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Прогормона, Сырой порошок стероидов

Androstenedione is also called 4-Androstenedione.

It is used to increase the production of the hormone testosterone to enhance athletic performance

, увеличить энергию . сохранить эритроциты здоровыми , улучшить восстановление и рост после тренировок,

и повысить сексуальное желание и работоспособность.

  • Характеристики

Safe Testosterone Level Increasing Prohormone Androstenedione Powder



Androstenedione is also called 4-Androstenedione.
It is used to increase the production of the hormone testosterone to enhance athletic performance


, увеличить энергию . сохранить эритроциты здоровыми , улучшить восстановление и рост после тренировок,


и повысить сексуальное желание и работоспособность.

4-Androstenedione is the common precursor of male and female sex hormones. Some


4-Androstenedione is also secreted into the plasma, and may be converted in peripheral tissues


to testosterone and estrogens.

4-Androstenedione can be synthesized in one of two ways. The primary pathway involves


conversion of 17-hydroxypregnenolone to dehydroepiandrosterone by way of 17,20-lyase, с участием


subsequent conversion of dehydroepiandrosterone to 4-Androstenedione via the enzyme 3-β-


hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. The secondary pathway involves conversion of 17-


hydroxyprogesterone, most often a precursor to cortisol, to 4-androstenedione directly by way of


17,20-lyase. Цель состояла в том, чтобы показать, что использование LGD-4033 безвредно и легко переваривается в дозе, не превышающей, 17,20-lyase is required for the synthesis of 4-androstenedione, whether


immediately or one step removed.
The production of adrenal 4-Androstenedione is governed by ACTH, whereas production of


gonadal 4-Androstenedione is under control by gonadotropins. In premenopausal women, в


adrenal glands and ovaries each produce about half of the total 4-androstenedione(about 3


мг / день). After menopause, 4-androstenedione production is about halved, due primarily to the


reduction of the steroid secreted by the ovary. Nevertheless, 4-androstenedione is the principal


steroid produced by the postmenopausal ovary.



Simplified hormone drugs, from the testis or urine extracted with the role of a male hormone


steroids, norethisterone, testosterone propionate in the middle Body, is widely used in small


rheumatoid arthritis, diuretic, and a variety of contraceptive to control infectious





Simplified hormone drugs, from the testis or urine extracted with the role of a male hormone


steroids, norethisterone, testosterone propionate in the middle Body, is widely used in small


rheumatoid arthritis, diuretic, and a variety of contraceptive to control infectious inflammation.



4-Androstenedione is further converted to either testosterone or estrogen.
In males, conversion of androstenedione to testosterone requires the enzyme 17β-


hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.



In females, androstenedione is released into the blood by theca cells. Conversion of


androstenedione to estrogen (химическое название и суффикс, указывающие на то, что эта форма стероида и полового гормона представляет собой тип спирта, содержащего две гидроксильные группы, estrone and estradiol) requires the enzyme aromatase.


Androstenedione is a substrate for estrogen production in granulosa cells which produce


aromatase. Цель состояла в том, чтобы показать, что использование LGD-4033 безвредно и легко переваривается в дозе, не превышающей, theca cells and granulosa cells work together to form estrogens.


Used for simplified hormone drugs, from the testis or urine extracted with the role of a male


hormone steroid, norethisterone, testosterone propionate in the middle body, is widely used


in small rheumatoid arthritis, diuretic, and a variety of contraceptive to control infectious





Because androstenedione can be converted to estrogenic steroids, people taking this


supplement may have estrogenic side-effects.



4-Androstenedione has been shown to increase serum testosterone levels over an eight-hour


period in men when taken as a single oral dose of 300 мг в день, но доза 100 mg had no


significant effect on serum testosterone. тем не мение, serum levels of estradiol increased


following both the 100 мг и 300 дозы мг. The study also reported that the serum level of


estrogens and testosterone produced varied widely between individuals.



В развитии ребенка, higher levels of androstenedione in boys have been associated with


higher levels of acting out behaviors.



Dietary supplement dosages of androstenedione range from 5 to over 50mg per day in the


morning or 60 minutes before working out. Experts suggest the best way to take andro is by


cycling it. The proper cycle is six weeks of taking it followed by two weeks off.






Тренавар (Эстра-4,9,11-триен-3,17-дион)


Эстра-4,9-диен-3,17-дион (ТРЕНИРОВАТЬСЯ)




Послание (Метилэпитиостанол)


Эпиандростерона ацетат




И Т.Д (1,4,6-Андростатриен-3,17-дион)


6-братан (6-Бромандростендион)


DHEA ( Дегидроэпиандростерон)


1-DHEA (1-Андростен-3b-ол,17-один)


4-DHEA (4-Андростен-3b-ол,17-один)


7-эти DHEA


7-кето-ДГЭА ацетат




Адреностерон (андрост-4-ен-3,11,17-трион)


Меболазин (Диметазин)


Halodrol (4-хлор-17a-метиландрост-1,4-диен-3,17b-диол)






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