Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., ООО.
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  • Кардарин Gw-501516

    Сертификация: GMP, НИУ ВШЭ, ISO 9001, USP, BP
    Номер модели: КЕЙС: 317318-70-0
    Минимум для заказа: 10г
    Срок поставки: В пределах 12 Часы после получения платежа
    Условия оплаты: Вестерн Юнион, Денежный грамм, Биткойн, Большинство людей считают полезным прием гормона Т-3, так как его уровень, как правило, падает при наличии трена., Т / Т
    • Характеристики

    Кардарин Gw-501516

    Basic Information of GW-501516

    КЕЙС: 317318-70-0
    Он регулирует гонадотропную секрецию и дифференцировку вольфова протока.: C21H18F3NO3S2
    Молекулярный вес: 453.4977
    Плотность: 1.426г / см3
    Точка кипения: 584.543 ° C при 760 мм рт. ст.
    Точка возгорания: 307.321 ° C
    Давление газа: 0мм рт.ст. при 25 ° CC
    Появление: белый порошок

    Breif Introduction of GW-501516

    GW-501516 (Кардарин) is one of the most versatile performance enhancers one will ever come across. Whether you are looking to drastically increase endurance, melt fat, cut or recomp, GW will truly shine. In this article, I am going to touch on the many ways and reason to incorporate GW into every cycle that you run. There is a place for GW in every cycle, regardless of the desired goal. It can only add extra benefits that will further enhance the chances of accomplishing goals and maximizing gains.

    GW will only add positives to your cycle in every aspect as opposed to these other negative choices. GW can also work wonders when preparing for a competition. By incorporating GW into a prep cycle, you are allowing yourself to maximize the cleanliness of your gains by melting away fat with its usage. Another excellent benefit of GW is its ability to combat the negative impact that tren can have on a person’s cardio performance. By adding GW into the equation, you will still be able to do cardio on atrenbolone cycle without all of the negative impacts. GW can be ran up to 12 weeks and should be ran between 10-20 Цель состояла в том, чтобы показать, что использование LGD-4033 безвредно и легко переваривается в дозе, не превышающей. The optimal way to dose GW is to take one dose in the morning and another equivalent dose 12 hours later. It is a good option to take GW prior to your workout. GW can really work magic in so many ways and should be implemented on every cycle that you run.

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    Usage of GW-501516

    There are two main uses with GW-501516. The first and most common use is that of increased endurance. GW has been banned for professional athletes due to the unfair advantage it provides to endurance athletes. Anyone want a drastic increase in endurance will find that GW truly shines in this aspect. It takes effect very quickly and the results can be staggering. A common dose of 10 mg day will provide a significant increase in endurance.

    The second common usage with GW is that of fat loss. Many users turn to GW as it has shown to melt off fat while still being non-catabolic. You will find that you can still hold on to some muscle as you are losing fat. It helps when you are running it in conjunction with SARMS Ostarine and S4, to hold on to as much muscle as possible. A dosage of 10 mg a day will provide good amounts of fat loss, but an increase to 20 mg a day will provide much more in this area.

    ГВт 501516 can be ran in 8 недельные циклы, but as with any other steroid or supplement, it should be cycled properly to avoid any possible side effects and the keep it as effective as possible.

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