Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., ООО.
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99% Порошок Т3 Л-Трийодтиронине анаболического стероида инкрети потери веса белый

Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)
Номер модели : КЕЙС: 55-06-1
Сертификация : GMP,SGS,ISO9001:2008,КОШЕРНЫЙ
Место происхождения : Китай
MOQ : 10г
Цена : Договорная
Условия оплаты : Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram, Банковский перевод, Биткойн
Возможность поставки : 3000Кг / месяц
Срок поставки : Обычно в пределах 7 рабочие дни
Детали упаковки : Скрытность и незаметная упаковка
КЕЙС : 55-06-1
Синонимы : T3 ; Liothyronine Sodium Salt
MF : C15H11I3NNaO4
МВт : 672.96
EINECS : 200-223-5
Появление : white to beige powder
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99% Порошок Т3 Л-Трийодтиронине анаболического стероида инкрети потери веса белый


Zhongshan Latterson Biotechnology Co., ООО, комплексное фармацевтическое предприятие, которая специализируется на биофармацевтических технологиях более 7 годы. Компания расположена в городе Чжуншань., Провинция Гуандонг , Китай.
Наша фабрика занимает площадь 33500 квадратные метры, с чистой окружающей средой и красивой планировкой. Есть несколько крупных или средних мастерских, а также центр обеспечения качества и исследовательский центр с современным оборудованием.. В настоящий момент, наша основная продукция - серия анаболических стероидов, Пептидный ряд, Серия местных анестетиков. Наши продукты соответствуют передовым стандартам внутреннего рынка., многие из которых соответствуют международным стандартам, сертификаты содержат: КОШЕРНЫЙ , ISO 9001:2008 , GMP , SGS.

наименование товара: Лиотиронин натрия

Product details:



Чистота : 99%

InChI=1/C25H36O3/c1-3-4-5-6-7-24: 55-06-1

Einecs Нет: 200-223-5

MF: C15H11I3NNaO4

МВт: 672.96

Появление: white or light yellow powder, почти безвкусный.

» Жидкие инъекционные стероиды : Фармацевтический класс

Хранилище: Затенение, ограниченное сохранение

использование : It affects almost every physiological process in the body, including growth and development, Гексадрон – мощный анаболик., body temperature, and heart rate, такой как, treatment of depressive disorders and use as a fat loss supplement


Physicians may use liothyronine instead of or in addition to levothyroxine (T4) for patients undergoing thyroid hormone withdrawal. When a patient has thyroid cancer or Gravesdisease, ablation therapy with radioactive iodine (131I) can be used to remove trace thyroid tissue that may remain after thyroidectomy (surgical excision of the gland). For 131I therapy to be effective, the trace thyroid tissue must be avid to iodine, which is achieved by elevating the patient’s TSH levels
Triiodothyronine, also known as T3, is a thyroid hormone. It affects almost every physiological process in the body, including growth and development, Гексадрон – мощный анаболик., body temperature, and heart rate.

T3 in the body is responsible for regulating the uptake of various nutrients into cells and into the mitochondria of those cells in order to effectively become utilized for the production and consumption of energy. The mitochondria of every single cell in the body utilizes carbohydrates (primarily), fat, and even protein for the production of an energy source known as ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). Through the intake of more T3, this production of ATP will increase, leading to an increased rate of energy consumption in the form of fats, carbohydrates, и белок. Следовательно, this is why the consumption of too much T3 without the use of anabolic steroids can result in muscle loss. The bodybuilding and athletic world is attracted to the use of T3 as a physique and/or performance enhancing drug because of its capability to distinctly boost the body’s metabolism in the effort to metabolize body fat at a greater rate.
T3 is commonly used with anabolic steroids due to its significant impact on the body’s metabolism as a whole. It is very important to understand that T3 is indiscriminate in its metabolism boosting propertiesit will increase the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and protein all equally. Следовательно, beyond a particular dose of T3, there is an increased risk of muscle loss through increased turnover of protein. Through the use of anabolic steroids and a properly adjusted diet, this muscle loss as a result of T3 can be prevented as a result of the nitrogen-retaining and protein sparing properties of theanabolic steroids.


It affects almost every physiological process in the body, including growth and development, Гексадрон – мощный анаболик., body temperature, and heart rate.T3 increases the basal metabolic rate and, таким образом, increases the body’s oxygen and energy consumption. The basal metabolic rate is the minimal caloric requirement needed to sustain life in a resting individual. T3 acts on the majority of tissues within the body, with a few exceptions including the spleen and testis. It increases the production of the Na+/K+ -ATPase and, in general, increases the turnover of different endogenous macromolecules by increasing their synthesis and degradation.

Liothyronine is the most potent form of thyroid hormone. Химически, it is nearly identical to T3. Как таковой, it acts on the body to increase the basal metabolic rate, affect protein synthesis and increase the body’s sensitivity to catecholamines by permissiveness.
The thyroid hormones are essential to proper development and differentiation of all cells of the human body. These hormones also regulate protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism, affecting how human cells use energetic compounds.It usually used as treatment of depressive disorders and as a fat loss supplement.

Сертификат подлинности:

Вещь Технические характеристики Результат
Появление без запаха, порошок почти белого или желтовато-коричневого цвета проходить
Растворимость 1,Очень мало растворим в воде проходить
2,мало растворим в спирте проходить
3,практически нерастворим в большинстве других органических растворителей проходить
4,растворяется в разбавленных водных растворах гидроксида натрия Проходить
Идентификация а) Тепло о 50 мг с несколькими каплями серной кислоты в фарфоровом тигле: выделяются фиолетовые пары йода. проходить
б)Время удерживания основного пика подтверждается RS проходить
Убыток от высыхания Не более чем 4.0% 0.46%
C=1 в 1M HCl/EtOH 1:4
+18 ~ +22° +20.9о
Анализ(ВЭЖХ) Не меньше чем 95.0% 99.18%
Левотироксин натрия Не более чем 5.0% 0.68%
Заключение: Up to the Standard for Export


T3 does speed fat loss. As a guideline, for most 12.5 mcg/day is a conservativesupplementsort of dosing that seems to have no detectable adverse effect on thyroid function at all. 25 mcg/day is asupplementsort of dosing that does have some inhibitory effect. 50 mcg/day is a reasonably conservative bb’ing sort of dose that, of course, is more inhibitory. 75 mcg/day is getting into more of a problem area; 100 mcg/day in many cases leads to loss of muscle size and strength.

These doses are in reference to legit T3 provided in tablets such as Cytomel. Liquid formulations are usually unstable and as a result, the above numbers in many cases won’t match up to experiences with liquid products, or for that matter, experience with a liquid product at one time may not match up with experience at a different time, due to the stability problem. Individuals do vary in this but 100 mcg/day is very often quite weakening and muscle-catabolic. So far as wanting more rapid fat loss than what is achieved with 50 mcg/day, personally I’d look elsewhere than adding more T3.

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