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Сжигание жира(сырой порошок)

» Сжигание жира(сырой порошок)

" Сжигание жира

Сжигание жира(сырой порошок)
Сертификация: ISO 9001, USP,GMP
Номер модели: 52009-14-0
Минимум для заказа: 10г
Срок поставки: 3~7 work days
Условия оплаты: Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram, Т / Т, Биткойн
  • Характеристики

" Сжигание жира


КЕЙС 52009-14-0 Пируват кальция


наименование товара: Пируват кальция
Синоним: Pyruvic acid Calcium salt; Pyruvic acid calcium
КЕЙС: 52009-14-0
MF: C6H6CaO6
МВт: 214.19
EINECS: 257-599-9
Появление: White to light yellow powder
Чистота: 99%
» Жидкие инъекционные стероиды: Фармацевтический класс




The magic of Calcium Pyruvate is its ability to convert sugar and starches into energy. Once the sugars and starches are broken down, the converted energy acts as a catalyst to burn excess fat. Studies show that this fat burning effect boosts your metabolism while aiding in the breakdown of stored excess fat in your body.

Calcium Pyruvate is present in many of the foods we eat such as apples, cheese, red wine and dark beer. Unfortunately it is present in such small quantities that it’s not a practical source for weight loss. Например, in order to obtain 5 grams of Calcium Pyruvate you would need to eat 70 apples!

Calcium pyruvate is a popular supplement and weight-loss aid. When the body metabolizes glucose, it creates pyruvate. High-intensity anaerobic exercise converts pyruvate into lactate. In study published inNutrition,” researchers gave some participants in an exercise program 6 grams daily of calcium pyruvate a day. The participants who took the supplement lost more weight and fat than other participants in the program.




Calcium pyruvate can enhance exercise endurance, increase cell energy, prevent or reduce due to too much caused by the consumption of fat and increase in body weight, сердце, muscle inhibition efficiency, reduce the high fat fed cholesterol.
1) Calcium pyruvate as dietary supplements, has accelerated fat consumption, reduce weight, enhance human endurance, improve the efficacy of athletic performance etc.
2) A special protective effect on the heart, can enhance the effectiveness of the heart muscle, causing a reduction in heart disease or cardiac ischemia injury.
3) В то же время, calcium pyruvate engulfed in a free radicals and inhibit the formation of free radicals and other significant effects.

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