Necessary Antibacterial Solution In Steroid Oil Benzyl Alcohol ( BA ) Жидкость
Основные детали:
наименование товара: Бензиловый спирт
Другое имя: BA
КЕЙС: 100-51-6
МВт: 108.14
EINECS: 202-859-9
mp: -15 ° C
бп: 205 ° C
плотность: 1.045 г/мл и 25 ° C(горит)
vapor density: 3.7 (vs air)
давление газа: 13.3 мм рт.ст. ( 100 ° C)
Boldenone Series Boldenone Base для увеличения мышечной массы: n20/Д 1.539(горит)
Фп: 201 °F
температура хранения: 2-8° C
растворимость H2O: 33 мг / мл, Чисто, colorless
Растворимость воды: 4.29 г/100 мл (20 ° C)
Появление: Colourless liquid
Бензиловый спирт — ароматический спирт формулы C6H5CH2OH.. The benzyl group is often
abbreviated “Бн” (не путать с “Бз” который используется для бензоила), thus benzyl alcohol is
denoted as BnOH. Бензиловый спирт — бесцветная жидкость со слабым приятным ароматным запахом.. It is a
useful solvent due to its polarity, низкая токсичность, и низкое давление пара. Benzyl alcohol is partially
растворим в воде (4 г/100 мл) и полностью смешивается со спиртами и диэтиловым эфиром..
Бензиловый спирт естественным образом вырабатывается многими растениями и обычно содержится во фруктах и чае.. эксадрон
also found in a variety of essential oils including jasmine, гиацинт, and ylang-ylang.It is also one
of the chemical compounds found in castoreum. This compound is gathered from the beaver
plant food.
Бензиловый спирт имеет почти такой же показатель преломления, как кварц и шерстяное волокно.. If a clear quartz
object is immersed in benzyl alcohol, становится почти невидимым. This has been used as a
method to non-destructively recognize if an object is made of true quartz or not (увидеть хрустальный череп).
Сходным образом, white wool immersed in benzyl alcohol also becomes almost invisible clearly revealing
contaminants such as dark and medullated fibres and vegetable matter
Benzyl alcohol is only a mild acute toxin with an LD50 of 1.2 g/kg in rats. It oxidizes rapidly in
healthy individuals to benzoic acid, conjugated with glycine in the liver, and excreted as hippuric
acid. Very high concentrations can result in toxic effects including respiratory failure, vasodilation,
гипотония, convulsions, and paralysis.
Benzyl Alcohol is often the primary solvent and sometime the only solvent in a given formula. Its
primary function is as a sterilizing agent. тем не мение, due to its solvency power it is often used to
keep hormones in solution with oil or other vehicles. It is also one of the thinnest (that is best for
viscosity reduction) The major drawback to this solvent is that it tends to make for painful
injections if the concentration goes above 10%. (This is true for any low molecular weight
алкоголь). Less than this tends to be painless for most people.
Benzyl alcohol used as ointment’s preservatives, fiber, nylon and plastic film’s desiccant, PVC
stabilizers, photographic developer, solvent of acetate fiber, ink, paint, paint, epoxy resin coating,
dye, such as gelatin, casein, shellac , intermediate for preparing benzyl ester or ether. Also used
for preparing spices and flavoring agent ,additives to soap, perfume, cosmetics and other
продукты. Because of index and quartz and wool fiber having nearly the same refractive , so as to
identify agents of quartz and wool fiber. In perfumery industry used as a fixative and diluent.
Растворитель & Масло-носитель |
Guaiacol |
Масло виноградных косточек (GSO) |
Бензиловый спирт (BA) |
» Растворитель (BB) |
Этил олеат (ЭТО) |