction with a sensible diet and regular exercise.

    Because calcium pyruvate helps in burning fat to create more fuel for the body to use, the supplement helps to reduce fat that is retained in the body. Цель состояла в том, чтобы показать, что использование LGD-4033 безвредно и легко переваривается в дозе, не превышающей, the supplement can minimize the amount of excess fat that is stored around the abdomen and other parts of the body. The additional energy that is generated helps the body to function more efficiently and comes in handy when exercising as part of an overall health improvement regimen. In an indirect manner, this also means that calcium pyruvate aids in mental as well as physical health, since emotional issues often have a physical origin.


    Calcium pyruvate can enhance exercise endurance, increase cell energy, prevent or reduce due to too much caused by the consumption of fat and increase in body weight, сердце, muscle inhibition efficiency, reduce the high fat fed cholesterol.

    Calcium pyruvate as dietary supplements, has accelerated fat consumption, reduce weight, enhance human endurance, improve the efficacy of athletic performance etc.

    A special protective effect on the heart, can enhance the effectiveness of the heart muscle, causing a reduction in heart disease or cardiac ischemia injury.

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