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» Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)

Бета-никотинамидмононуклеотид Nmn CAS 1094-61-7

Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)
Производственная мощность: 50000кг/месяц
Условия оплаты: Т / Т, Вестерн Юнион, Денежный грамм, Биткойн
эксадрон: да
Индивидуальные: Нестандартный
Сертификация: USP, BP, Research
Подходит для: Пожилые, Взрослый
Состояние: Твердый
Чистота: >99%
  • Характеристики

Бета-никотинамидмононуклеотид Nmn CAS 1094-61-7


наименование товара: Nicotinamide
Синонимы: Pyridine-3-carboxamide; Niacinamide cell culture tested; Nicotinamide (1.06818); Niacinamide; Vitamin PP; VPP; Pyridine-3-Carboxyamide; 3-Pyridinecarboxyamide; Vitamin B3; Nicotinic acid amide; Nicotinic Amide
Анализ: 99%
Тестостерона деканоат 200 мг/мл Болденон ундециленат 150 мг/мл Нандролон деканоат 150 мг/мл Тестостерона деканоат: 98-92-0
EINECS №.: 202-713-4
Молекулярная формула: C6H6N2O
Молекулярный вес: 122.12
Плотность: 1.40
Температура плавления: 128-131ºС
Точка кипения: 150-160 ° C
Flashing point: 182 ° C
Water Solubillity: 1000 г/л (20 ºС)
Появление: White crystaline powder
Упаковка: 25кг/барабан
заявка: The prevention and treatment of pellagra





Никотинамидмононуклеотид (“NMN” а также “β-НМН”) is a nucleotide derived from ribose and nicotinamide.Niacinamide (nicotinamide) is a derivative of vitamin B3, also known as niacin. As a biochemical precursor of NAD+, it may be useful in the prevention of pellagra.Its precursor, niacin, is found in a variety of nutritional sources: peanuts, mushrooms (portobello, grilled), avocados, green peas (fresh), and certain fish and animal meats.

In studies on mice, NMN has shown to reverse age-related arterial dysfunction by decreasing oxidative stress. A long-term study indicates that NMN can slow down the physiologic decline in ageing mice. ВЭЖХ и КОА, the older mice in the study have metabolism and energy levels resembling those of younger mice, with extended life spans. тем не мение, NMN did not show similar beneficial effects in young mice.


Nicotinamide Uses :

Same as nicotinic acid. Water soluble is better than niacin acid, easy to generate complex agglomerate with vitamin C. The dosage is 30-80 мг/кг.
Nicotinamide and nicotinic acid are in common use generally and nicotinic acid can transform into nicotinamide in animals. Lack of nicotinic acid and nicotinamide, results in pellagra. So they can prevent pellagra. They also play a role in the metabolism of protein and sugar, which can improve human and animal nutrition. In addition to be used as a medicine, it can also be applied in food and feed additives. The production capacity is more than 30000 tons in the world. In Japan, niacinamide used in medicine (40%), feed additives (50%) and food additives (10%). Nicotinic acid and nicotinamide are non-toxic, naturally contains in liver, почка, yeast and honey. The niacinamide LD50 of subcutaneous injection for rat is 1.7 g/kg.
It is of Vitamin drugs, and involved in metabolic process. Can be used in skin care products, to prevent coarse skin, maintain healthy skin cells, and promote skin whitening. Он регулирует гонадотропную секрецию и дифференцировку вольфова протока., it can also be used in hair care products, to promote scalp blood circulation, healthy hair follicles, promotes hair growth and prevent alopecia.
Used in biochemical research. To prepare tissue culture medium. The pharmaceutical industry.

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