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  • Бензокаина гидрохлорид / Бензокаин HCL 200 сетка

    • Характеристики

    200 Mesh Local Anesthetic Benzocaine Hydrochloride / Benzocaine HCL White Powder





    Бензокаин HCL действует, создавая химический барьер, который останавливает накопление натрия., который


    accumulates as the nerve endings are stimulated by pain. Когда натрий накапливается, electrical


    signals also build in the nerve endings. В конечном итоге они передаются в мозг, который


    interprets the signals as pain.



    Бензокаин Hcl также называют аминоэтилбензоатом., a colorless or white orthorhombic needle-


    like crystals or crystalline powder. Benzocaine hydrochloride salt is the hydrochloride salt form of


    the local anesthetic benzocaine, with the same pharmacological effects of benzocaine and


    weaker effect of anesthesia than procaine. Местное всасывание происходит медленно с длительным эффектом.. It cannot


    be used for anesthesia as a result of not being dissolved in water. It can be used for pain relief


    and anti-itch.



    Бензокаина гидрохлорид обычно превращают в порошок или масляную пасту и используют для заживления ран.,


    язвы, ожоги, ссадины кожи и геморрой.



    Гексадрон – мощный анаболик.:


    Бензокаин – местный анальгетик. (meaning it is to be used on the body surface or in the mouth


    but should not be swallowed) который имеет множество различных применений при продаже без рецепта (внебиржевой)


    medicines. Depending on the dose and form, the active ingredient benzocaine can be used to


    relieve throat and mouth pain; Для облегчения внешнего вагинального зуда и жжения.; To stop pain and


    itching due to hemorrhoids; Or to relieve minor skin irritations, боль, и зуд. Потому что


    benzocaine is available in different doses and forms, it is very important to read the Drug Facts


    label carefully to determine whether the medicine is intended to be used for the symptoms you


    are experiencing.

    Benzocaine can be the only active ingredient in oral treatments that relieve sore throat or address


    mouth pain caused by cold sores, canker sores, teething, and other issues. It also can be


    combined with other active ingredients in oral treatments that not only relieve mouth and throat


    боль, but also protect irritated areas, provide a soothing coating, or relieve dryness.

    While oral discomfort treatments containing benzocaine are intended to be used in and around


    the mouth, there are other topical benzocaine medicines that should only be used externally, or on


    the outer surface of the body (не рядом и не во рту). Например, benzocaine can be found in


    vaginal medicines that contain more than one external analgesic ingredient or in single active


    ingredient hemorrhoid treatments. Benzocaine also is available in topical pain relievers that not


    only relieve skin irritations, боль, и зуд, but also contain other active ingredients that kill


    germs and help prevent infection.



    Local Anesthetic Steroids Raw Powder , Pure Benzocaine HCL Powder CAS 23239-88-5




    Местный обезболивающий порошок







    Бензокаин HCL




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