How Dose Flibanserin Work to Promote Female Libido
Flibanserin can directly effect on the sexual pleasure control area of the female brain to restore female Flagging libido. By adjusting the aphrodisiac body system, Flibanserin Helps to restore the balance of sexual appetite suppression and exciting mechanism and lead to form a healthy sexual performance. The curative effect can be obtained a few weeks later. В то же время, the female Vigr also has a certain side effects. One-eighth of tested women appeared dizziness, fatigue and sleepiness.
Different from the working principle of “Vigr”, Flibanserin works by adjusting the chemicals in female brains.
Он регулирует гонадотропную секрецию и дифференцировку вольфова протока., “Vigr” only works for most men, Flibanserin has effects on women with low libido. If the patient does not have a sexual interest to someone, Flibanserin will not affect her. Flibanserin will not cause hyperaphrodisia. Clayton. Anita, adviser of the drug companies says :”it is not an aphrodisiac and it only helps to balance the chemicals in the female brain to make a female restore sex desire, but not more than the normal level. тем не мение, it takes some time for this drug to work and women should take the drug every day.
Медицинское использование
Flibanserin is used for hypoactive sexual desire disorder among women. Those receiving flibanserin report a 0.5 increase compared to placebo in the number of times they had “satisfying sexual events”. In those on flibanserin it rose from 2.8 к 4.5 times a month while women receiving placebo reported also an increase of “satisfying sexual events” from 2.7 к 3.7 times a month. The onset of the flibanserin effect was seen from the first timepoint measured after 4 weeks of treatment and maintained throughout the treatment period.
The effectiveness of flibanserin was evaluated in three phase 3 clinical trials. Each of the three trials had two co-primary endpoints, one for satisfying sexual events (SSEs) and the other for sexual desire. Each of the 3 trials also had a secondary endpoint that measured distress related to sexual desire. All three trials showed that flibanserin produced an increase in the number of SSEs and reduced distress related to sexual desire. The first two trials used an electronic diary to measure sexual desire, and did not find an increase. These two trials also measured sexual desire using the Female Sexual Function index (FSFI) as a secondary endpoint, and an increase was observed using this latter measure. The FSFI was used as the co-primary endpoint for sexual desire in the third trial, and again showed a statistically significant increase.
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