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  • Casein 99% Purity Raw Steroid Powders Casein For Health Food Additives

    Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)
    Номер модели : 9000-71-9
    Сертификация : ISO 9001, USP,GMP
    Место происхождения : Китай
    MOQ : Переговоры
    Цена : Переговоры
    Условия оплаты : Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram, Т / Т, биткойн
    Возможность поставки : Масса на складе
    Срок поставки : 3-5 рабочие дни
    Детали упаковки : Замаскированный пакет ; Мешок из фольги
    Имя : Casein
    КЕЙС : 9000-71-9
    » Жидкие инъекционные стероиды : Фармацевтическая
    Большинство людей считают полезным прием гормона Т-3, так как его уровень, как правило, падает при наличии трена. : Хорошо замаскированный пакет ;Мешок из фольги
    Shipping methods : EMS,HKEMS,ФЕДЕКС,DHL,TNT,Арамекс,И Т.Д
    Появление : Белый кристаллический порошок.
    • Характеристики

    Casein 99% Purity Raw Steroid Powders Casein For Health Food Additives CAS 9000-71-9

    Casein Detail

    Тестостерона деканоат 200 мг/мл Болденон ундециленат 150 мг/мл Нандролон деканоат 150 мг/мл Тестостерона деканоат: 9000-71-9
    MF: C47H48N3NaO7S2
    EINECS №.: 232-555-1
    Пепел: 6.0% Максимум
    Moisture: 6.0% Максимум
    Protein: 90% мин.
    РН: 6.0-7.5
    Растворимость (40′): 99.5% мин.
    Lactose: 1.0% Максимум
    Fat: 2.0% Максимум
    Viscosity: 500-2000MPA.S
    Общее количество тарелок: 30000/g max

    Detailed description

    The main milk protein consists of α, б, γ and kappa casein, its amino acid composition and electrophoresis behavior is different, high nutritional value, after precipitation acid or rennet treatment .Alpha and β casein by phosphorylation with more serine , Forming a calcium binding site. Applied Science: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Level 1); Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins (Level 2)

    Casein is a mammal, in which the main proteins include cattle, sheep and human milk. Milk protein casein is mainly composed of milk, mainly albumin-based. Casein is a large, hard, dense, and difficult to digest.Casein is the most abundant milk protein, mainly used as a food or microbial culture medium, the use of enzyme hydrolysis technology prepared casein phosphopeptides, the use of mineral loss prevention, prevention of dental caries, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and r (Ca, мг) and trace elements (Fe, Zn, Cu, Cr, Ni, Co, Mn, Se, и т. д.). ) Has amineral carrierreputation of the high absorption characteristics,on the one hand and metal ions, especially calcium ions combined with the formation of soluble complexes, on the one hand to effectively avoid neutral or slightly alkaline environment in the small intestine in the form of calcium CPP is the most effective method to promote calcium absorption, and is considered to be a new method for the development of calcium products without the involvement of VD in the calcium absorption of intestinal cells. В настоящий момент, CPP has been recognized as the most studied at home and abroad, the most extensive application of the field is very broad, high value of a class of molecular structure and biological function development and peptide activity has a clear correlation.Casein is amorphous, no hygroscopic characteristics, at room temperature soluble in water, 0.8-1.2%, мало растворим в 25 degrees Celsius water and organic solvents, soluble in dilute alkali and acid, can be immersed in water when the water, rapid expansion , But the molecules do not bind.

    Применение продукта

    Acid casein is mainly used as a food additive, casein is also used for pharmaceutical and biochemical reagents.For paint, wood, paper and cloth adhesive. As the paint accounts for about half of the total consumption, with excellent water resistance, in the paint can be dispersed well, improve the coating uniformity.In addition, due to good mobility, coating construction convenience, curd protein is mainly used in the manufacture of plastic buttons. Related buttons compared to other buttons Resin, dyed, processed, brightly colored, good quality center button.Casein and lime, sodium fluoride, copper sulfate, mixed, kerosene mixed with casein glue, is used in the aerospace industry and the wood processing sector.

    Технические характеристики

    Появление: эксадрон
    Цвет: White or light yellow
    Taste: Neutral

    Высокий Low
    Total CPP content(%) minimum 85 minimum 12
    Moisture(%) ≤8 ≤8
    Мышьяк (мг/кг) ≤2 ≤2
    Тяжелый металл (как Pb, мг/кг) ≤20 ≤20
    Общее количество тарелок (КОЕ/г) ≤3000 ≤5000
    Coliform (MPN/100g) ≤30 ≤30
    Yeasts (КОЕ/г) ≤25 ≤25
    Moulds(КОЕ/г) ≤25 ≤25
    Золотистый стафилококк Отрицательный Отрицательный
    сальмонелла Отрицательный Отрицательный

    Effect of Casein

    1.Casein islongerin your system

    Not all proteins are equal. Whether it is soy, egg, whey, animal or casein, they all have their own unique advantages. It can be said that the biggest advantage of casein is the timing. Casein can provide a slow and stable flow of amino acids for your blood for several hours. The muscles may not be built overnight, but drinking a cup of milk rich in casein is ideal for consumption before going to bed because it is more helpful than any other protein option.

    2.Casein gets a bigger profit

    Want to build a lot of muscle faster? According to the Texas study, casein may be an important factor in your success. Researchers conducted severe resistance training for 36 males and found that consumption of whey and casein combinations were significantly better than those given to combination whey, BCAAs and glutamine supplements. During the 10-week study, the combination of whey and casein produced a maximum increase in fat and no fat. Why is there only one form of protein combination producing better results?

    3.Casein helps improve metabolic rate

    Want to improve muscle growth and lose weight If this is the case, you may be interested to know that a study conducted in the Netherlands has found that by increasing the intake of casein by 2.5 раз, participants can have a higher metabolic rate during sleep, and the overall fat balance is better. Also worth noting is that the level of satiety higher than 33%. Другими словами, by taking casein, you will not only increase your chances of losing fat, but you will be more full of the stomach.

    4.Casein produces greater strength

    Ask anyone, what is his exercise goal, and increase the power almost always on the wish list. Часто, in order to help get there faster, guys will supplement the use of whey protein. In a study in Massachusetts, the researchers found that casein actually doubles the effect of whey protein on leg, chest and shoulder strength. The researchers believe that because casein has a well known resistance to catabolic capacity, the reason for its significant differences. Next time you want to have dinner, take it for cheese.

    5.Casein hot your teeth

    What makes you more nervous: the idea of a dental chair or accompanying invoice? According to a study conducted in the UK, one way to help prevent more expensive dental clinics may be the consumption of casein. Their study found that casein has the potential to reduce or prevent enamel erosion. So if you drink a lot of juice, or just can not play soft drink habits, at least consider adding some casein to your diet to protect your teeth.

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    Способы оплаты Т / Т, Вестерн Юнион, Денежный грамм и биткойн
    Способы доставки Все экспресс-режимы(EMS, DHL, TNT, Мы компания веб-дизайна в Шэньчжэне, UPS, и т. д.)
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