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  • 99% Raw Pregabalin Powder To Treat Epilepsy And Neuropathic Pain

    Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)
    Номер модели : 148553-50-8
    Сертификация : ISO9001
    Место происхождения : Ухань,Хубэй
    MOQ : 100грамм
    Цена : оборотный
    Условия оплаты : Т / Т, Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram,биткойн
    Возможность поставки : 5000кг/месяц
    Срок поставки : О 4-7 рабочие дни
    Детали упаковки : Discreet packaging
    Имя : Прегабалин
    КЕЙС : 148553-50-8
    Чистота : 99%
    MF : C8H17NO2
    МВт : 159.23
    Появление : Белый кристаллический порошок
    • Характеристики

    99% Raw Pregabalin Powder To Treat Epilepsy And Neuropathic Pain

    КЕЙС: 148553-50-8
    MF: C8H17NO2
    МВт: 159.23
    Анализ: 99%
    Появление: Белый кристаллический порошок
    Большинство людей считают полезным прием гормона Т-3, так как его уровень, как правило, падает при наличии трена.: 25кг/барабан
    использование: Новые противоэпилептические препараты. Используется при лечении периферической невропатии., или парциальные судороги

    Pregabalin is a medication used to treat epilepsy, нейропатическая боль, fibromyalgia, and generalized anxiety disorder. Its use for epilepsy is as an add-on therapy for partial seizures with or without secondary generalization in adults.Some off-label uses of pregabalin include restless leg syndrome,prevention of migraines,социальное тревожное расстройство,and alcohol withdrawal.When used before surgery it does not appear to affect pain after surgery but may decrease the use of opioids.

    Pregabalin is used for:

    Treating fibromyalgia or nerve pain caused by certain conditions (например, shingles, diabetic nerve problems, spinal cord injury). It is also used in combination with other medicines to treat certain types of seizures. It may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor.Pregabalin is an anticonvulsant and neuropathic pain agent. Exactly how pregabalin works is not known. It is thought to bind to certain areas in the brain that help reduce seizures, nerve pain, and anxiety.

    Physical effects
    SedationPregabalin produces mild sedation and improves sleep onset latency modestly. Several studies have shown pregabalin improves sleep quality of those who take it for various indications. It is unknown if this effect is carried over to those who take it recreationally. тем не мение, it is not an overly sedating substance when taken in the daytime.
    Pain reliefPregabalin is effective against certain types of chronic pain, particularly neuropathic pain, but not against acute pain.
    Muscle spasmsSomewhat paradoxically, since pregabalin is used as an adjunct treatment for epilepsy, прегабалин, especially in higher doses, can produce muscle spasms.Anecdotally, seizures have been reported in overdose.
    Respiratory depressionWhile pregabalin may cause respiratory depression, this effect is not as strong as those with opioids and benzodiazepines.
    Physical euphoriaThis component, while prominent in the experience, is generally not as strong as the cognitive euphoria that can be induced.
    Muscle relaxationWhile the muscle relaxation experienced on pregabalin is not as powerful as that of diazepam or other benzodiazepines, it is still prominent.
    ГоловокружениеThis effect is fairly prevalent at higher doses.
    Motor control loss
    Seizure suppression

    Cognitive effects
    The cognitive effects

    of pregabalin can be broken down into several components which progressively intensify proportional to dosage. Pregabalin’s headspace is comparable to a more clear-headed alcohol or benzodiazepine intoxication, although it can take a more dissociative turn at very high dosages.The most prominent of these cognitive effects generally include:

    Anxiety suppression
    Empathy, love, and sociability enhancementDue to its serotonergic properties, pregabalin presents strong entactogen/empathogenic effects. In large contrast to benzodiazepines (which merely increase sociability through disinhibition), at high dosages pregabalin directly increases the urge to communicate with others with feelings of empathy, love, closeness and connection being well-defined. These effects, although weaker than that of MDMA, are still prominent and tend to dominate the headspace.
    EuphoriaMany users who take pregabalin describe a moderate to even intense euphoria, even at lower doses. Many users describe it as similar to opioid induced euphoria. The sensation itself can be described as powerful and overwhelming feelings of emotional bliss, contentment, and happiness.
    Motivation enhancementpregabalin can be mildly sedative yet increase motivation in a stimulant-like fashion.
    Thought deceleration
    AmnesiaCompared to benzodiazepines, pregabalin is only mildly amnesiac if not combined with other depressants. With chronic usage or high dosages, one should expect moretip of the tonguemoments and impaired short-term memory (химическое название и суффикс, указывающие на то, что эта форма стероида и полового гормона представляет собой тип спирта, содержащего две гидроксильные группы, walking into a room and forgetting what you were supposed to do there). Total blackouts do not seem to occur except in combination with other substances.
    Information processing suppression
    Increased music appreciation
    Increased libido or Decreased libido
    Dream potentiation

    The dosage of pregabalin:

    Following oral administration of pregabalin capsules under fasting conditions, peak plasma concentrations occur within 1.5 часы. Pregabalin oral bioavailability is ≥90% and is independent of dose. Following single- (25 к 300 мг) and multiple- dose (75 к 900 мг / день) administration, maximum plasma concentrations (Cmax) and area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) values increase linearly. Following repeated administration, steady state is achieved within 24 к 48 часы. Multiple-dose pharmacokinetics can be predicted from single-dose data.

    The rate of pregabalin absorption is decreased when given with food, resulting in a decrease in Cmax of approximately 25% к 30% and an increase in Tmax to approximately 3 часы. тем не мение, administration of pregabalin with food has no clinically relevant effect on the total absorption of pregabalin. Следовательно,pregabalin can be taken with or without food.Pregabalin does not bind to plasma proteins. The apparent volume of distribution of pregabalin following oral administration is approximately 0.5 L/kg. Pregabalin is a substrate for system L transporter which is responsible for the transport of large amino acids across the blood brain barrier. Although there are no data in humans, pregabalin has been shown to cross the blood brain barrier in mice, крысы, and monkeys. Он регулирует гонадотропную секрецию и дифференцировку вольфова протока., pregabalin has been shown to cross the placenta in rats and is present in the milk of lactating rats.

    The COA of Pregabalin :

    Элементы анализа Технические характеристики Стандарт анализа
    Появление Белый или почти белый порошок conforms
    Идентификация IRandHPLC conforms
    Убыток от высыхания ≤0,5% 0.2%
    Удельное вращение +10°~+12° +10.77°
    Остаток при прокаливании ≤0,1% 0.08%
    Тяжелые металлы ≤20 частей на миллион conforms
    impurity C ≤0,1% conforms
    Любая примесь ≤0,1% 0.044%
    Общая примесь ≤1,0% 0.14%
    Анализ(ВЭЖХ) 98%-101% 99.6%
    R-isomer ≤0,15% 0.033%
    Bromide cintent(Titrmetry) ≤500ppm 26промилле
    Спирт этиловый ≤5000ppm conforms
    Isopropyl alcohol ≤5000ppm 142промилле
    Ацетат этила






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