КЕЙС 106505-90-2 Болденон Ципионат Бодибилдинг мышечная масса высокая чистота
Болденон Ципионат
Другое имя: Boldenone Cyclopentanepropionate
CAS Register Number: 106505-90-2
Молекулярная формула: C26H38O3
Молекулярный вес: 398.58
Сертификация: GMP, НИУ ВШЭ, ISO 9001, USP, BP
Подходит для: Взрослый
Чистота: 99%
» Жидкие инъекционные стероиды: Pharmceutical Grade
Технические характеристики: 200Инъекционные стероиды жидкие серии Ripex
Температура плавления: 93~104ºC
Advantages: Высокая чистота, Competitive Prices, Safe Payment
Источник: Китай
Оплата: Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram, Банковский перевод, Биткойн.
Отгрузка: FedEx, DHL, EMS.
Boldenone will increase nitrogen retention, синтез белка, повышает аппетит и стимулирует выброс эритропоэтина в почках.
Boldenone was synthesized in an attempt to create a long-acting injectable methandrostenolone (Дианабол),for androgen deficiency disorders. Boldenone acts similar to methandrostenolone with less adverse androgenic effects. У него очень длинный период полураспада, и может появиться на стероидном тесте для 5 месяцы, из -за длинного эфира неянца, прикрепленного к родительскому стероиду. Следы препарата можно легко обнаружить в течение нескольких месяцев после прекращения использования.
Болденон — анаболический андрогенный стероид и синтетическое производное тестостерона, первоначально разработанное для использования в ветеринарии. ,it ideal for the strength athlete in a shorter cycle.
How to inject
If you are going to start your first cycle soon, ‘how to inject’ is probably that last thing that you are worried about. You would have started by conducting research on the different injectable anabolic steroids available in the market, which you think can help you reach your goal. But when you have the vials and the syringes in front of you, you will surely think about how you will get the steroid out from the bottle and into your body. В этот момент, some people will become exasperated and even give up. Here is some information on injecting anabolic steroids.
Draw some air into the syringe and inject it into the vial. The pressure in the vial will increase and drawing the liquid into the vial will become easier. Make sure that the tip of the pin is under the liquid and then pull the plunger back slowly, to draw the volume of liquid that you desire.
If you want, you can change the needle after this. The needle may have lost some of its sharpness as it made its way through the stopper and may cause some discomfort when you prick your skin with it.
Clean the area, which you are going to inject into, with a fresh alcohol swab. Place the pin over the area and simply push it fully. Draw the plunger back a little. If you notice any blood inside the syringe, you have probably hit a vein or an artery and you need to choose another spot. Repeat the same procedure again.
After a few seconds, remove the pin and immediately cover the injection area with a fresh cotton ball and press for a few seconds. If you see a little blood, it is okay. You just pierced the skin and some blood is bound to come out.