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Дростанолон пропионат 150мг/мл

Масло анаболических стероидов, Жидкие стероиды для инъекций

наименование товара: Дростанолон пропионат
Синонимы: также уменьшить жировые отложения
КЕЙС: 521-12-0
MF: C23H36O3
МВт: 360.53
EINECS: 208-303-1
mp: 114-120° C
температура хранения: Тестостерона деканоат 200 мг/мл Болденон ундециленат 150 мг/мл Нандролон деканоат 150 мг/мл Тестостерона деканоат, -20Boldenone Series Boldenone Base для увеличения мышечной массы

  • Характеристики

Дростанолон пропионат / Masteron CAS: 521-12-0



наименование товара: Дростанолон пропионат
Синонимы: также уменьшить жировые отложения
КЕЙС: 521-12-0
MF: C23H36O3
МВт: 360.53
EINECS: 208-303-1
mp: 114-120° C
температура хранения: Тестостерона деканоат 200 мг/мл Болденон ундециленат 150 мг/мл Нандролон деканоат 150 мг/мл Тестостерона деканоат, -20Boldenone Series Boldenone Base для увеличения мышечной массы



Дромостанолона пропионат, also known as drostanolone propionate after a long period of time as a rare drug is now enjoying greater popularity, and deservedly so. Where one does not wish to use a large amount of injectable and wishes to use either no trenbolone or only a modest amount of that drug, Мастерон часто является идеальным выбором для включения в набор стероидов., или, в некоторых случаях, для использования в качестве единственной инъекции в стероидном цикле..


Drostanolone propionate is used primarily by athletes who need to retain strength while losing mass. It is beneficial to runners and athletes who must remain in a certain weight class.
Drostanolone propionate can increase muscle hardness and density, giving an individual a more complete appearance when competing on stage.
Drostanolone propionate can promote increased strength while keeping body fat the same or even lowering it, something can help to prevent muscle loss while dieting.



Dromostanolone Propionate Application on Bodybuilding:
Dromostanolone Propionate is a powerful anabolic/androgenic steroid derived from DHT that was designed to fight certain forms of breast cancer. It is used by bodybuilders as a bulking and cutting agent, as well as an ancillary drug to combat estrogenic side effects like water-retention. Its toxicity to the liver is very low, although side effects such as acne, hair loss and prostrate enlargement are common.

Dromostanolone Propionate is also used primarily by athletes who need to retain strength while losing mass. It is beneficial to runners and athletes who must remain in a certain weight class and it can increase muscle hardness and density, giving an individual a more complete appearance when competing on stage.] тем не мение, an already rather low body-fat level is needed for it to take full effect.

Words from Experienced Bodybuilder:

Дромостанолона пропионат (также уменьшить жировые отложения)is very similar to the Enthanate but Is a much faster acting Pre- Contest steroid with high Anabolics, Androgenic properties! Shots are every other day! Best stacked wiith Winstrol and Halotestin for that dry hard muscle leading into the final weeks of the bodybuilding competition!

Drostanolone Propionate asteron)

Drostanolone Propionate is an anabolic androgenic steroid that first hit the market around 1970 under the trade name Masteron manufactured by Syntex. тем не мение, the compound was actually developed by Syntex in 1959 along with Oxymetholon (Anadro) but would not be released until well after Anadrol. Syntex would also provide the compound under numerous other brand names such as Masteril and Metormon among others, as well as Drolban under the license given by Syntext to Lilly. тем не мение, Masteron has remained the most recognizable brand.

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