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» Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)

  • Androgen Methasterone Muscle Bodybuilding Supplements Superdrol CAS 3381-88-2

    Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)
    Номер модели : КЕЙС:5949-44-0
    Сертификация : ISO9001
    Место происхождения : Китай
    MOQ : 10г
    Цена : Переговоры
    Условия оплаты : Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram,TT,Большинство людей считают полезным прием гормона Т-3, так как его уровень, как правило, падает при наличии трена.
    Возможность поставки : Enough in stock
    Срок поставки : В пределах 12 часы после оплаты (День недели)
    Детали упаковки : Незаметные способы упаковки на ваш выбор
    Наименование товара : » Оральные стероиды
    Псевдоним : :» Оральные стероиды;Супердрол;Метилдростанолон
    Химическое название : 17-hydroxy-2,17-dimethylandrostan-3-one ;17alpha-Dimethyldihydrotestosterone;17» Оральные стероиды
    EINECS : 227-712-6
    MF : C19H30O2
    МВт : 290.44
    • Характеристики

    Androgen Methasterone Muscle Bodybuilding Supplements Superdrol CAS 3381-88-2

    Краткая информация:

    Наименование товара: » Оральные стероиды

    Псевдоним:» Оральные стероиды;Супердрол;Метилдростанолон

    Химическое название:17-hydroxy-2,17-dimethylandrostan-3-one ;17alpha-Dimethyldihydrotestosterone;17» Оральные стероиды

    Тестостерона деканоат 200 мг/мл Болденон ундециленат 150 мг/мл Нандролон деканоат 150 мг/мл Тестостерона деканоат: 3381-88-2

    EINECS :227-712-6

    Молекулярная формула:C19H30O2


    Молекулярный вес: 290.44

    Анализ: 98% мин

    Появление: off-white crystalline

    использование: it is a prohormone supplement complex designed to build lean muscle and burn excess fat.

    Keywords:» Оральные стероиды ,Метилдростанолон, Супердрол ,Bodybuilding Supplements

    C21H30O3 :
    The synthesis of methasterone is first mentioned in the literature in 1956 in connection with research conducted by Syntex Corporation in order to discover a compound with anti-tumor properties.[1] В 1959 research journal article, it is initially mentioned and is elaborated upon where its method of synthesis is discussed in greater detail, its tumor inhibiting properties are verified, and it is noted as being a “potent orally active anabolic agent exhibiting only weak androgenic activity.”

    The superdrol prohormone first came out on the market by the manufacturer Design Supplements (2005) before being pulled out with all the controversy. however due “heat” revolving the compound by the FDA the original “Superdrol” was pulled from the market, however like many other compounds, has been made available again courtesy of superdrol clones.

    Methasterone was never a commercially available prescription drug. Its non-17α-alkylated counterpart, drostanolone, was commercialized by Syntex Corporation under the brand name Masteron. Methasterone resurfaced in 2005 as a “designer steroid”.It was brought to market by Designer Supplements as the primary ingredient of a dietary supplement named Superdrol. Its introduction into commerce may have represented an attempted circumvention of the U.S. Anabolic Steroids Control Act of 1990 (along with its 2004 revision), since the law is, in part, drug-specific; methasterone, as is the case with many designer steroids, не был объявлен анаболическим стероидом класса Списка III в этом акте, потому что он не был коммерчески доступен в то время, когда акт, and its subsequent revision, были подписаны в закон. Methasterone was therefore being sold as an over-the-counter dietary supplement.


    Superdrol has stayed an ideal way for men and women to boost their all around physique with regards to a more muscular physical appearance.

    Superdrol is a methylated prohormone especially designed for people who want to do a bulking cycle. It can be used for a cutting or recomp (эксадрон) cycle but it will more effective for a bulking cycle since Superdrol has the abilities to help you develop bigger muscles.

    Superdrol is a very strong compound therefore it’s generally best to start with a lower dosage, asses tolerance and slowly increase it to the desired range. For first time Superdrol users generally 20mg is sufficient and should be an ideal first cycle dosage, superdrol cycles are typically 3-4 недель с 4 недели являются наиболее распространенными, typically after 4 weeks the gains begin to slow and side effects increase thus cycles longer than 4 weeks aren’t common or recommended. Ниже приведены два распространенных протокола дозирования.. Ideally each Superdrol dosage should be taken simultaneously with fish or flax seed oil to enhance absorption, it’s also recommended to consume 16-24 ounces of water at each Superdrol dosage.

    When used in a bulking diet, gains can range from 12-20lbs on a 4 week cycle at 20mg.
    When used in a recomp diet, gains can range from 7-10lbs on a 4 week cycle at 20mg, while also possibly reducing body fat 0-2%.
    When used in a cutting diet, gains can range from 4-6lbs on a 4 week cycle at 20mg, while also possibly reducing body fat 1-3%.
    The ‘gain’ ranges above are considered normal, however some users have reported gains in upwards of 20lbs and some users may not experience many noticeable gains at all, results are largely dictated by diet.


    Тест Стандарт анализа Стандарт анализа
    Описание Провирон может помочь повысить эффективность Белый кристаллический порошок
    Температура плавления 223-225℃ 223-224℃
    Убыток от высыхания ≤0,5% 0.24%
    Стандарт анализа ≤0,1% 0.06%
    Анализ ≥98% 98.46%
    Заключение Соответствовать стандарту предприятия

    Конкурентное преимущество:

    We are genuine and legit supplier of raw steroid, and looking for sincere buyer to establish a long business terms.
    1. Quality.Every batch of steroid powders have tobetested by our QC(контроль качества) before they are allowed to sell.
    2. Delivery We have stock, поэтому мы можем доставить быстро в тот же день, когда получите оплату. В пределах 24 hours after receiving the payment Lead time 4 Кулинарные рецепты 7 Стероид представляет собой сложный эфир дростанолона и был разработан как лекарство от рака молочной железы..

    3. Price Best prices you’re sure to be satisfied, чем больше вы покупаете,the more competitive prices you will get.
    4. Payment Western Union, Денежный грамм,Банковский перевод.
    5. Discreet package Safely and Professionally Disguised Package Guaranteed. For your safety and to insure delivery all products will be packed in a discreet way to prevent any suspicions, на посылках не будет указано имя, связанное со стероидами. высокий процент успешных доставок
    6. Injectable steroid supply . We offer melting powder into liquid service.And ship the liquid in special bottles.
    7. Warm after-sale service Any of your question would be solved for the first as soon as possible.
    8. Preferential Big discount for large quantity order!
    9. 99.99% customs clearance rate.We have rich experience in shipping parcel to USA, Австралия, Великобритания,Канада, Бразилия, Россия, Германия, Польша, Мексика, и т.д.
    Kindly Reminder:
    No Trick, No Scam. We are here at your service at any time.
    We don’t do business with people who don’t mutual trust in their minds. We are doing sensitive business, if you feel unsafe to send us funds, please go find the one you trust most. Good business is only for people who deserve it.
    Orders can be sent to our country?
    Our answer is to guarantee delivery worldwide.
    The United States, Новая Зеландия, Австралия, Германия, Норвегия, Switzerland and Canada customers Also to ensure delivery.

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    Что за приложение:+8618676137192
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