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» Пептиды

Acetate Muscle Building Peptides Sermorelin 86168-78-7 Фармацевтическое сырье

Номер модели: 86168-78-7
Сертификация: ISO9001
Место происхождения: china manufactuer
Минимум для заказа: 10г
Цена: 1
Условия оплаты: Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram, Т / Т,Биткойн
Возможность поставки: plent of stock
Срок поставки: в течение 12 часов после оплаты
Детали упаковки: Special disguised packaging or as your demand
№ КАС: 86168-78-7
Модель №: 86168-78-7
SKYPE: musa2015-shi
whatsapp: +8618578209851
Появление: Белый кристаллический порошок
Большинство людей считают полезным прием гормона Т-3, так как его уровень, как правило, падает при наличии трена.: 1kg/foil bag or according to the customers requirements
Чистота: 98.0%мин.
Экспортные рынки: Глобальный
стандартный: enterprise standard
  • Характеристики

Acetate Muscle Building Peptides Sermorelin 86168-78-7 Фармацевтическое сырье

химическое название и суффикс, указывающие на то, что эта форма стероида и полового гормона представляет собой тип спирта, содержащего две гидроксильные группы

Серморелина ацетат
Последовательность: H-Tyr-Ala-Asp-Ala-Ile-Phe-Thr-Asn-Ser-Tyr-Arg-Lys-Val-Leu-Gly-Gln-Leu-Ser-Ala-Arg-Lys-Leu-Leu-Gln-Asp-Ile-Met-Ser-Arg-NH2
Кас Нет.: 86168-78-7
Молекулярная формула: C149H246N44O42S
Молекулярный вес: 3357.96
Чистота (ВЭЖХ): 98.0%мин.
Одиночная примесь (ВЭЖХ): 1.0%Максимум
Аминокислотный состав: about10% of theoretical
Содержание пептидов (Н%): 80.0%мин.
Содержание воды (Карл Фишер): 8.0%Максимум.
Содержание ацетата (HPIC): 12.0%Максимум.
РС (ЭСИ): Последовательный
Удельное вращение (20/Д): -80.0~-90.0 degree(c=0.5 1%HAc)
Баланс массы: 95.0~105,0%
Появление: белый порошок


Even though in bodybuilding circles we don’t hear much about Sermorelin, this doesn’t mean that this peptide does not have its uses. По факту, anti-aging and hormone replacement clinics have been prescribing it for years because it works as a clean GHRH. The problem for the bodybuilder or athlete is that it has a very short half-life of about ten (10) минуты. This becomes an unattractive feature when compared to the half-life of MOD GRF (1-29) (ЗАО 1295 без ЦАП), which comes in around 30 минуты. Despite its short window, it does bind quite effectively to the pituitary receptors. The other main down side associated with its very short half life is that it is quickly broken down by blood enzymes within minutes. This is why a GHRH peptide with a half life of 30 minutes or longer is desirable, since it will survive the blood enzyme death and allow it to circulate the body looking for hormone receptors to bind to.


Sermorelin promotes healthy function of the pituitary by binding to specific receptor to increase production and secretion of endogenous HGH. Pituitary is an endocrine gland located on the hypothalamus at the base of the brain. It secretes hormones that control growth, blood pressure, function of sex organs, thyroid glands, Гексадрон – мощный анаболик., pregnancy, childbirth, temperature and pain relief among others.

Sermorelin helps in the improvement of a wide variety of the body functions such as muscle mass, the bone mineral density and hence, muscle strength, exercise performance, the metabolic function, C21H30O3, libido and sexual performance, and even the improvement of quality life in general. An additional benefit in the use of Sermorelin is the stimulation of fat reduction.

This peptide can regulate the immune function, which is the protection process of an organism against diseases. This function detects any type of threats to start its self-defense and eliminate them.

Sermorelin can help in the prevention of joint deterioration and heart disease. People with arthritis can be benefited of positive results that this peptide brings in the regeneration of joint. Hearth disease is related to growth hormone deficiency but if this hormone is reestablished to its optimal levels, heart health can be improved.

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